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LIVE From The Woods 2018 - Lets hear stories and see some pictures!


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8 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Just got home a bit ago. This morning my BIL and I headed Out at sunrise. We got to the spot where the buck crossed the road and started sneaking in. About 150 yards in, my BIL says “there he is” and I looked Up just as he stood up from his bed. I btought My gun up and all I had Was a straight away ass shot. I moved To my left to try for a better angle and he started stepping forward. I raised My gun and fired and nailed a tree. I racked Another round and he started trotting, took a shot and missed again. We gave him a few and then went to look at his bed. Thrash marks and yote prints all over. No fresh blood though. We started tracking him and found no blood. We jumped him 2 more times in a couple of miles before the snow started coming down and we lost his trail. 

I’m just sick and pissed right now at all of the things that went wrong in the last 26 hours. I’m taking the rest of today off to rest up and wash all of my sweaty clothes and reorganize my gear. My kids come home tonight for the rest of the week. I’ll have Haley out tomorrow. 

How far were the shots?

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6 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Just got home a bit ago. This morning my BIL and I headed Out at sunrise. We got to the spot where the buck crossed the road and started sneaking in. About 150 yards in, my BIL says “there he is” and I looked Up just as he stood up from his bed. I btought My gun up and all I had Was a straight away ass shot. I moved To my left to try for a better angle and he started stepping forward. I raised My gun and fired and nailed a tree. I racked Another round and he started trotting, took a shot and missed again. We gave him a few and then went to look at his bed. Thrash marks and yote prints all over. No fresh blood though. We started tracking him and found no blood. We jumped him 2 more times in a couple of miles before the snow started coming down and we lost his trail. 

I’m just sick and pissed right now at all of the things that went wrong in the last 26 hours. I’m taking the rest of today off to rest up and wash all of my sweaty clothes and reorganize my gear. My kids come home tonight for the rest of the week. I’ll have Haley out tomorrow. 

That sucks WNY, I have been looking back all morning waiting for updates. You have to know you did everything you could and sometimes it just doesn't work out. Just curious why you didn't take the @SS shot? I don't ever condone that shot but on the few wounded deer I have tracked I figure anything goes. 

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1 hour ago, Steuben Jerry said:

Whoohoo! Daughter just dropped a buck. But after a minute it got up and stumbled off. Thinks she hit it good, but possibly high. Gonna give it an hour and go after it.


Worried. I went to help her recover it. No blood in the bed where it fell after she shot it. Just one solitary brown hair. No hair or blood beyond the shot. Followed the tracks for 200 yds - zero blood. Her husband just arrived and they picked up the track down into the creek bottom. Fingers crossed!!!

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Just now, Steuben Jerry said:

Worried. I went to help her recover it. No blood in the bed where it fell after she shot it. Just one solitary brown hair. No hair or blood beyond the shot. Followed the tracks for 200 yds - zero blood. Her husband just arrived and they picked up the track down into the creek bottom. Fingers crossed!!!

Pulling for her.....Good luck! Hope to see pics!

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21 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Just got home a bit ago. This morning my BIL and I headed Out at sunrise. We got to the spot where the buck crossed the road and started sneaking in. About 150 yards in, my BIL says “there he is” and I looked Up just as he stood up from his bed. I btought My gun up and all I had Was a straight away ass shot. I moved To my left to try for a better angle and he started stepping forward. I raised My gun and fired and nailed a tree. I racked Another round and he started trotting, took a shot and missed again. We gave him a few and then went to look at his bed. Thrash marks and yote prints all over. No fresh blood though. We started tracking him and found no blood. We jumped him 2 more times in a couple of miles before the snow started coming down and we lost his trail. 

I’m just sick and pissed right now at all of the things that went wrong in the last 26 hours. I’m taking the rest of today off to rest up and wash all of my sweaty clothes and reorganize my gear. My kids come home tonight for the rest of the week. I’ll have Haley out tomorrow. 

Sorry to hear that WNY. I figured you'd recover him for sure. Rest, recharge, and get back out there with Haley!

