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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/11 in all areas

  1. So far we only have problems with people who shoot big deer, in citys, behind fences, out of treestands and heated box blinds, over bait, 5 min before or after sunup or down, with a scoped inline, crossbow, or Mathews bow ( because mathews bow owners are only over compansating for short comings in other areas )While sitting 50 yrds from another hunter on stateland who wound deer and ruin our experiance. Did I miss anything?
    4 points
  2. LMAO, Deaddeer1, you are really something. Let me tell you something. I have shot many small bucks, and several "decent" ones. Of course, I'm sure they wouldn't measure up to your standards. Every buck I kill goes on the wall, doesn't matter if it's a 1/2 rack spike or a 10 point. I've even bleached out doe skulls and hung them up, just because I like them. Too bad if you don't like it. I will continue to shoot any legal deer that I can get my hands on. They all look good in the freezer. Your opinion is not going to diminish the pleasure or satisfaction that I got out of legally taking my 4 pointer and small doe with my bow, or my small 9 pointer and small doe that I took with my shotgun. I've shot fawns before, and have been thankful to have them. For me, hunting is a great experience, regardless of what I kill. If guys want to practice VOLUNTARY AR, great. If guys want to shoot the first deer that comes along, great. I'll listen to either story, and offer congrats on both. Don't come on here and trash other guys. A deer, any deer is a gift, don't forget that.
    3 points
  3. While its your choice to shoot big bucks, its also everyone's choice to shoot whatever legal deer they want to. The trophy is in the eyes of the hunter, and it doesnt really matter what anyone else's opinion about it is. My opinion is unless the deer was taken illegally, stop bashing other hunters for what they shoot. The true embarrassment to other hunters is some guy that diminishes what his fellow hunter legally shot.
    3 points
  4. So where is the baby who started this post anyway. He complains about the bitchin' and then spends 8 paragraphs to do his own.. Go find yourself a forum where they agree with everything you say and where every internet big buck is greeted with a "way to go buddy, you are a great hunter." Oh and by the way, did you get that buck of yours officially green scored or are you still using that same number you came up with using your Stanley 1 inch framers tape measure?
    2 points
  5. This has been an enlightening thread for me.I learned some interesting facts. I appreciate everyone's opinion on this topic. I have to admit my opinion on these tree condos has changed somewhat. I understand that many people might benefit from one of these structures . Still not for me and I am in no way envious of having one but I am glad that almost everyone on this thread gave opinions without trying to change others beliefs.
    1 point
  6. Well, maybe the thread is a bit unexplainable, goofy and perhaps a bit over-blown, but I do like the title and I think a new word has been born ....... "kwitcherbitchun". That word might be a good reply on a lot of posts ..... .
    1 point
  7. Yesterday besides a major rain storm I was caught in was the first time out I did not see anything all season. Hope to get out again Christmas week if I can find the time. Will try a different spot.
    1 point
  8. In that case, condoms are probably something you'd better not forget. LOL
    1 point
  9. I dont know if any of you fella's ready Justin Shit My Dad Says. If not I suggest you google and take a look. You will be pissing your pants. Anyway I saw today a conversation that the guy put up on the. Kind of fits here - Made me laugh made me think. http://www.funnyordie.com/articles/322261cd73/why-internet-commenters-will-eventually-end-the-world Sorry for the mini Thread Jack
    1 point
  10. see I use this sight for ideas I'm a type that feeds my family off what I harvest. BUT there is a store down the street so its not a matter of survival. there always gonna be opinions but for me its the love of watching the wildlife. Big or small there's something about the time that is spent out there. no matter how you chose to hunt in a heated blind or hanging off the tree or walking there's a lot of things that lead into calmness. Not let me get something bigger then the next guy. Ive been hunting for 21 years and had a lot walk and took alot and no I'm not a guide or a pro at this but learn every year i go out. So if you get the biggest buck in the state or the smallest I love to hear the story's so i can try the same thing to learn more. That is what the fun of hunting is learning if you are in survival mode then a different story all together.
    1 point
  11. I didn't see one negative comment in his thread about his buck. That was a hell of buck, and he should have just left it at that. However, forums are forums. Just like in real life, you get people who won't always agree with EVERYTHING you have to say. He needs to get over it and move on.
    1 point
  12. Well after watching 3-4 different roadhunters driving around the roads by my house and my neighbor actually watching them kill a deer.I tried to get a plate numbers but was unsucessful as they have mud and cardboard over the plate and drive away like a bat out of hell....Finially i decided to contact the dec I did this via a form on the internet and it was very easy and i was exceedingly pleased with the fast response. Simple descriptions of the trucks and cars along with a few other neighbors deciding to file complaints seem to have worked so far as there are now sherffs and troopers as well as dec vehicals driving around the area. I really wish they would of put out a decoy... maybe they will later.. Just happy to see the system working..
