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Live From The Woods 2017 edition!


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  On 11/19/2017 at 11:28 PM, upstate said:
This thread beats the facebook group. Between the QDM Gods, Stupid Questions and other opinionated garbage this place is great. 
Surgery was Monday and I go to Dr's Tuesday- find out what kind of monster resided in me and what I have to do. One of my questions will be if I could sit in a blind and shoot a muzzle loader.  I sure hope so.  However, I might have a tussle first. 

You sound like a serious fighter man.... I hope u get one with the ml

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  On 11/19/2017 at 8:39 PM, Bowshotmuzzleloader said:
I thought this morning was going to be a bust and I had no intentions on seeing a deer let alone bagging one, at 8:30 I turned around and this guy was on a bee line about 80 yards out, I mouth grunted to stop him about as loud as I possible could and he finally stopped after the second attempt,, but of course he stopped behind a bunch of tress, so I settled my crosshairs on the next opening and when he stepped in, I shot, he then bolted and I fired again at the next chance really just a wing and prayer shot,  he finally stopped about 150 yards out and stood for a few seconds then bolted out of sight leaving me not knowing if I had hit him or not,  at which point I rushed down from the stand and did my best to find the last spot I saw him standing as I got closer to the spot I saw him about 40 yards away down and out....Yippie!!!!
Even though no smile in the picture it sure was a good morning...  
I even have him earlier on camera..
You should smile more

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This morning was a bust!! I was out of the stand by 900. Had limbs falling and just wasn't liking the wind.  I went out this afternoon and before I had my gun up I had a spike horn in front of me. I thought " Its going to be a good night" About 400 I start hearing something behind me. I look back and just see horns. As I start to swing around he jumps and ran 10 yards stops and looks back. It was a quick shot and it was true. Lungs and heart. 60-70 yards dash and it was all over.  Didn't want anybody to see the identity of the deer!!!!!!!

deer no face.jpg


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  On 11/20/2017 at 1:54 AM, biggamefish said:
This morning was a bust!! I was out of the stand by 900. Had limbs falling and just wasn't liking the wind.  I went out this afternoon and before I had my gun up I had a spike horn in front of me. I thought " Its going to be a good night" About 400 I start hearing something behind me. I look back and just see horns. As I start to swing around he jumps and ran 10 yards stops and looks back. It was a quick shot and it was true. Lungs and heart. 60-70 yards dash and it was all over.  Didn't want anybody to see the identity of the deer!!!!!!!

Smart, you never know if that buck called in sick to work or something
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Great day for me. Didn't feel like going out since I'm fighting a head/chest cold, but had a feeling that I should go out. Was walking to my stand and was out for maybe 10 minutes if that long when I kicked up a deer in the thick stuff. Once it got into a opening I see it has antlers. Raise the gun and let him have it. Ends up being a decent 8. Really big body and a screwed up rack. Right side was perfect even with his ear, the left side had a split brow tine and the main frame went straight up and forked off

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  On 11/20/2017 at 1:54 AM, biggamefish said:
This morning was a bust!! I was out of the stand by 900. Had limbs falling and just wasn't liking the wind.  I went out this afternoon and before I had my gun up I had a spike horn in front of me. I thought " Its going to be a good night" About 400 I start hearing something behind me. I look back and just see horns. As I start to swing around he jumps and ran 10 yards stops and looks back. It was a quick shot and it was true. Lungs and heart. 60-70 yards dash and it was all over.  Didn't want anybody to see the identity of the deer!!!!!!!
You shot Frank! We ate dinner together 2 days ago! Rest in Peace Frank!

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Today was typical...nothing until dark and walk home I Kick out 3 in upper plot...hunters are gone now ...hopefully locals have buck tags filled and deer will relax a bit by Tues....Hoping smaller guys took out a few hunters and Couple of bigger boys were smart enough to hide...To be honest really hope most big doe have hit the ground. Those could start a reset on movements for next season. I have had plenty of time to think on next season changes.

 Oh...upper field oats/ grain was demolished over night. BIG CONGRATS TO EVERYONE THAT CONNECTED SO FAR.

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  On 11/20/2017 at 1:54 AM, biggamefish said:

This morning was a bust!! I was out of the stand by 900. Had limbs falling and just wasn't liking the wind.  I went out this afternoon and before I had my gun up I had a spike horn in front of me. I thought " Its going to be a good night" About 400 I start hearing something behind me. I look back and just see horns. As I start to swing around he jumps and ran 10 yards stops and looks back. It was a quick shot and it was true. Lungs and heart. 60-70 yards dash and it was all over.  Didn't want anybody to see the identity of the deer!!!!!!!

deer no face.jpg



Congratulations Matt! Awesome buck! Way to go my friend!

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You too Mike ...just finishing my English muffin throwing on coat and headed out The wind is howling and when I blew dried my hair it felt like it was blowing a snow /rain through the window....Always use outside air to blow dry my hair..only makes sense...maybe I'll see something in range after 7:09...whopping 27 with a feel of 19 and getting colder... Good Luck

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