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25 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Just got home a bit ago. This morning my BIL and I headed Out at sunrise. We got to the spot where the buck crossed the road and started sneaking in. About 150 yards in, my BIL says “there he is” and I looked Up just as he stood up from his bed. I btought My gun up and all I had Was a straight away ass shot. I moved To my left to try for a better angle and he started stepping forward. I raised My gun and fired and nailed a tree. I racked Another round and he started trotting, took a shot and missed again. We gave him a few and then went to look at his bed. Thrash marks and yote prints all over. No fresh blood though. We started tracking him and found no blood. We jumped him 2 more times in a couple of miles before the snow started coming down and we lost his trail. 

I’m just sick and pissed right now at all of the things that went wrong in the last 26 hours. I’m taking the rest of today off to rest up and wash all of my sweaty clothes and reorganize my gear. My kids come home tonight for the rest of the week. I’ll have Haley out tomorrow. 

Sorry WNY, been checking back here all morning hoping for pictures.  Hang in there, happens to all of us.

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12 minutes ago, ApexerER said:

That sucks WNY, I have been looking back all morning waiting for updates. You have to know you did everything you could and sometimes it just doesn't work out. Just curious why you didn't take the @SS shot? I don't ever condone that shot but on the few wounded deer I have tracked I figure anything goes. 

Yeah I know I did Everything I could  Doesn’t help the second guessing and sting though. Up the ass shots make a mess. I should Have just done it but I thought I could Get a clean shot easily. 

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Didn't see squat this morning at one spot. Plan "B" was to run to my camp to hunt this afternoon. I took a detour home this morning to see if anyone was trespassing on another spot that I've been hunting a lot. Noticed that the farmer just started cutting the ~180 acres of corn this morning, that surrounds the ~60 acres of woods that I've hunting! So now Plan C, becomes Plan B.... Gonna go jump in that stand and hope that he runs some deer out of the corn and into the woodlot! I've been wondering since bow season if that's where the does have been hiding out from the bucks!

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5 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Yeah I know I did Everything I could  Doesn’t help the second guessing and sting though. Up the ass shots make a mess. I should Have just done it but I thought I could Get a clean shot easily. 

hind sight is always 20/20. i would've done the same thing. i've never taken that shot. it'd be just recovery. a lot of meat would be lost with the hard angle you described. i get trying to make a better shot happen.

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11 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Yeah I know I did Everything I could  Doesn’t help the second guessing and sting though. Up the ass shots make a mess. I should Have just done it but I thought I could Get a clean shot easily. 

You are right, after what happened with the gut shot I had to help clean up Saturday I myself would not have taken that shot either. You did the right thing leave it in God's hands bud.

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13 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Yeah I know I did Everything I could  Doesn’t help the second guessing and sting though. Up the ass shots make a mess. I should Have just done it but I thought I could Get a clean shot easily. 

Hope you didn't take that the wrong way, I wasn't second guessing just asking. I remember the first doe I ever shot. I gut shot her and my Dad and I tracked her for what seemed like miles. We jumped her once and she was running away and I didn't shoot. My Dad was yelling at me asking why I didn't take the shot and I said I only has an @ss shot. I remember him yelling what are you going to do wound her more? Take the damn shot!!! That has stuck with me now for 20 years. We finally caught up to her in a bed that she was too weak to get out of and I put her down. 

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Hope you didn't take that the wrong way, I wasn't second guessing just asking. I remember the first doe I ever shot. I gut shot her and my Dad and I tracked her for what seemed like miles. We jumped her once and she was running away and I didn't shoot. My Dad was yelling at me asking why I didn't take the shot and I said I only has an @ss shot. I remember him yelling what are you going to do wound her more? Take the damn shot!!! That has stuck with me now for 20 years. We finally caught up to her in a bed that she was too weak to get out of and I put her down. 

