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Dumbest thing u ever did in the stand


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Last year on the muzzleloader hunt, I stood up to stretch my legs and laid my TC Omega across the the armrests behind me.  I thought to myself (literally did) as I put it there, you shouldn't do that, you are going to forget its behind you and knock it off.  Sure as shit after standing for several minutes as I spun around my leg caught it, if fell 22' to the ground below and broke the front bipod right off the stock (and as you can imagine left a giant hole in the stock as well). 


I have a laser sight on my Muzzleloader (Eotech Hollowsight) so I thought for sure that it was going to be WAY off line if working at all, so even though the gun was still "shootable" i didn't even want to sit there and take that chance.


This was opening fricken morning!


I will say though, i sent the gun into S&W (they own TC apparently) and they sent me a brand new stock absolutely free even though I am the idiot!


Also, that Eotech laser sight was dead on despite the fall....a. hell of a piece of equipment.


Lesson learned!

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Trying to take a shot behind the stand only to realize before releasing that due to my ninja like maneuvering the bow hanger was now in between my cables at full draw.  Doe walked and my bow survived.  lol  Heck, with my girth, it was a victory just to be able to stand and make the turn without being spotted.  Its tough for a gorilla in a tree to go undetected.

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The very first time I went bow hunting.  Found a decent spot but I used natural markers to find my way there.  One of which is a dry stream bed.  Major downpour day before opening day.  I went in at dark before sun rise and was completely lost.  That dry stream bed was no more.  Found myself knee deep in a swamp instead.

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Man, I guess I don’t feel so bad, bunch a dummies on here lol. Just kidding!!


Oct 1, last week, for some reason I decide to hang my hat on the top cam of my bow to adjust my face mask. Sure enough I forget its there until a doe comes walking in to my right. I grab my bow as I’m staring at the doe and when I swing the bow around to get in position to shoot, I see my hat hanging there. I was able to quickly grab it and put it on my head but that split second the deer walked behind some shrubs. No shot.


I’ve also tied my coats arms around my treestand armrest only to have it fall to the ground after a 15 ft climb, man you feel like an idiot having to climb back down and get it.


But the worst thing I did was drive two hours to hunt with someone who invited me to hunt his property in late season, only to realize you packed your warm season boots. I was only able to sit for 3 hours before I couldn’t feel my toes. If I didn’t think you guys would judge me I’d tell you I literally cried driving all the way home, but I didn’t……

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There's more than one for me but not putting black powder in my rifle behind my lead ball. Found out after I popped off three caps at an 8 point in the Adirondacks. 

wasn't me but my best friend kind of did the same thing except he forgot the bullet.  Shot at a coyote and all he had was pop with not much kick.  Couldn't figure out what happened until he reached into his pocket and realized he forgot the bullet... only thing that went off were the powder pellets!


dumbest think I have ever done was sitting in a stand without a harness on about 2 hours of sleep and almost falling out.  nothing scarier than that jerk that wakes you up and you instantly realize your 15 feet up! NEVER AGAIN!

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There have been too many over the years, but one of my classics almost (probably should have) landed me in the emergency room.

It was late in the muzzle loader season, and I had been working so much I had little time in the field. On one of the last days I managed to get my work done with time enough to allow my hour drive home, a quick change of clothes, and the last hour on stand.

I raced home, left my truck running in the driveway, and over my dress clothes I pulled my insulated bibs and put on my wool coat. I grabbed my muzzle loader, jumped in my truck and drove across the back lot to my parking spot. Once there, I climbed out of the truck, loaded my muzzle loader and hurried to my old rotted out “camper stand”.

I climbed in and sat on my plastic bucket. Peering across the field to where the scrub apple orchard begins I prided myself on how my plan had come together. After a fews moments though I began to listen to and feel my stomach rumble. In order to get done in time to allow this late afternoon hunt, I had skipped lunch and was now suffering the consequences.

Then it occurred to me that I just might have something stashed in my jacket pocket. Fumbling around with my right hand while still watching the field, I discovered about a third of a left over Payday candy bar. I have no idea how long it was there, and to be honest didn't care. A little lint and grit was nothing compared to the gurgling. So with just a slight side glance, I peeked at it as I lifted it into my mouth. I was pretty happy at the salty sweetness of the linty peanut treasure I had discovered.

