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The end is near!


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Well i never thought i'd see spring peepers crossing the road on january 24th! Had to stop and verify my eyes wern't playing tricks on me! Can say for sure its global warming or the beginning of the end (it is 2012)as the mayans interpreted calender says. But gheesh..... next it will be cows jumping over the moon!!!

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Oh no, not the 12-21-12 end of mankind reference.....LOL

Typically by this time every year we've had at least 1/2 our annual snowfall of ~100+".

Think I've gotten ~8" so far, mostly from one snow storm.

Now the rain fall so far this winter....................still treading water!

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Dont believe everything about global warming greg... lol jk

you want to hear something funny, i was looking at the Highs/Lows from past to present thinking this warm weather we are having is kind of strange. Believe it or not, the high for one of the days this week was 65 degrees. can you emagine 65 in almost February? and that was back in the 50s i believe, before all the global warming crap. you can look up highs and lows from like 100 years ago recorded temps. We have been having odd warm weather dating back along time ago.

could be a cycle maybe? Not sure up by you but its oddly warm here for being end on January... BUT thats a cool siting you posted there!

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The mayan calendar stopped at 2012........ Think they just got bored and wanted to do other things. Although, this winter is strange. Usually i can step from snowbanks onto my roof by now. I still see grass around the trees and stuff.

That's when they started sending messages by beating the drums and calling it Texting . They forgot about updating the calender .

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Yes, March traditionally is good for at least one ugly snowfall of sloppy-gloppy heavy snow. And don't count February out yet either.

However, if this should continue, I have to wonder what the bug situation will be next summer. Prolonged cold nasty winters are one of the controls on the insect population.

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I think it was the late 90's. we got hammered the end of March with 24" in one storm then 24" more a couple days later. nice thing was it all melted in a couple weeks.

Personally I am looking forward to a little global warming. I would love palm trees on the shore of Ontario...lol

1996 was a bad year!

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I agree with you thier Doc. Wonder if that is the start of the end, the bugs!!! LOL I know if I was up during the black flies season It would be the end of me, they love my sweet blood... Did it one time camping on the Kunjamuk river, last time I did that, funny the video shows gas at 1$ something... Best 3 dollars I ever spent was on a head net that week...

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