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I had the same thing happen to me as Paulie did 8-9 yrs ago but the guy (teenager) was only 60 yds . away. We had a doe run between us and luckly neither of us shot at it . I had B/O on but he was in full camo and brushed in. I would have shot towards him if I took a shot and never would have seen him. I didn 't see him until he was leaving ,I chewed him a new a hole. I know a person does not have to wear B/O but in my opinion your foolish if you don't in gun season.

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It is what it is with blaze orange, I choose to wear it for the simple safety issue, if you choose not to that's your deal....I personally know some yahoos that shot anything that moves during the gun season, so safety is your choice....just saying....

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The B/O keeps that from happening.

May keep it from happening. BO is an aid and not a 100% guarantee. I have seen hats undetected at certain angles and even vests . I hunt form one tree stand on a field edge. I wear a vest during gun and my hat is reversible to bo when I am walking. but in this stand I am not visible from the field because of the size of the tree I am in. Personally I like the big backstop...lol. I agree with the wearing of BO I think it makes good sense. but the same dopes that wear brown Carharts are the types that would us the logic "If I don't see BO the shot is safe"

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This states safety records proves we need improvements and Hunter Orange is one of those improvements we need...that being said please don't bother trying to redirect by stating many of the "incidents" were self inflicted...falls or self inflicted shots..... for it doesn't change the fact that ppl on the web have been reporting many many "close calls" and the state does not.

Our state record is better than many states where BO is mandated.

Bubba could be right about those not seeing BO assuming it is safe.

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no matter what season your in you should always wear orange. DEER CANT SEE BLAZE ORANGE. if you want to wear a pattern wear orange camo. when i go out (even in bow season) i wear orange camo pants, orange hat and vest. believe it or not ive gotten big deer includiong a 12pntr this past october. be smart wear orange.

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Oh come ON, Boys and Girls...!!..

We're not done flogging this expired equine YET are we ??

I just cracked open a Genny Light and got a big bowl of POPCORN.....LOL...

If you're drinking Genny light I'm less concerned with hunter safety and more worried about your taste in beer! lol

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Why is it that people automatically think that just because you don't see B/O, hunters would look at something human-shaped and shoot it? Where does that line of logic come from? ..... lol. I will say that if theplace there are people in the woods that don't want to be seen, you very likely will not see them, and they might very well be in the line of fire. Certainly that has a stronger potential of happening with those that are dressed in camo and trying their best to blend in with their surroundings than those dressed in B/O. But that is not going to happen anymore frequently with a B/O regulation.

When it comes to other states and their safety records, after this year's results, our record may no longer be so stellar. We had a bad year, especially when you consider all incidents and not just the fatalities.

As far as making it mandatory, I am not one of these paranoid types that sees such a regulation as leading to the downfall of the free world. And I would have no problem supporting such a law. And no, that doesn't mean that I would start shooting anyone who isn't wearing it ..... lol.

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Bubba, I don't know you from a hole in the wall but apparently some of these guys/gals do....I'm not sorry that i offended you! Apparently you like to make assumptions..........as i said earlier, I know it is not ilegal and I am not trying to start a B/O war...its simply my opinion and a safe one at that! I hunt private property as well and should know who is on there....God help you if you have a trespasser on your land that mistakes you as a deer. Maybe he was an individual that you instructed!! C'mon dude.....you can't be serious as an instructor! BTW, your assumptions about me only looking for orange are way off. I know how people/hunters are and am constantly looking for camo/B/O/other...I am safe and will not take the shot unless i am certian of the background...my point is that as hard as i looked i couldn't see these people in camo. After thinking about it and figuring out who they were....they should not have been where they were, they didn't have permisson, probably why they had camo on and were trying to hide...they were TRESPASSING.. GREAT LESSON TO TEACH HIS SON!!! I HOPE YOU TEACH THAT IN YOUR HUNTER SAFTEY COURSE!

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Where I hunt, none of the locals wear any orange. They smirk at me when they see me in my orange camo. Like I'm not a real hunter or something, or less of a hunter then them.

