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For all our brothers and sisters on HuntingNY.com. We pray... May the Lord God make you an honorable hunter who respects fellow hunters, the animals, and all creation; May He keep safe you and all who share the field or the forest; May He make all hunters proud of their kill, generous with their meat, and thankful in all circumstances. May God bless you: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. * A Novena in honor of St. Hubert, patron saint of hunters, for November 16, 2013 to December 8, 2013: * Prayer to be an honorable hunter By the grace of God may I always honor, thank and adore the Lord God who created the animals and saw that each species was good. Let me love the God who made humans in His own image and likeness and set them over the whole world, to have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth (Gen 1:26). By my honorable conduct as a hunter let me give a good example and teach new hunters principles of honor, so that each new generation can show respect for God, other hunters and the animals, and enjoy the dignity of the hunt. * Prayer for safety Pray for the good sense to care for my weapon and to carry it and fire it responsibly. Pray for the animals, that the shots are clean and do not cause unnecessary suffering to the animal. * Prayer for honest hunt Lord, may I make an honest count of game, respecting the legal limits of game in order to preserve the balance of life and death among the animals. May I so love the truth that I always give an honest recounting of the hunting stories while keeping them interesting to my friends. May I also listen to my friends’ stories with enjoyment and without envy. * Prayer against selfishness Lord, I do not need to take every animal in the forest, nor must I take the best or nothing. Guide me to seek the best and to accept what I get. May I never take more than my limit and let me always help maintain the balance of nature in relationship to the environment and the numbers of animals there. Keep me aware of the needs and desires of other hunters while I always try to hunt at my own best skill. * Prayer for successful hunt Lord, I pray that I may take down the game in as painless a way as possible. May I recognize my limits and take the shots I know I can make, not taking a shot that risks wounding an animal unnecessarily. * Prayer of thanksgiving for the hunt Lord, I thank You for the opportunity to go out on the hunt. I thank You for the time alone to think and reflect on life. I thank You for the time with hunting friends, enjoying good fellowship, good stories, meals and drinks. Thank You for the beauty seen during the hunt and for the game taken and shared. I thank You especially for a safe hunt for myself and for all the hunters who share the field. * Prayer to share the fruit of the hunt Lord, I am so blessed to be able to hunt and I appreciate the blessings You have bestowed upon me. Yet I know that so many others are in great need. Give me the grace to share the food of the hunt not only with my family and friends but also with those who have greater need: the hungry and the poor. May my sharing with them be one small part of my continuing care for your poor. As they ask You, Father, for their daily bread, use me as one small instrument to help provide it to them. It is time.... LET'S GO and good luck to all !!!!7 points
Getting married the first day of GUN season ?? That's really SICK, man...!!.. I never heard of such a thing.. You should consider cultivating a better class of friends..5 points
After the count had climbed to 17 1.5-2.5 yr old bucks I had passed this Archery season it was beginning to set in that I wasn't going to get a shot this year at a mature one. It was my last morning to hunt after all, but I was fine with it, I would rather eat a tag then not give them a chance to develop. Well I was rewarded for my patience around 8 am Wednesday morning it was 21 degrees with a little snow on the ground and this guy came to me in my pinch point stand. It was going to be a 30 yd shot but at the last second he turned and came directly toward me, I couldn't believe it. I came to full draw and he had come in to 10 yds broadside at this point. I released and sent a rocket steelhead through both lungs. He took off went 30-40 yds and did the oh crap dance and it was over. He's not the monster I had been after all season, but I couldn't be happier with him. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 24 points
I'll bring a dozen ears of corn.., a 10lb bag of apples.., pockets full of salt packets.., and a tub of extra crunchy Peter Pan peanut butter. Usually by the time I get to my stand, everything has fallen out the hole in my backpack and I'm left with a couple sandwiches, cookies, and coffee,lol!4 points
they squirrels are coming ... this was on my facebook had to share lol. that deer looks so scared lol3 points
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Biggest buck ever afar 30 years of bowhunting .... a few years off during that time.3 points
As I'm sitting here watching the day come to an end and the sun setting behind the Catskill mountains I can only think about God's beautiful creations without which there would be no woods to hunt, or creatures to harvest. I pray that tomorrow God gives me the opportunity to see His creatures roam below my stand and gives me the strength and courage to keep my aim true and clean so that I can provide for my family but most of all that He keeps me and all my fellow hunters safe. Sent with Tapatalk on my Samsung Galaxy 42 points
