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Big Indian

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I wanted to use DeadEye when I joined for that is what my Dad used to call me as a youngster, for my marksman skills since a real young age. Instead I chose this name because I just enjoy being surrounded by mother nature and all of  gods creation. Out of all the "game" I see during season, I very rarely pick up the gun or bow on stand. Unless its an older smart critter, that I feel i have outsmarted....  I will just.. LET EM GROW lol 



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When I was a kid , my friend and I would play around the cement culvert bridge near our house. We used to do all the things kids did back then.......catching frogs , crayfish and turtles. One day we saw a Water Rat (muskrat) and we tried to kill it by throwing rocks at it. Every time we saw it , we would miss it or it would take off into the culvert pipe. Then one day my aim was true and I nailed it . When I took it home to show Mom , she freaked out yelling "Take that thing out of the house"! That was my very first kill. LOL

Real name is Billy

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Mine is boring....The first forum I ever joined was a snowmobile forum and my sled at the time was a Yamaha Apex ER.....So of course on a snowmobile forum Apex was taken etc so I just kept playing with it until one worked. Since then I have joined many forums and have always just kept the same screen name. My real name is Chris

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The pic says it.  My grandfather's best friend, Ernie called me two track when i was about 3 since I had a fascination with trains.  He called me that til the day he died.  The family also picked that up and will toss that out when I was doing anything train related.

I keep telling my son that when he moves out after college I am turning his bedroom into a combo of library and train room - the wife says craft room. Need space for that too to paint up new buildings and repair the old ones from childhood.  I did get the wife interested in assembling and painting buildings for my train set - so I will have help (and she even mixes her own custom colors).

Plus the other meaning of how it sounds - every time I walked a field with my dad or grandfather, we looked for deer tracks.

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my oldest daughters friends were scared of me when we first moved in to our new house after they meet me one said your not scary your just a big old papabear and it stuck for the last 17 years 

my names Bill but most call me papabear now  

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First forum I joined was IceShanty and posted some questions about crappy fishing. And to be honest I am a pretty crappy ice fisherman! Since I can't remember usernames and passwords, I need to keep it simple - anything that requires usernames, that's my go to. Chris

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Otto was my first hunting dog, a Brittany.  He was "orange" and white, I'm a fan of Syracuse sports, I was working at SU at the time, and the big furry mascot you see on TV is actually named Otto.   Sadly, he was hit by a car on my birthday, so in his memory, I use his name on all the forums I frequent.

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22 hours ago, Steuben Jerry said:

That's what we say when we go back to Rochester to visit family! "It's so flat, nothing to look at for scenery".

That's funny, my friends out west call anyone from the east, a flatlander.....


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The Bean dog! When we brought her home from the shelter as a house dog, she wouldn't respond at all to the name assigned to her, " Chestnut". I started to call her by every dog name I could think of. Nothing worked. The dog we had gone to see but was gone before we got there was "Beans". The moment I said that name, Bean came running; tail high, ears up and ready. She's been Bean ever since. The phrase " Bean doggin'" refers to anything we do together, walks, car ride, bird hunting and more. And she's the Big Bean Dog going on 9 years now.

Bean Dog.... err..... Pete

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