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Live From The Woods 2019 Turkey Edition


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  On 5/16/2019 at 5:13 PM, ATbuckhunter said:

Going to be another long one, so apologies again

Got to my spot at 4:55 today after only getting 2 hours of sleep, so i spent a little time in my car eating my breakfast. Got to the spot i killed the bird last week at 5:15 and didnt hear a single confirmed gobble on the roost. Thought I might have heard a few, but the creek was up again so I couldnt tell for sure. Sent out a couple calls with no response so I decided to walk back to my car to drop of my jacket and go to my ground blind. On my way to the blind I stopped in an area they usually roost to check for any sign. Before i started looking, I said what the hell and sent out a few yelps. Immediately got a response right where my blind is. I snuck as close as I could and he was non stop gobbling with out me even calling. I counted at least 7 in maybe 10-15 seconds time. Figured this bird was hot and I was going to get a crack at him. He must have only been 60-70 yards, but I was down in another creek bottom so I couldnt see him. I wear hearing protection when I hunt and it amplifies it. Usually not a problem, but it made it seem like he was right on top of me when I thought he wasnt so i moved them a bit so I can hear how far he really is. I guess he was that close because as soon as I did that, the gobbles stopped. I gave it an hour and tried looping around to where I thought it ran and nothing. I was half dissapointed and half excited for the expereince.

I was all set to go to my ground blind until 12, but i decided around 8 to give it another shot where I shot that bird last week. Before I got to the spot, i decided to throw out a call just in case.  What do you know I got a reponse from a bird about 150-200 yards away. I wish I could have seen the look on my face when I heard that gobble. I thought that this couldnt be happening to me since im not a good turkey hunter. I cut in as close as I could, but it got so thick I just sat down and started calling. It didnt sound like he was getting any closer so I decided to swing around to get in a better position. Half way to where I wanted to be I hear him gobble much closer. Actually right where I shot the bird last week, which I thought I was funny. I scrambled to find a good tree next to the small 1 acre clearing i was standing in. I sat down, called a couple times and was cut off. I called again just to make sure I wasnt going crazy and I heard nothing so i knew he was coming in. I put the call down, and not 10 seconds I see him in the middle of the field strutting. I dont like shooting strutting birds, so I waited for him to stop. I couldnt make any noises with my mouth becuase I had so much adrenaline pumping. Well he wouldnt stop strutting, spitting and drumming till he got to 15 yards. At that point he was to my left and I had to wait til he got behind a big oak to move. He must have knew something was up, because he just stuck his head out behind the tree, but it was enough for me to get it done. No pellets in his breasts for sure.

I have to say, I really am addicted to turkey hunting. Deer hunting will always be number 1 for me, but this is a very close second. so far ive called in 3 birds that I know of and took 2...my best season ever. Now Ill be calling for some friends and maybe if im lucky ill convince my father to actually go out hunting again. Really didnt think id be able to get a second bird, but guess i had a little bit of luck on my side. 

Weighed 19 pounds 1 1/4 spurs and a 10" beard. I want to say its 3-4 years old. Trophy bird in my opinion. Also this is what my pants looked like with that bird on my back. I need to buy or make some kind of turkey tote lol. 



very cool story man and congrats. I'm jealous you got him that close without getting busted. I think my old vest had a pouch on the back, but I never got to bloddy it. My new vest has a very sturdy pouch in the back that buttons up tight and out of the way but I was so grateful for it when I shot my 24lb bird and had a mile walk out. It reminded me of carrying my younger boys in those hiking packs haha. Anyhow, I think it could double for a decoy or 2 if needed as well. When I got back I just sprayed it out and hung it upside down to dry.



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  On 5/16/2019 at 2:00 PM, The Jerkman said:

Love me some 870 action! Sadly I think I only have till around 745 maybe 8 if I hustle on Saturday. The future Mrs. Jerkman scheduled us for a registry event at crate and barrel that starts at 9am Saturday. Fingers crossed can slam a bird early and then the weather is decent to slam another Sunday. Hell I just hope I shoot a single one this weekend since I'm stuck at my sister's graduation from Cornell next weekend

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


The future Mrs. should have scheduled the event for 11 AM...Dang . What's a "Crate and Barrel"? Sounds rustic......Just enjoy the day. 

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  On 5/17/2019 at 1:18 PM, Merlot said:
The future Mrs. should have scheduled the event for 11 AM...Dang . What's a "Crate and Barrel"? Sounds rustic......Just enjoy the day. 
Well she's still suffering from food poisoning from the lunch her office had catered on Wednesday so looks like we are ditching the crate and barrel event. Bad news is she feels ratty and is puking her guts out. Good news is I get to stay hunting turkeys past 8 am!

