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So.....What Did YOU Forget?


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So, what did you guys/gals forget?

Today I had everything but luck, I forgot nothing! There were a few things I couldn't find as fast as I wanted but damn, I have some many zippered pockets on my backpack, freestanding pouches and coat!!

I take this stuff WAY to serious to forget much. :)

How about you guys, forget anything substantial?

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I started a list a month ago. Everytime I thought of something I would need I would write it down. As things got packed into backpack or hunting jacket / pants I'd cross them off. Double checked before leaving this morning. And yes , I have entirely too much crap in my backpack I also make list when we go on vacation. Never have forgotten anything yet except that time I had daughter make checklist for things to pack. We arrived in Michigan and she/ we forgot her fully packed suitcase. Oh and this one time we went fishing and I forgot my waders ...

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So, what did you guys/gals forget?

Today I had everything but luck, I forgot nothing! There were a few things I couldn't find as fast as I wanted but damn, I have some many zippered pockets on my backpack, freestanding pouches and coat!!

I take this stuff WAY to serious to forget much. :)

How about you guys, forget anything substantial?

Same forgot my luck but did have my lucky hat. Maybe it was because I forgot my rangefinder. Edited by chas0218
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Gutting knife....could have sworn it was in my pack, ended up emptying the whole pack looking

for it to no avail. But on a positive note I ended up using a Havalon knife that my Dad won at a Gun raffle....wow that thing was amazing, razor sharp, nice compact size, and for the first

time in years I didn't stick myself while cutting out the esophagus.

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As I'm loading my ML with BP pellets and reach for the sabots...oh crap, must have left them home! Fortunately I had 3 of those tubes loaded with full charges and used a sabot from one of them. Duh..!


Other notable senior moments...

Forgot my bow release (once!) after walking ~200yrds towards the stand.

The dreaded walk-in the dark because batteries in flashlight were dead & no spares.

Turning around and driving back home to get certain clothing I'd forgotten.

And the obvious, forgot to be in a specific stand when the deer were near a different one, not where I was!

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