I arrived at my cabin this morning around 9-930. Was unpacking when I looked out the window and saw a doe coming out of the wood line a little more than 100yds from my cabin. I grabbed my bow ran to the wood line and crawled towards her. I got behind a cluster of bushes about 40yds from her and looked for an opening. On cue she walked right to the opening and began to feed. I ranged her quick had her at 30, picked a spot and let her rip...the thwack sent goosebumps through my body and as she turned I saw the arrow stuck good. I thought I saw her go down so I gave it 15 mins and walked to where she stood when I shot. I immediately found good blood and continued. No more than 20 yds there she lie, arrow sticking up out her. This my 2nd deer with the bow ever and a great start to my season....on the last day of bow. Nice mature doe! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
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Wow. A funeral, maybe. Wedding, NFW. Have a nice time.......................................................2 points
I just did a simulated one based on opening day rifle, came up with this on the deer movement on a 100 acre lot.2 points
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So with having a job and only being able to hunt the weekends I decided to take today and the rest of the week off to finish out my bow season in hopes of getting a buck. I couldnt have asked for a more perfect morning with the snow and the temperatures. Got in my climber early, sitting there about 25 ft up freezing my you know whats off, i hear leaves and twigs snapping across the ravine behind me about 80 yds away. Already standing up in my climber trying to stay warm I turned around and saw a deers body, grabbed my binos, and as soon as i could get a good look through the trees i could see it was a decent buck. I grunted until he heard me, he stopped, made a hard right, headed down the ravine angling back towards me, finally he gets within eye sight so i draw back my bow, he crosses another creek bottom that dumps into the ravine and he decides to stop directly underneath my climber. i sat there at full draw for what felt like an eternity but realistically about 3 mins while he stood looking around. After nearly missfiring due to all the layers i was wearing i let off and turned around, snow falling onto his back off my boots and climber, he begins to walk up the steady slope of the ravine my stands at, still no shot, he begins to turn broadside up the hill so i started mewing, he stepped in an opening between a clump of trees, it was now or never. it all happened so fast, as soon as i thought he was stopped i drew back, put my bottom and middle pin where i thought the vitals were and let the arrow fly. he took off like a bat out of hell i could see i hit him right sqyare in the middle of his body. I watched him run back into the open bottom of the ravine and could no longer hear movement. i assumed he bedded down in the tall grass, so i waited about 15 mins, slowly made my way down the tree shaking like a leaf the entire time. went to where i made the shot and couldnt find a speck of blood, determined to find the start of his blood trail i went down to where i saw him jump the creek hoping that leap would produce blood and to my amazement i could see what i thought was his rack sticking above the grass, but i wasnt sure i thought maybe it was a log and some branches, but a closer look i could see his body through the grass. he had piled up right where i last heard him and caught a glimpse of him. turns out it was a 50yd shot, entered his right side through the last two ribs and made its way through his liver and both lungs and the opposite side of his rib cage only coming short of 100% pass through by the thickness of his cape. When i found him his front leg was tangled up in his rack. he was dead 20 seconds after i shot him. arrow stirred his inner workings pretty darn good. he is an anomaly of a buck for the area i hunt, the taxidermist who lives up the road is darn sure he is atleast 3.5 years old. he rough scored him at 130.5... ill take that any day of the week.2 points
2013 Bow season buck - Real heavy 8 point that green scored gross 146". He had over 34" of mass measurements.2 points
My pet peeve. People on public sites complaining how everyone ruins their hunting season. He has the right to shoot any time he wants to. That will not even begin to hurt hunting. The deer do not move to the next county when they hear shots. Hunting pressure is the bigger problem than shooting.1 point
The guy is still a dumb ass for waiting until the last minute to sight in a shotgun . Using the car headlights to see the target ? Maybe he's practicing his jack-lighting !1 point
Ha.... I feel your pain...last day of bow and I saw not one animal besides crow...it started at 10 this morning and then restarted on two sides of me at 4.....they were still blasting away at 4:45...I didn't even here anything come out or going into the woods today....it sounded like opening day...in fact I sat i my stand thinking...OMG did I some how miss a day??1 point