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  On 5/17/2019 at 11:58 AM, turkeyfeathers said:

By far my least aggressive season ever. Been out 4x only. Off yesterday and today and didn’t go. Last year hunted probably 25 days of 31. BUT pretty sure “treebird” is one I’ve played with 2x so far. Same roosting area as last year. Played a great game last year with me showing him my whole hand until this happened. Few days later I killed his buddy (typical 2 year old ) and ole Tom was about 15 yards behind him. I smashed the sure thing as didht want to botch waiting for him to close the gap any farther. His head is ginormous and tallest fan I’ve seen. Well tomorrow daughter has ballet at noon and I work at 2. We’re going into his bedroom real early and hopefully she sends a load of tss his way doing something I haven’t been able to do. There’s a few other birds I could be playing with but this grudge of last year I will be handing over in the morning for Samanatha to get a chance. 44d7556fbb82002fd97751f826d5b238.jpg

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I'm thinking ol' Treebird's days are numbered! And Samantha will be the one to put the X on the calendar!!! She will put an end to this grudge.  Best of luck to ya's.

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  On 5/17/2019 at 1:10 PM, Belo said:
very cool story man and congrats. I'm jealous you got him that close without getting busted. I think my old vest had a pouch on the back, but I never got to bloddy it. My new vest has a very sturdy pouch in the back that buttons up tight and out of the way but I was so grateful for it when I shot my 24lb bird and had a mile walk out. It reminded me of carrying my younger boys in those hiking packs haha. Anyhow, I think it could double for a decoy or 2 if needed as well. When I got back I just sprayed it out and hung it upside down to dry.

I’ve thought about a vest for a few years, but for now I think I Im going to have my friends kids make a tote out of paracord. They love making things so I’m sure they wouldn’t mind helping me out lol

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We are almost ready for the am hunt. Going to go shoot kiddos new gun today just got it setup hoping the turkey loads i have shoot well through it or she will have to use my single shot.

Hatfield 20gauge single shot,limbsaver butt pad,champion easyhit shotgun sight,uncle mikes quick detachable super swivels with an allen sling. Fits her like a glove. Total cost $145. Post pics after we get done shooting.



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Bite to eat and a beer or two, and then early lights out to be bright eyed in the morning. I need to turn this target into the real thing. 35 yds, jellyhead choke and crappy old 3 inch Remington Nitro #5’s.

Got a windshield swap in the driveway anytime between 7:30 and noon tomorrow so I’ll need to make my time count!


Edited by Steuben Jerry
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  On 5/17/2019 at 11:16 PM, Steuben Jerry said:

Bite to eat and a beer or two, and then early lights out to be bright eyed in the morning. I need to turn this target into the real thing. 35 yds, jellyhead choke and crappy old 3 inch Remington Nitro #5’s.

Got a windshield swap in the driveway anytime between 7:30 and noon tomorrow so I’ll need to make my time count!



Nothing crappy about that pattern, Jerry...Good luck in the morning.

I heard my first gobble this morning at 4:50 AM and the bird flew down at 5:20...You should have time to get it done...<<grin>>….

Edited by Pygmy
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  On 5/17/2019 at 11:16 PM, Steuben Jerry said:

Bite to eat and a beer or two, and then early lights out to be bright eyed in the morning. I need to turn this target into the real thing. 35 yds, jellyhead choke and crappy old 3 inch Remington Nitro #5’s.

Got a windshield swap in the driveway anytime between 7:30 and noon tomorrow so I’ll need to make my time count!



Plenty of time.   But if Tommy's playing tuff, but still heading in the right direction, the hell with the windshield. 

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  On 5/17/2019 at 8:20 PM, Swamp_bucks said:
We are almost ready for the am hunt. Going to go shoot kiddos new gun today just got it setup hoping the turkey loads i have shoot well through it or she will have to use my single shot.
Hatfield 20gauge single shot,limbsaver butt pad,champion easyhit shotgun sight,uncle mikes quick detachable super swivels with an allen sling. Fits her like a glove. Total cost $145. Post pics after we get done shooting.
Does that model Hatfield 20 ga. Have a screw in or fixed choke?

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I'm pretty sure someone shot on my land out behind my house...... 3 shoots at 5:50 this morning. Probably the same jerk that poached one off me last year. These guys are lucky I have too much work to do to try to chase them down.

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