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What is this world coming to?


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So I'm sitting here trying to talk to my girlfriend and she is on the phone oblivious to the world. The kids the same thing! Guys at work constantly changing there phones cause they never put them down! And yes I'm typing this on mine now! The president can't stay off his! Being in the woods is so relaxing and a time to get away from all this! Really what has this world become?? 

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About the silliest thing I've ever seen is two or three people sitting on the same couch texting each other. It kind of displays how people have to relate to each other now. They need that intermediate technical device now just to converse. It is a celebration of the weak wills of the humans and the total susceptibility to the god of marketing. This whole thing is a brilliantly conjured up marketing campaign to brainwash people into thinking that they really need these things. And then they have a rolling plan of obsolescence that keeps the public thinking that they need the latest one and that the one that they just spent a fortune on is complete trash because it's not the latest and the greatest ......... BRILLIANT!

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1 hour ago, Doc said:

About the silliest thing I've ever seen is two or three people sitting on the same couch texting each other. It kind of displays how people have to relate to each other now. They need that intermediate technical device now just to converse. It is a celebration of the weak wills of the humans and the total susceptibility to the god of marketing. This whole thing is a brilliantly conjured up marketing campaign to brainwash people into thinking that they really need these things. And then they have a rolling plan of obsolescence that keeps the public thinking that they need the latest one and that the one that they just spent a fortune on is complete trash because it's not the latest and the greatest ......... BRILLIANT!

Pretty much. I have also seen kids at a restaurant on them, not engaging with their family at all and, worse, their parents too stupid or weak to turn their ipads into a discus. Sometimes I also see a teen with their family walking around with earphones in to completely shut off everything else going on.

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This sums it up for me in a nut shell, read the quote ,then read the reality...people believe what they see on their phones their computers and tablets as the truth. Though a brilliant observation ,back when it was said the originator knew that an Eisenstein tag would be it's best courier.


I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots.



So there you have it: People here in the 21st century are bemoaning the fact that technology has overtaken “human interaction” by misquoting a fake Einstein quote from a 90s movie about a fictional genius with paranormal powers. Sounds about right.

Technology is great, but it has become a  monster gobbling up the worlds intellect. For those ready to jump on this observation, read the following ,then stop and think about whats happening around the world or just this past election.



Definition of intellect

  1. 1a :  the power of knowing as distinguished from the power to feel and to will :  the capacity for knowledge

  2. 2 :  a person with great intellectual powers

  3. b :  the capacity for rational or intelligent thought especially when highly developed


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In the years to come people will ask why our society went down the tubes and why the new generation has issues with personal interaction.  Simply put these people are addicted to their phones and technology like no other generation was.  We are basically breading mindless self centered individuals with limited ability to think for themselves, until they check the internet!?


Just like the protesters for the pipeline that left the place they are trying to protect with more trash than it started with and say they are trying to save the planet?  Mindless hypocrites that really have very little knowledge on protecting the environment.  Unless you want them to protest and trash the area they fight to protect.  How about you try and clean the rivers in your area?  No they would rather protest online then actually help with any current issues!

Sounds like we are breading liberals, lol.  Not really that funny though as they will be running the country in the coming years.  Time to start prepping, lol.

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My new phone arrives tomorrow...I have been trying to figure out ways not to loose it...rarely using it last time didn't work....I freely admit I'm a loner, always have been. That said I'm a loner with great people skills. Ya, ya not on the web,but person to person, people actually seek me out. I'll never understand that...took me half a day to hit 4 stores the day before yesterday...I need to learn to be rude like most other people ...lol perhaps it's because I walk upright, head up and I have no fear of eye contact nor smiling. I've had strangers literally make a be line to me to start a conversation... it was tomatoes,then another telling me kids jokes, another all about their grand kids and then the prices of various chicken cuts and how the world has changed. My family refuses to shop with me any more..lol

So I am not looking forward to getting it activated...I need a case with a neck chain...though then I'd probably end up with lung or breast cancer from the battery...

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LOL, you guys sound like a bunch of old fogies from when I was a kid...

"Back in my day we didnt have all of these new-fangled color televisions and cable TV. Parents just plop their kids in front of the boob-tube and use it as a babysitter."

Technology has about as much to do with creating liberals or idiots as Saturday morning cartoons did back in the day. Those kinds of people have always been there. What technology has done, is allow those people to be more visible to everyone else. The numbers of them rise mostly because our population numbers rise.