I got friendly with one of my neighbors where I hunt, although I have been going up there since I was born, hes lived there all his life. He asked me why all the 8-10 guys who hunt out of my camp wear orange during the regular season. My reply was "So we don't get shot." He looked puzzled.

Also, where I hunt, many of my spots are in or around THICK brush. I'm talking brush so thick you can't see 5 yards in some spots. Deer love this cover and it is a good place to hunt. I have many a times heard something coming through the brush only seeing brown coming though the brush, raising my rifle at the brown mass moving towards me, only to make it out as some bird brain walking through in full camo. Just a little bit of orange would (and has, many times) prevent me from raising my rifle and aiming it at you. And before anyone says anything about checking with binoculars first or making sure its a deer before taking aim, I DO where I can. In this thick stuff I hunt in, that's not possible. The deer would be gone, by the time you make sure its a deer it could be 10 yards away, you think its going to let me pick my rifle up and not see me at that distance?

Edited by SteveNY
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I wear orange.I think people who hunt in an area that has more hunters per sq mile are more in favor of blaze orange than some who may not see another hunter very often. I could be wrong.I like seeing orange for obvious reasons but also because I will turn around or go another direction if I know someone else is near.I do that for safety and because I am an anti-social sob.No really it is because I like my space and figure others do too.

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Bubba correct me ...haven't you mentioned in the past that you are a Hunter SAFETY instructor?......You really feel a need to criticize these guys for voicing what they PERSONAL experienced thus giving an assessment as to what happened at the time?

The problem we have in this state is we don't have good hunter instruction on a uniformed bases around this state...yes kudos to those willing to do it ...but the state needs to either train them better or mandate a better curriculum ....

Now tell me why you can criticize them for apparent assumptions you feel they made.... when you yourself are doing the EXACT same thing in doing so?

This states safety records proves we need improvements and Hunter Orange is one of those improvements we need...that being said please don't bother trying to redirect by stating many of the "incidents" were self inflicted...falls or self inflicted shots..... for it doesn't change the fact that ppl on the web have been reporting many many "close calls" and the state does not.

well let me see where to start. First I must ask because I am an instructor, I am not entitled to an opinion? Second Have you ever attended an instructor class or seen the curriculum? If not you have no basis for your opinion. If so, next time you should read it as it is very outlined and detialed. Thord because I have a different opinion, you assume I teach that way? Again you are way off base and your attack on me is based entirely in your uninformed opinion, which is what you are accusing me of. Seems like the kettle pot thing. If yo uwere to get the information on hunting incidents I get as an INSTRUCTOR or worked as closely with DEC personnel I do as an INSTRUCTOR, you would know the inside story of incidents in this state and the bottom line is everyone of then involves hunting laws being broken at the time. Things like shooting after hours, poaching and the like. I would suggest you get your facts straight before attacking. Oh and by thw way the official DEC stance is they are against mandatory orange. If they were for it, it would have happpened long ago. Now that being said, I can say with 100 percent certainty, for the over 25 years I have been an instructor, not one of my students have ever been involved is shooting someone else. So I guess my teachinbg methods must be soemwhat effective.

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Why not be the safest you can be and wear orange? yes you don't have to but you don't need a saftybelt either till the time you fall.... and yes i''ve seen guys on drives crawling thru brush in full camo... just seems like the ones that get shot are in camo and not orange.... Its like not wearing a seatbelt and getting away with it cause your a good driver. yes you may pay attention to detail be a great hunter but does everyone else out there have the same skills knowledge as you?? I'll say no and protect myself weather i am on my own property or not there are person whomwill and do tresspass or hunt from the road... I for one don't want to end up a stastic!!

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This one has legs. To each his own, I don't think its the safest way to hunt but live and let live. My club has a rule, you have to have something orange even if its just a hat or gloves. I use a BO vest and my backpack is BO. That said, they come off when I sit and then I'm in the old red/black Woolrich. I hang the backpack next to me so someone walking will see it. As for visibility, the deer may not see orange but, the sunlight hitting it does make for a noticable bright spot that is not normal in the mottled background.

