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4 deer in 9 seconds

Uncle Nicky

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do people really think deer just fall over peacefully and close their eyes when shot with a gun? I doubt there are many hunters, who have shot their share of deer, that haven't seen one flop around for a few seconds....even when shot perfectly it's going to happen...........

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  On 12/28/2013 at 7:24 PM, BUCKANDAQUARTER said:

sure it is, but taking shots that increase those chances and then posting a video of that isn't the best move for our image.

only problem might be posting the video...were they bad shots? maybe, maybe not......I don't know that particular hunters ability and I wasn't looking through the scope. 

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  On 12/28/2013 at 6:15 PM, WNYBuckHunter said:

You accused him of taking a "crap shot", thats the same saying hes a slob hunter, is it not? Those two things always seem to go hand in hand. He filmed himself making those shots, and all were good. You dont film yourself doing that without being confident in your skills. My bet is that he could repeat those shots.

What the hell are you talking about? Saying he took a crap shot is the same as calling him a slob hunter??? I guess so, if you're writing the definitions…I don't even know what "slob hunter " means.  He was shooting at a bunch of running deer. He wounded the first one he shot at and came close to wounding the second one he shot at. Watch it again. I guess those were great shots in your world..OK what ever..If you're getting pissed because you would open up on a herd of running doe…don't. I really don't care how you hunt. It's just my opinion get over it.

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I'm curious as to how many of those that defend this guy for his shot choices because he has the necessary skill level to make these shots are also the same people who criticize people for taking head shots?


I guess it's like basketball.  If the guy makes the shot, it's a great highlight reel shot.  If he misses, it's like WTF was he thinking?


The dude took 5 shots to dispatch 4 deer.  None of the deer I see suffered for more than a few seconds.  The 2 that was off screen could not have been running because they were just off of the cameras angle.  If they were on a full run, they would have been shot way off from the camera's view.  So odds are only the second deer was the only one that was moving.  Maybe most of us can't make these kinds of shots but just because we can't doesn't mean he shouldn't because clearly he can.


PS:  For the record, Michael Jordan never took a bad shot.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 7:36 PM, jjb4900 said:

only problem might be posting the video...were they bad shots? maybe, maybe not......I don't know that particular hunters ability and I wasn't looking through the scope. 


I mostly agree with you. Deer 1,3,4 weren't anything like #2. Deer 1,3,4 offered vitals at least. The video rubs me the wrong way.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 6:22 PM, BUCKANDAQUARTER said:
#2 wasn't a good shot to take. If that deer was standing there in that position it wouldn't be an ideal shot to take. You'd have to blow apart the front shoulder to get at the vitals. If that isn't a crap shot what is?

A through the front shoulder at a quartering to deer with a shotgun at that range is perfectly acceptable.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 4:52 PM, Meat Manager said:

Every hunter who has taken a hunter safety course in the past 25 years has been educated about harvesting breeders as the method of population control and the correlation of doe permits to herd population.

Again, as a whitetail hunter in 3 densely populated northeastern states (NY, PA, NJ) I view myself in 3 ways:

-Doe/population manager

-Yearling buck protector

-Mature buck hunter

Congrats to Maryland and nice shooting...as long as there is no waste, fill them tags.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's great you may be in the 1% that do actually think about it when you pull the trigger... and I agree " fill those tags"... my point still stands that most hunters, regardless of how many tags they fill, care little about population control when pulling the trigger. Whether they have learned it or not I contend that the motivation has nothing to do with that thought process and everything to do with filling the freezer or hanging a buck on the wall... how many get DMP tags but pass on doe early in the season to shoot bucks only to have tag soup at the end of the year?... if they were concerned about population control they would shoot deer in the order God sends them. I am not stating what is right or wrong.. just what is.

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The guy pulls it off makes a video and brags.  I wonder how many videos you do not see.  I personally did not watch it as anyone who attempts this is not worth even mentioning. Think what you want, but to pull this off he was more lucky than good. 

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The guys who approve just because "it's legal" kind of crack me up. Especially when we all know our fine governing bodies always make such great decisions on what should be legal... 


