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I hope you all checked your ladder....


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Stands...I moved one that was where the new blind is...the 2nd from the bottom rung has bulged out and split length wise...I will have to assume the very cold weather and deep snows got water in the tubing ...that kept freezing and building up..the extreme cold weakened the steel tubing causing this....keep a close eye on those rungs and the welds...Best of luck and may this be a safe season for everyone...

Edited by growalot
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My oldest son checked out a two man stand that I use during gun season in Marion . He thought someone had trashed it until he got up close and realized a downed tree had taken it out . He said it was a real mess and the only thing worth saving was the ladder . One of the disadvantages of leaving them up all year long . 

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My oldest son checked out a two man stand that I use during gun season in Marion . He thought someone had trashed it until he got up close and realized a downed tree had taken it out . He said it was a real mess and the only thing worth saving was the ladder . One of the disadvantages of leaving them up all year long . 

But he can be real thankful it didn't happen while he was using it. A week ago, I had to rebuild a ground-stand that had a rotten tree laying right where I usually put my folding stool. All the logs and cover that I had assembled there was all smashed. The fallen tree was about 2-1/2 feet in diameter.

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I have so many stands a life line at each would be crazy for me...so all stands have back up chains to hold them and I set up a hook rig to my hunting safety vest and I reach up and hook my harness to the rung above me and climb ...then reposition and climb...so I have a three pt connection at all times as I climb..If a slip, pass out, or a break were to happen, I would not fall more than a few inches and will still be on the ladder its self

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Use a life line on everyone of my ladder stands and lock ons... Never know what will happen while climbing... All I know is I want to come home after every hunt... 

Dumb question : How do you use a lifeline while climbing up into a ladder stand ? I use a safety vest I attach when I finally get to the top of my ladder stand. Have always thought, "dang I bet most people fall climbing up or down the ladder "

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Every year about a month before the opener I buy 3-4 ratchet straps and replace any that look questionable or frayed. Stand inspection at the same time. Is that a gauruntee no, but it still gets done.

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Dumb question : How do you use a lifeline while climbing up into a ladder stand ? I use a safety vest I attach when I finally get to the top of my ladder stand. Have always thought, "dang I bet most people fall climbing up or down the ladder "



The lifeline runs from the base of the tree to above the stand.. you slide up the  prussic knot as you go up.. Always connected to it so you never can fall ... 

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