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2 hours ago, Doc said:

 And then they have a rolling plan of obsolescence that keeps the public thinking that they need the latest one and that the one that they just spent a fortune on is complete trash because it's not the latest and the greatest ......... BRILLIANT!

This part of Doc's quote reminds me of some Sportsmen . Someone has a 4-5 year old bow that has taken several deer and is in great condition but just has to buy a new bow that is 20 fps faster . Why ? Because it's prettier ? The new camo pattern .... have to buy it . Hunters used to hunt in blue jeans and multi colored shirts . It's all due to marketing and the need to keep up with the Jones's !  You don't really need it but you have to have it !  

It's the same with phones . If someone has a flip phone , they get laughed at for being outdated .

Back to the original post ---- amazing to go out to a restaurant and see how many people are staring at their phones , texting , playing games , etc .. 

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I told my daughter her Dad got me a new phone..It took him months to find an actual new s4 not refurbished. She laughed and said now that you bought a "new" oldest phone in the world...think you'll loose it? Hey It was a great phone for what I needed. Actually the flip phone I had was great but the plan we share wouldn't allow it. Had to be a "smart phone" I told him I didn't want one of the "upgraded" versions...half of them are like carrying around an old style calculator...

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Sorry nothing new here as Socrates stated  back before even Doc was born I believe .( I'm just kidding)  . 

Socrates (469–399 B.C.)

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

Edited by Larry302
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48 minutes ago, GreeneHunter said:

Nothing teaches a hunter more than sitting in his/her tree stand for 4-5 hours and seeing nothing more than leaves falling ..... its the point of being out there !  Gotta love the woods !

I live to be out there. Quiet, peaceful, nature away from the rat race! I need it!!! 

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40 minutes ago, Steve D said:

I think the dumbest thing we ever did as a society was to make sure the kids have phones to.

I dont know about that. I was always against kids having phones until they were of driving age, but I finally let my 12 year old daughter have one, and it helps out alot with things. You just have to be a parent, set limits and keep an eye on what they are doing, just like anything else.

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19 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

I was always against kids having phones until they were of driving age, but I finally let my 12 year old daughter have one, and it helps out alot with things.

And what would we do without them:mda:

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1 hour ago, Larry302 said:


Sorry nothing new here as Socrates stated  back before even Doc was born I believe .( I'm just kidding)  . 

Socrates (469–399 B.C.)

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

You're wrong about Doc, Larry...

He was Socrates' philosophical advisor...

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2 hours ago, Steve D said:

And what would we do without them:mda:

Go back to the days of things being slow and cumbersome. Smart phones have brought so many things straight to your fingertips anytime you need it. It sure is nice to be able to make reservations for a hotel or dinner without having to look up a number in a phone book (as soon as you find one), call the place, flip through your paper organizer and write everything down, then call everyone that needs to be there and tell them to write it down. I just look it up on my phone, schedule it online with a quick form and save it to my calendar (which I live and die by with 2 kids playing hockey, travel for work, etc), then I could share the calendar entry with the people I need to so they know when it is. All done in 5 mins. Could I live without it? Sure, I lived most of my life without it, but its an enormous convenience that I personally dont want to go without.

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Keeping kids with out phones is detrimental to them now a days. As bad as it sounds, you cant stop them from having them as they will not only be made fun of in school, but possibly fall behind their peers and that's not good in how competitive it is for everything no a days. My 4 and 5 year old cousins know how to work an Ipad better than my own parents know how to. Now im not saying you don't take it away from them if you punish them. World is changing, so why shouldn't the youth keep up with it? 

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Time and a place....when your at a function be present...remove the phone

When at work...I actually think phones should not be allowed to be on, same as in school...not on vibrate...off

Family get together's, meals, sporting events for school or concerts,plays,ect,ect...OFF not on vibrate...But alas, It will never happen like not wearing hats while indoors...yes that bugs me, my issue.

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17 minutes ago, growalot said:

Time and a place....when your at a function be present...remove the phone

When at work...I actually think phones should not be allowed to be on, same as in school...not on vibrate...off

Family get together's, meals, sporting events for school or concerts,plays,ect,ect...OFF not on vibrate...But alas, It will never happen like not wearing hats while indoors...yes that bugs me, my issue.

What if your job requires use of your phone? Youd be surprised how common that is now days.

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