Well the usual suspects can feel free to hate on this. Shot a doe at 730 am. The pair came in in on me quick, she got to 20 yds in my 9 o'clock lane. I was drawn and had the pin waiting for her there...unfortunately inner voice never told me drop the bow for short yardage. I fired with perfect form but wrong range and smacked her just behind the shoulders but up as high as possible without a spine (the rage had to enter perfectly horizontal. I saw the arrow hit and penetrate both sides but stuck...immediately thought "oh no" as she bounded off and did not drop from what I at first instant thought had to be a spine shot. Both stopped 15 yds later and I was nocking an arrow...she wasn't acting like a fatally wounded deer more like an annoyed one...when she reached back the sight of the arrow spooked her and they took off and i picked a land mark about 100yds out where I last saw them clearly then watched bits and pieces of them continue on until I couldn't see them. Waited half hour then decided to search for initial sign at the point of impact. Found high cape dark hairs but no blood. After about an hour i was unable to track to it, so I went to the landmark. There was very good blood...this pick is from 7 hours later but you can see blood from both sides of the deer and I had this every 5 yards for 50 or 60 yds. I was able to track easily at a walking pace and started to look for a white belly and my hopes got up: Eventually though I was down on my hands and knees but still a good trail with occasional painted branches and reeds: Eventually the drops got 20-30 yds a part but it was leading into promising thick stuff like multiflora rose which I crawled through. Finally blood ran out and I continued about 100 yds down every fresh and then stale and then somewhat non-existent trail that went off of last blood, but nothing. Then the farmer said he saw 2 doe behind the alpaca barn, one looked bloodied but otherwise normal, he tried it get closer but they spooked: I guess she may recover, doesn't make me feel any better...also I know people say it isn't possible but I believe I got her between the lungs and spine. Ruined my dream archery season and my bow madness gets put away 4-1 with the loss coming last, but it was all user error, the rage probably got me a lot further than I deserved. Glad it didn't happen to the buck I harvested instead. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
This morning on the way to drop my son off at the sitter, I looked out at a field as we went by and right there, 30 yards from the road was a big buck. I stopped and pulled a U turn and parked by the field. There stood a 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 year old heavy 9 point. His mouth was wide open, no doe around, just standing there without a care in the world. We watched him for 5 minutes before I thought to snap a pic. He had wandered off a bit, but you can make him out in the center if you look. That really got me pumped for tomorrow morning!1 point
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Good luck to one and all...I'm headed out for my last 2013 bow sit...cross some fingers out there....1 point
Yep...and deer that walk around and bed, next to the equipment barn...the tractor... and the boats....big difference between those smells and a human...I've never been camping where a deer would bed or walk around my tent.....1 point
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Could never marry a woman who did not approve/agree of me hunting. Had a gf that tried that. I told her that is she forces me to choose she will lose. Needless to say if she didn't like my hunting she kept it to herself Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 21 point
I got married on Nov. 4th many many years ago. At that time I did not bow hunt,for some reason I took it up next year though......1 point
Made the long trip up to Moose River Wed for 10 days of hunting with supplies and clothes for a month because I was going to go back to work for a week then head back up that Friday night for 2 more weeks. Base camp took all day as usual to set up with securing the tarps, tent, stove, cook shack and unpacking everything. Day 2 I head out about 9 am Ahh too tired now, quick version. I called in a buck, took the beauty around 3:30, details to follow just need sleep for now... So tired 3 days 1 set up 2 shoot deer and drag out a mile day 3 repack everything and drive home Arg I am so tired!!! But Thrilled at the fact that I accomplished a life time goal set up with almost a month to accomplish and did in one day, on my Birthday!!! My 3rd Moose River buck!!! This trip, and deer are dedicated to Christopher James Flathmann. RIP Love you Brother! He was with us in spirit!!!1 point
He's a keeper ! Just standing there, looking dumb, with his mouth open ? Does it remind you of YOURSELF at the local pig palace ?...<<grin>>...1 point
AMEN!!!!!And to everyone have a safe and great hunt..........AND BEST OF LUCK..1 point
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Roughed in this stand last year and finished it this year. The paint job blends it in somewhat with the tree behind it that is overtaken with wild grape vines. 400 yard look down range. 330 degree view. No deer have been taken from it...yet. That's going to change in a few days.1 point
My fire tower stand.First pic is of my girl testing it out shortly after we got it set up last year.Second pic is the view from the stand.1 point
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There, in a meeting right now and i feel like shooting myself. This is making the time go by faster.1 point
Moon Schmoon. Look at current GPS collaring studies, they move regardless.1 point
