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Kids? Who has them, and what age?


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Hey all,

Just curious, since I'm a somewhat new Dad (7 Month Old) with a beautiful baby girl... Who has kids and how old? My little one has mastered the walker and zooms all over the place now, smashing into everything. She doesn't crawl yet, and might not ever (hates to be on her stomach), but I have a feeling she will walk before she crawls... She loves to stand.

Anyways, its been a blast so far, and always looking forward to see what tomorrow will bring. Every day its something new! And she is FINALLY sleeping through the night w/o intervention. She doesn't know it yet, but she will be hunting with or with out mom's approval. :D

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My oldest girl well be 21 this year she is up at Oneonta.My son well be 18 this year,wants nothing to do with school after this year wants to go right to work,We do a lot of shooting,he is starting to hunt more he came to camp a few times this season.And my baby well she well be 14 this year. Thanks John now I feel old Buddy.

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my son is 28 months old his first word was dadda and second word was deer and didnt say momma for months and months later. lol my little girl is 14 months old her first word was dadda and second was also deer then bear once again the wife was a little disapointed momma didnt come until later on lol. this past hunting season when ever he would wake up and see i wasnt home and would say mom dads hunting and gonna shoot a deer. i love that stuff. when ever i have one of my guns out he always asks me to get his toy shot gun or revolver so he can shoot the mounts or pics on the wall. for his first birthday i bought him a life time sportsmen im gonna guess that will end up eing the best money i ever spent. people bust my balls all the time and say im nuts what if he doesnt hunt i just threw away $350 i just tell them wait and well see i sure like my odds that hell be into it. then the last thing my wifes already wanting to try for a 3rd child at the beginning of spring i dont mind putting in the work to make the 3rd child but i sure am done with the baby stages already lol.

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2 daughters oldest is 23 has a bachelors in music and English education working on her masters. Her plan is to be a music teacher someday. She currently is making a boat load of money doing private music lessons and is a night manager at a local Wal-mart. Woodwinds are her specialty. My youngest will be 21 in April. She is currently in her last semester of nursing at the local college (suny canton)and will graduate in May. She plans to go on for her bachelors and plans to be a nurse practitioner. She currently works in a home for developmentally disabled persons as well as school. They will both have good careers to take care of me in my old age lol.

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We have two Daughter 28 has a masters in Higher Ed. and at a universitiy in the southerntier and has been home shopping for a while now

Our son is 25 and went to MCC while managing car install at Circut City...They helped pay For Mcc HV...now works Construction and bought a house and 5acres 4yrs ago

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John, I'm working on grandkids, mostly my 3y/o granddaughter. Just because of the usual family chit that everyone goes thru in one way or another, we got to for a large part, raise her. She'll be with us 3 or 4 nights a week depending on work schedules and it is something to watch them grow and develop and learn from infancy to pre-k. Get a video camera if you haven't got one. There are no do-overs.

Edited by Suilleabhain
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I have a daughter that will be 3 in april. She absolutely loves to be outdoors. When she was younger she would start to fuss and all I had to do was step outside with her and she would calm down. She would still rather be outside than in front of the tv and I hope it stays that way. She likes to see animals and absolutely loves to see trailcam pictures. I haven't figured out if she will hunt or just be a wildlife observer. Either way I am not going to complain as long as we can enjoy being outdoors together.

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I have 2 dogs the oldest is 10 and he is a English springer spaniel and my youngest is 14 months old, i am sure you all are familiar with Chester.

I now only have 16 chickens opposed to the 36 I did have, most were used for bait.



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My kids and my money go to the University at Buffalo...... 2 daughters,one in a medical field now doing a cardiac rehab internship (3.8 GPA) The other in finance,with a 4.0 last semester.

I must have a smart Mailman......

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I have a son who is 15 months old. Keeping us busy and changed my life. I would not trade it for anythign in the world. I hope as he gets older he has the same inerests as me. So we can share the things I enjoy and have my own hutning partner! He loves to play outsise and chase the dogs!

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I have four little ones that keep us busy with school work,sports and the great outdoors. Have three boys ages 10, 7 and 3 and my little princess that is 4 going on thirty....lol.. My 7yo son got his first interception today at his flagfootball game and ran it in for a touchdown (hes a little speed demon)....his team is really coming together after a couple months of playing. They lost the game today 12-6 but they played what we feel is the best team in the league and the other team has some real fast and bigger players. We got the last play of the game to within a yard of the endzone, but the game ended due to time. Had we just another minute to play we would have tied a team that destroyed us just a month ago. Great to be a coach/parent and see how these kids have come together as a team, real proud of those kids.

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