This reminds me of my first ever (and still biggest) buck from 10 years ago, pic attached. He was following/chasing a doe, and I got a nice broadside shot at 25yds. Runs about 20 yards and crashes. I can see him laying there, not moving. The doe actually comes back to him, smells him and stands there. She leaves after a few minutes. I walkie to my dad saying big buck down. He tells me to wait, I’m just sitting there for 30 min watching this massive buck laying there, still hasn’t moved a muscle, meanwhile I’m shaking like crazy. I start walking up to the buck, about 5 yards away, gun on him, he still doesn’t move. Stand over him, still doesn’t move. Someone talks on the walkie, and it’s loud, the buck jumps up and takes off, I couldn’t get a shot off as he almost runs me over, and he luckily goes right to my dad, who finished him off. Don’t think I’ve ever got yelled at more in my life for not finishing off the deer when I had the chance. So now I do the old poke the eyeball test. Needless to say I certainly learned my lesson and won’t ever forget it. 96f552aea103f3ceec014d73b3b9bd5d.jpg&key=b8acaf1795db9e20a07a44b4991d75376b31c13409e06ecd8a4cc17cc5e31ae7



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42 minutes ago, Steuben Jerry said:

Worried. I went to help her recover it. No blood in the bed where it fell after she shot it. Just one solitary brown hair. No hair or blood beyond the shot. Followed the tracks for 200 yds - zero blood. Her husband just arrived and they picked up the track down into the creek bottom. Fingers crossed!!!

She got him! They followed him down to the bottom of the creek bed and saw him laying there on the other side. Hubby finished him where he laid. they just field dressed him and are starting the drag. They've got about 400-500 yds all uphill in a foot plus of slippery snow to get to where I can get a machine to it. This ought to take a couple of hours. I'm probably going out for the afternoon sit in a bit and will most likely get him back to the house after dark unless they make good time. Pics to follow.

Every year she has had her deer recovered with my tractor, never had to drag an inch. I've been telling her all of my "olden days" stories about having to drag them all back. Now she'll know!

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35 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Yeah I know I did Everything I could  Doesn’t help the second guessing and sting though. Up the ass shots make a mess. I should Have just done it but I thought I could Get a clean shot easily. 

At least u gave it ur all!just goes to show how tough they are,amazing.was pulling for ya!

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3 minutes ago, Steuben Jerry said:

She got him! They followed him down to the bottom of the creek bed and saw him laying there on the other side. Hubby finished him where he laid. they just field dressed him and are starting the drag. They've got about 400-500 yds all uphill in a foot plus of slippery snow to get to where I can get a machine to it. This ought to take a couple of hours. I'm probably going out for the afternoon sit in a bit and will most likely get him back to the house after dark unless they make good time. Pics to follow.

Every year she has had her deer recovered with my tractor, never had to drag an inch. I've been telling her all of my "olden days" stories about having to drag them all back. Now she'll know!


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16 minutes ago, Steuben Jerry said:

She got him! They followed him down to the bottom of the creek bed and saw him laying there on the other side. Hubby finished him where he laid. they just field dressed him and are starting the drag. They've got about 400-500 yds all uphill in a foot plus of slippery snow to get to where I can get a machine to it. This ought to take a couple of hours. I'm probably going out for the afternoon sit in a bit and will most likely get him back to the house after dark unless they make good time. Pics to follow.

Every year she has had her deer recovered with my tractor, never had to drag an inch. I've been telling her all of my "olden days" stories about having to drag them all back. Now she'll know!

Awesome! I’m so happy to hear this! Congrats to your daughter!

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50 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

Yeah I know I did Everything I could  Doesn’t help the second guessing and sting though. Up the ass shots make a mess. I should Have just done it but I thought I could Get a clean shot easily. 

You are among the best hunters on here. You gave it all you had, that's all anyone could, or should ever do my friend. Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts,  it just doesn't work out the way it should. Yes, it stings like hell! Especially to a good hunter, but all you can do is pick yourself up and move on. Get out there with your daughter and take pride in her hunting, as well as your own.  Redemption is on the way buddy.

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