I've gotta have a couple of chocolate milks, hot soup, a stick of pepperoni and potato rolls to munch on around noon, orange gatorade and assorted cup cakes, reeses, and other junk food. No wonder I can't loose weight, but it's only during gun where I'm in the stand. During bow, just a choc milk, and some reeses. Less movement the better.1 point
I shot this guy on 10/12. My goal this year was to shoot a mounter, but I am not too proud and still too young with not many bow bucks under my belt to pass a nice tweener. When I first got in the stand at dark I heard some movement NE of me. Nothing showed. A few hours later I was sitting in my stand when I heard a crunch behind me. I turn to see squirrels. Figures. I hear it again and check again to see him walking down the row of pines I'm hunting in and headed north towards me. He's still out there, but will eventually be a 10 yard broadside if he keeps coming. And what's this? A big body behind him. The 8 stops, slowly backs up and heads east and I never see the other deer. I can sort of make him out but he's about 60 yards through some very thick brush. I grunt a few times and nothing. 5 minutes go by and he starts walking down a parallel run headed north, but this time to my east. Alright i think, second chance. He stays off the run at about 30 and behind a log. I have a narrow spine shot and decide not to take it. He stands there looking NE for what seems like forever. Then he wheezes. Are you serious? I've never seen this in the wild. He makes his way into some brush and out of site. A minute goes by and I hear sparing! Are you serious? Another first for me. 5 minutes go by and I see movement. Now a deer is headed west (basically making a full circle around my stand) but still too far out and in some brush. I see 2, then 3 deer. A forked spike comes in front of me headed west. Broadside 15 yards. No thanks. Then comes a 6 who I'm assuming was bedded down from this morning and also the 8's sparing partner. I see the 8 working a scrape behind him and decide to wait. Well doesn't the 8 take the same run in front of me but then go behind a pine a few yards north. He takes one step out at 22 and I draw, pic a window that in hindsight might have been a risk given some pine twigs and let it fly. He went about 60 yards. Single lung and liver. 10 minutes later comes another 6 from the SE headed NW. Then a doe. and when my dad comes in from his stand to help me drag out comes a huge 6 from the south. very thick beam. I believe he was with the 8 and the body I saw previous and just veered off because he came from that direction. Needless to say I would have been happy with the hunt even without the deer. Some of the best action I've ever had pre-rut. I'll update this later with some trail cam pics. a rage entrance wound! I think he weighed around 145lb.1 point
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pictures and stories only... no comments please... hit the LIKE button1 point
A buddy of mine got his first bow buck and best buck to date on Saturday. He called me at around 10 Saturday morning saying he shot a buck but needed help tracking. He said he tracked for a few hundred yards, bumped the bedding buck and then couldn't tell where it went after that. He says he shot it in both lungs. Not sure how it ran so far with a double lung shot, I get there and we start tracking. He was hunting a stand 200 yards into the woods and saw nothing. Came out to his Jeep to leave and two 8's and 2 spikes ran buy, and he shot one of the 8's. He tracked it 200 yards to his stand (LOL) and it kept going. Blood is great at first, some big spots and big pools and a lot of disturbed leaves so we could follow his path pretty easily. Then the trail went dry and he said, "I already followed him to his bed, let's check it out." So we go to his bed in the all grass and prickers and sure enough, a lot of blood. Saw some spots on the sides of prickers which told us the direction he went off his bed. I noticed 4 clumps of leaves that were overturned, about 8 or 10 feet apart which looked like the buck hopped down the hill. Found another few spots of blood and the buck lay dead 50 yards away. In all, we tracked it like 4 or 500 yards. He shot it through both shoulders and had a pass through, I wonder how it ran so far. It was a fun track and was great practice. It looks like a 1.5 year old with great genetics. Body size was short and small.1 point
Why do you care what others are using to get in and out of the woods? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 41 point
Our states regs are based on maximum hunting license sales imo. Theyre not based on deer biology an dsure not out to please everybody. If you go to Ohio you jaw would hang low....there regs are a large portion of why they have giants yet everyone is happy (or close to) with the system. Baiting, dogs, etc doesnt make or bag big bucks...and the reason why NY deer are so hard to hunt is because NY hunters are primarily lazy slobs. Gimmick buying bums that love gun seasons and driving 50mph gusts here and precip and it sounded like a war zone with jackwagons sighting in ...take a ride by any sporting goods store and youll see the Bone Collector bumper stickered trucks full or camo clad morons...... My neighbor grunts so much i think deer now make turkey sounds because theyre annoyed with their language.1 point
That's the one they should definitely change...just not fair to a working Joe. I've harvested 3 deer in NY on Sundays in the past 6 years, 2 this year, 5 years ago it was my only deer of the season.1 point
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