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LIVE From The Woods 2019 - Lets hear stories and see some pictures!


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27 minutes ago, dinorocks said:

With thanksgiving right around the corner, going all out this morning, right down to my loin cloth!  (My one goal this season is to harvest with a round ball!)




Good luck my friend. I'm headed to the cabin later today to hunt and trap for a few days. 

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My target buck was standing in the neighbors field about 110 yds away when i got into my stand... He didn't respond to grunts or a snort wheeze. Walked into the woods and out of my life.. Some does got my wind and looks like they're gonna bed elsewhere... They took a 2.5 year old 7 pointer along with them.

Good news is i haven't heard any shots i don't think anybody else is hunting in here today!!

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Deer are up and moving in 9h....neighbors have shot a few times already.... my dad saw a nice Buck nose to the ground in a cut corn field around 7:15 and just a little while ago he passed on a group of doe because they were near the property line and didn't want to ask permission to retrieve from a nasty neighbor if he needed to cross line.

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk

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