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Another age him..?


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I'd say 3.5 also as he ain't 2.5 and for your location (WNY) that can sure happen! What a stud, he has to be one of the nicest this year on the site.

Ohhhhh my. Unkillable in my book..............rarely does a beast like that get killed and I think there most die of natural causes than from a hunters hand.

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Yup, it's a new trend with the herd. They are getting Tattoos on their Butts stating their age and favorite hunter. Zoom in and you can see that buck is sweet on you at the age of 3.5.. lol




Burt, the big one on your property has a tatoo also.  It says, "See ya, Burt (but not during hunting season!)"   "Age 4.5".  LOL   

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Don't you have sheds off him from the past 2 years?


Ohhh, now things are starting to get interesting,lol

I've got two SETS of sheds from him. One from 2011, and the other from 2013 and they are both almost identical in mass and tine lengt with a few exceptions..

I have cam pics of him in 2012 but no antlers to show for it.

Here's a little history...


He first appeared on the scene back in 2011. He got the nickname "Franken-tines" from my first photos of him.




I picked up this set of antlers in the spring of 2013 after they spent a year in the field.




I never found either of his 2012 antlers, but he did pass through to give me a few pics.




Last year I got no pics of him, but I did pic up another set of his antlers from that year. The main beams on these antlers a tad shy of 24" for size reference.




So now he is back in town again keeping another set of antlers safe for me now that I already have his 2014 picture.


I guess it just goes to show, that even when a buck has the body and rack structure of a 3.5 year old, it ain't always so.

I guess my question now that you've seen his 2011 photo is how old was he back then, and where does that put him now?

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I'd say 5.5  years old.  at first glance the second picture looks like 3.5 but it's not.  look longer and you'll notice his gut would be lower without hind feet so far back.  back definitely closer to below horizontal the above.  legs are shorter opposed to looking just the right length for his body.  also the full straight line taper of his neck put's him up there.  at 4.5 it'd be just below the point his shoulder and leg bones make and this is beyond that and flush.  next year he'll fill out his hind end and waist/depth of body a little more.


icing on the cake assuming your trail cam pictures and history make it the same deer.... the 2011 pictures definitely look like a 2.5 year old and the 2012 picture looks like a 3.5 yr old.

5.5 and above is a true trophy for anywhere and especially here in NY.... good luck catching up with him Matt.  I'm pullin for ya.


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I'm thinking 4.5. I think 5.5 is a bit much. At any rate he is too old for good steaks but he would go down for sausage.

I think he should have went different color for the tat though that red makes him stick out.


rarely do I get to eat such an old buck but I've ate bucks that old that you could cut with a fork.  I think all the rest of the process and mostly how you cook it is way more of a factor.  I always have filled my freezer with older doe because I can where I hunt.  I think doe and bucks are different though.

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i was thinking 4.5... thick chest like an older deer but no back sag and his face doesn't look that old (no sagging chin/roman nose) kill him and then let us know! haha


That would put him at 1.5 in the first pic.... ain't NO WAY man!

Remember there was no trail cam pic for 2013, just his antlers.

I was at 5.5 minimum from the start, but I had a little more to go on than I gave you guys.

That's what I thought would make this a little more entertaining by holding that inside info from you guys to see what you came up with.


Anyways, you all blew it from the start so why would I start believing you NOW,lol

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