    1 point
  13. just let this die,this is gonna turn into another multi page argument.Let it go...
    1 point
  14. "my only Bitc** on here his to the guys MOSTLY GROWn men who shoot the 1=11/2 yr old deer the spikes 4 pts small sixes and just smaller bucks in general 10-60 inch deer they not only post pics but a so proud of it story as well. that upsets me and embarrases me.(legal deer or not) I for yrs have let the small bucks/deer go in hopes they wil continue to be passed by other hunters and in hopes for that deer to be bigger next yr. your deer you say was a 183inch BOONE / CROCKET was a deer that was fortunite enough to be passed yr after yr. I cant wait till all of NY adopts the ARs and even some mid west deer laws shorted gun seasons ect. we as hunters really are hurting are future of deer hunting by shooting any and every deer we see. Thats My only Bitch I congratulate any 1 on a succesful hunt but in the same thought wish and hope they d up there buck age / size standards!!! " Lighten up Francis ! We all hunt for different reasons....trophy is in the eye of the beholder. Why is a 4 point taken still hunting 2 miles off the road on public land less of a trophy than a 170 class buck taken by some fat arse sitting over a well manicured food plot, that drove to his stand on a 4 wheeler, and that has only been on stand for an hour because his trail camera showed him thats when the buck had been showing up? LMAO You make it sound like you don't get fulfillment from your hunting experience unless you take down a big horn. Sorry to hear that. ....
    1 point
  15. nothing negative was said about his deer. maybe he wanted more than 3 pages worth of "congratulations"
    1 point
  16. i only sit till 930 10, then from 3 till dark. i havent given up, but i am losing interest for some reason this year.
    1 point
  17. Hey Im stoked for you and any 1 else who harvests a true trophy deer. now tell me its a awesome feeling / acomplisement isnt it. my only Bitc** on here his to the guys MOSTLY GROWn men who shoot the 1=11/2 yr old deer the spikes 4 pts small sixes and just smaller bucks in general 10-60 inch deer they not only post pics but a so proud of it story as well. that upsets me and embarrases me.(legal deer or not) I for yrs have let the small bucks/deer go in hopes they wil continue to be passed by other hunters and in hopes for that deer to be bigger next yr. your deer you say was a 183inch BOONE / CROCKET was a deer that was fortunite enough to be passed yr after yr. I cant wait till all of NY adopts the ARs and even some mid west deer laws shorted gun seasons ect. we as hunters really are hurting are future of deer hunting by shooting any and every deer we see. Thats My only Bitch I congratulate any 1 on a succesful hunt but in the same thought wish and hope they d up there buck age / size standards!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL HUNTING NY MEMBERS
    1 point
  18. Man I was all excited when I got a new treestand that had a padded seat!
    1 point
  19. Because that is how everyone here pisses and moans about every other success story. God forbid someone harvests a 16, 18, 20 , or 22 point buck. The shooter must provide a DNA sample in order to justify their success. You want want proof on my kill (14 point, 183 4/8, 210lbs)....Guess what???? Kiss it! What is wrong with celebrating with those who harvest amazing deer? Shut the hell up and celebrate with them! If you cannot shoot them...join them! Plus it will be interesting to see who has the balls and integrity to fess up to their sensitive-ass whining and crying.
    1 point
  20. Why would you post the same thing over and over?
    1 point
  21. As to the original post , I wouldn't care if someone does that and apparently it's legal . Now all the guy needs is a good crossBow . Here is what I want !
    1 point
  22. I wanted to get my trappers license this year but didn't have time to take the class. I will find time next year and start trapping yotes. I went out last night and got no response. Plan on going out thursday night when its colder. Good luck to all and be safe. Hope to see you all out there this year. Anybody up for a coyote drive?....
    1 point
  23. Say that three times fast!Hedonistic hunting in a heated hut, hedonistic hunting in a heated hut, hedonistic hunting in a heated hut.
    1 point
  24. Must be they took the time to photoshop 2 pictures to make it more believable....LMAO
    1 point
  25. when they start with the ole "well it's Gods plan", then it's conversation over for me...
    1 point
  26. The same in 4o and 4f no ones seeing a thing and getting only ok bucks the big boys arent moving and the ladys are not looking for them WORST season in almost 40 years of hunting
    1 point
  27. Thanks for the concern, Deerthug. My grandma is a tough old lady. We kept thinking it was her time for years now and she keeps fighting on. I think it is because of that we're better emotionally prepared for it. Not that it's easy but I think it would have been a lot harder if it was something unexpected and came out of nowhere. It's been one really tough week. Brother's shooting accident at work on Tuesday, Dick's Sporting Goods fiasco Tuesday night, and now this.
    1 point
  28. Sounds like you got "dicked" ! Sometimes the stores get wrapped up in technicalities and are unsure what to do .
    1 point
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