That scene is exactly why I find so many dead deer at the end of each season. Sure, everyone will miss now and again but when you are taking shots like that your chances of just wounding the deer go through the roof. And if you get lucky and kill those deer, you're likely to ruin a certain percentage of meat simply because you choose to aim at a 3 foot random area rather than 12 inches of vitals. My opinion. 


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  On 12/28/2013 at 10:08 PM, JFB said:
The guys who approve just because "it's legal" kind of crack me up. Especially when we all know our fine governing bodies always make such great decisions on what should be legal...

That scene is exactly why I find so many dead deer at the end of each season. Sure, everyone will miss now and again but when you are taking shots like that your chances of just wounding the deer go through the roof. And if you get lucky and kill those deer, you're likely to ruin a certain percentage of meat simply because you choose to aim at a 3 foot random area rather than 12 inches of vitals. My opinion.

I've said the same thing on here and usually get railroaded for it. Like the government has always been perfect in deciding what's best for the people. I'm sure most North Koreans would agree.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 7:58 PM, Elmo said:

I'm curious as to how many of those that defend this guy for his shot choices because he has the necessary skill level to make these shots are also the same people who criticize people for taking head shots?


I guess it's like basketball.  If the guy makes the shot, it's a great highlight reel shot.  If he misses, it's like WTF was he thinking?


The dude took 5 shots to dispatch 4 deer.  None of the deer I see suffered for more than a few seconds.  The 2 that was off screen could not have been running because they were just off of the cameras angle.  If they were on a full run, they would have been shot way off from the camera's view.  So odds are only the second deer was the only one that was moving.  Maybe most of us can't make these kinds of shots but just because we can't doesn't mean he shouldn't because clearly he can.


PS:  For the record, Michael Jordan never took a bad shot.


I would indeed criticize a head shot. I'm also not good enough to shoot running deer with any expectation of being able to predict where my bullet will ACTUALLY land. 


Let's say this guy is a fantastic shot and just one of those guys who can ethically harvest running deer... my question is how many did he wound to get that good? And don't tell me shooting ducks or rabbit with bird shot enables you to suddenly hit a running deer with a slug and be able to predict where you end up hitting it on a consistent basis. It's like saying you can blow up a balloon in a stiff wind and be able to pop it with a slug from a distance with any consistency? Not. 


And the other problem is this... just because Michael Jordan was fantastic... it didn't mean everyone on the team should take the type of shots that he did. But when young hunters see scenes like this, they see it as normal and then they try it... Not many Jordans out there. Lots of wounded deer out there... wonder why. 

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You guys are a bunch of sissies..


I have seen videos of Barry Wensel, who has shot MANY more big bucks than ANY of you, shooting deer on the run with his recurve.


Of course, the key to his great success was the fact that he had his stupid looking hat on sideways..


I think you guys who can't kill running deer are just wearing your hats the wrong way.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 7:50 PM, ants said:

What the hell are you talking about? Saying he took a crap shot is the same as calling him a slob hunter??? I guess so, if you're writing the definitions…I don't even know what "slob hunter " means. He was shooting at a bunch of running deer. He wounded the first one he shot at and came close to wounding the second one he shot at. Watch it again. I guess those were great shots in your world..OK what ever..If you're getting pissed because you would open up on a herd of running doe…don't. I really don't care how you hunt. It's just my opinion get over it.

He killed the first one he shot with a perfect lung and probably heart shot. A deer doesnt go 15 yards and pile up from a non fatal wound lol. They were all good shots. Were you watching the same video? Im not getting upset, but it sure sounds like you are.

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  On 12/28/2013 at 6:51 PM, BUCKANDAQUARTER said:

So if the general public will only condone hunting for population control, why would they support the state in letting them live longer to fulfill the desires of us "evil" hunters?

I guess what I am trying to say is the state has it's own agenda, money. They make a lot of money off of hunting aka "population control". It is quite obvious population control is needed, I think that us hunters will be fine.

Hunters in those areas want it, the general non hunting public could care less. Where do you get this from?

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