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Bubba, I don't know you from a hole in the wall but apparently some of these guys/gals do....I'm not sorry that i offended you! Apparently you like to make assumptions..........as i said earlier, I know it is not ilegal and I am not trying to start a B/O war...its simply my opinion and a safe one at that! I hunt private property as well and should know who is on there....God help you if you have a trespasser on your land that mistakes you as a deer. Maybe he was an individual that you instructed!! C'mon dude.....you can't be serious as an instructor! BTW, your assumptions about me only looking for orange are way off. I know how people/hunters are and am constantly looking for camo/B/O/other...I am safe and will not take the shot unless i am certian of the background...my point is that as hard as i looked i couldn't see these people in camo. After thinking about it and figuring out who they were....they should not have been where they were, they didn't have permisson, probably why they had camo on and were trying to hide...they were TRESPASSING.. GREAT LESSON TO TEACH HIS SON!!! I HOPE YOU TEACH THAT IN YOUR HUNTER SAFTEY COURSE!

please do not flatter yourself to you offended me. I was responding to the post about people wearing carharts and dumb clothing. And I am also wanting to inform you no on eon this site knows me, like you they assume they do.

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I don't assume anything when it comes down to it.....you started to take this thread that BO should be mandatory. By no means was I saying that as I stated from the beginning (It's my opionion that it shoudl be warn espically with a kid in tow)...seems like you have one agenda...NO BO! Besides that you said I was unsafe and should identify more clearly......If you were in my shoes you would be saying the same thing as I said..these people were not identifiable...you wouldn't have seen them either.

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I've heard this argument for yrs and it has never made any sense to me.You guys that wear camo because you think it's going to increase your chances of filling your tag, well I have always wore blaze orange during gun season and I probably have shot just as many deer as you have.

When I hunt during gun season I want to make darn sure other hunters can see me.I don't want them to have to get the binos out to make sure I'm not a deer.Just makes sense to me.

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I don't assume anything when it comes down to it.....you started to take this thread that BO should be mandatory. By no means was I saying that as I stated from the beginning (It's my opionion that it shoudl be warn espically with a kid in tow)...seems like you have one agenda...NO BO! Besides that you said I was unsafe and should identify more clearly......If you were in my shoes you would be saying the same thing as I said..these people were not identifiable...you wouldn't have seen them either.

please read what I said. I never said you were unsafe. I said it is not my job to make you safer. I also said and talk to states where bo is mandatory that hunters become condidioned just to look for orange when trying to find other hunters. My simple point was you said you looked for orange assuming that all hunters wear it. And when I said my opinion, which is based on studies done,I was attacked. I never in my posts said I do not wear orange, I said it is my right not to. So I guess a lot of assuming took place here. Seems to me I am not the one with the thin skin. I love being attacked when I have an opinion that goes against the grain and it always gets thrown uo that because I am an instructor, I should not have a personal opinion and obviously I must teach students to be unsafe. It simply shows me how narrow minded some are. It has to be there way or it is wrong. That being said Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours. I am glad it all turned out well, but next time look real close, because honestly, I have not seen any camo pattern that can not be detected by the naked eye of a human. Also I must add if you felt so strongly about this subject all the things the guy was doing wrong, why didn't you approach him to discuss it with him and make your points instead fo doing it at home safely behind a screen. I would have went over and pointed it out and used it as a time to show the child how a hunter should dress to FEEL safe. I guess that is just me. I use every opportunity to preach what I practice.

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Per data reported at the bottom of http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00044112.htm , out of 356 two-party (not self inflicted), hunting associated firearms injuries, between1989 through 1995, 259 wore no blaze orange, and 84 did. You can make out of that whatever you want, but I figure it all says that there simply is no excuse for not wearing it.

Is it flawless? ....... obviously not. Is it a very significant safety measure? ..... the numbers speak for themselves. By the way, this report also noted that only 81% of the hunters wear blaze orange.

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