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I hate this time of year...


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I feel like as everyone else gets excited for spring and the warm days. I get mopey this time of year. It is between seasons for me. My passions are Hunting (mostly deer) Snowmobiling (which stunk this year other than the three trips to Canada) and Boating/Racing my car. This is the time of year I have to do tasks like clean up the yard and odd jobs around the house....yuck! My Sunday consisted of putting a closet organizer in my wifes closet. I sure wish that time was spent in a tree stand, on a snowmobile trail or out on the lake somewhere. On the plus side I have driven my car twice this spring. I don't usually have it out until mid April, sometimes later...

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Will you be doing anything on the new land?

My dad is supposed to close Monday, so hopefully it will be finally be official. Probably put some throw and grow down in the late summer. I'll definitely Put a few cams out, walk around, etc. Maybe I'll try turkey hunting, but I doubt it.

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Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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Busy as H*** cutting, splitting and and stacking next winters firewood , weather permitting. Also clearing small spots for food plots.


Firewood is year 'round. It's either cutting/splitting season, or it's burning season. Hunting just happens to conveniently fall in between the peaks.


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I like this time of year, especially this year. Hiking/scouting, already had the tent's up once to start airing out last weekend, made a call to a state campground to see if they were going to open early and/or if they still allow camping in the off season if the weather permits, trout season around the corner.

I am always looking for something to do outdoors, all year. It was nice to be hunting small game again this season. I admit, missed being on my board, but I still made the best of it. 

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This is one of my favorite times of the year!

The weather is getting nicer.., there's no biting bugs out yet..,there's some color starting to sprout..., the critters are waking up with new ones being born soon.... I can finally wear shorts again,lol!

Everyone seems to be in a little bit better mood than they were 3 months ago. :toclue:


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It's one of the best times of the year to get started on the next deer season. You can still see last years rubs and scrapes. No heat and skeeters while moving stands or building blinds near the newly dicovered hot spots. The woods look the same now as they will this November, for clearing shooting lanes.

One thing is certain, this time of year. There is never a shortage of things to do!

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Yeah, it's true this is the time of year that winter starts taking its toll. You start getting a bunch of teasers of 40 and 50 and even 60 degrees, and then get body-slammed with some very ugly storms and deep-freeze temperatures. Some of the worst storms that I can remember have come in March.


However, on those few days when the temperatures do flash up into the 60s and 70s, those days are so darn great. No bushes leaved out yet. No bugs sucking the blood out of you, and everything looking so brand new. No sweat tricking its way down the middle of your back. Just a great time to be alive!

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