As I slowly chewed and swallowed the candy, I briefly felt something odd with my tongue, then bit down on what I though was a filling that the candy just dislodged. Upset over losing a filling, I placed my hand to my mouth and spit the rest of the candy into my right hand to take a look. My emotion went from upset to pure panic when I discovered what I thought was a filling was not.

What I had bitten down on, and no doubt swallowed in an undetermined number, was my 209 primers! The sticky candy was in the same pocket with a bunch of loose primers that had fallen out of their little box. Totally freaked out, deer hunting be damned. I jumped from my seat and standing in the field I began sticking my finger down my throat trying to make myself puke. Unable to do so because I had not eaten all day; I then ran to my truck and drove back to the house with my mind racing with the thought that at any moment a primer might go off in my guts.

Back at the house I told my wife what happened as she stood there trying to keep me calm but clearly concerned as well. I began guzzling water straight from the kitchen sink faucet and eating everything in the cupboard to get something in my stomach. I was then able to make myself throw up to the point I was dizzy and my voice was hoarse.

I wanted badly to call the ER or poison control but was afraid and pretty darned embarrassed, so instead I sat in my lounge chair all night drifting in and out of sleep. By morning, I still had not exploded or died so I got ready for and went to work. At work I did share with my doctor friend and nurses what had happened, and they went hysterical saying such things only could happen to me.

Needless to say; there has never been another candy bar in my hunting coat since! This incident could have added a whole new meaning to shooting off my mouth!

Or a new meaning to explosive diahareeha !!!
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Slid down a tree because I didn't understand how to "start" the angle of the climber.

New bow case that doesn't fit my bow with quiver attached. So take the quiver off (with broad heads) and lay it in case. It's the last Thursday of bow season and finally at around 930 a nice 8 walks in. I draw and wait for him to come out behind the pine and TWANG my string snapped and the buck bounds off. Must have nicked a string. So dumb...

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Got to the base of the tree yesterday afternoon and remembered that the seat pad for the stand was in the garage.  Sat on my folded up coat.  But I saw 6 does and a 5pt so it was all good.  BTW the 5 was chasing the biggest doe around all evening.  She didn't want much to do with him though.

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Last year I was in my climber for the afternoon hunt after lunch and i had to piss... And not knowing that human piss may or may not effect a deer, i though my only option was to pee in the bottle i had with me... Turns out I never franks the snapple iced tea inside so i chugged the ice tea then pissed in the bottle... 30 minutes later all that iced tea made me have to piss again so i then pissed off the side of the climber and wen finished i got my earth smelling spray and dumped half the bottle on the area below the tree, all the while that was happening I didnt notice the 6 pointer 30 yards from my stand staring at me, and once I stopped moving and looked at it, he took off and ran into the woods

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Lowering my MQ1 bow with my expert tying skills I see the knot start to slip about 7ft down and try lowering it quicker which just added to the momentum, in horror I see the bow slam on the rocks below as the sight goes flying.    That sucked, I took a long brake after that. 




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I bought a mossberg 30_30 few years back had a group come in first forgot to turn safety off pulled trigger click. ...deer didn't run....wasnt thinking and instead of pulling hammer back I rechambered a round lined up a shot....and click forgot again....then they ran wasn't very happy deer make you do the darndest thing...lol


And people are questoing me...

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Had a group of buddies covering multiple stands across the land. Pulled into the dirt drive and we were all getting ready to head out. I had to put my jacket on and spray cover scent so I set my bow down "out of the way." Spraying down and my buddy lifted his foot real quick saying what the hell?... Yep, that was my bow. Picked it up and had to turn the bow a full 90 degrees to look at my pins. Sooo pissed.

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Had a spray bottle of doe urine in my cargo pocket. Turns out the cap popped off while I was walking and every step was spraying more and more inside my pocket. We quickly discovered the stench when we all piled in my brothers tahoe after the hunt.

Edited by PREDATE
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  • 2 weeks later...

Many moons ago, walked half hour to my stand. Got up and all set,and just getting light. Went to load gun only to discover I left ammo in my other vest.

Came down, walked back to my truck got the ammo and back to the stand. Sat till dark and never saw a deer. Of course if I had sat there with no ammo every deer in the county would have paraded by giving me a big hoofs up!

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Not me, but my cousin. 20 years ago, my father and uncle told my cousin (who ate too much the night b4 and was complaining about having to go #2) that he absolutely could not crap in the woods and if he did, he better keep it up off the ground, or the bears will come for him. He sat all day and went #2 in his handkerchief and kept it in his stand with him all day!


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