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Where is all the sign????????????????


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No rubs down by me yet.  Have seen em scraping, only spikes, but nothing bigger.  More does than normal.  It's been a little strange year, but when I'm not seeing the big ones, I hunt sparingly, and leave the area alone.  No sense taking a chance and spooking them coming in and out.  I'll wait one more week and hunt a little heavier during the rut.  I always like it when I can use some scents and a drag line.  Like to see if it stops em or they couldn't care less.  No big bucks on the trail cam either.  We'll probably see rubs this weekend.

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Was strong first of the month, then by the 9th, nothing. Just started back up, night of the 21th. The first, in a series of breeding phases ended. Scrapes start up now, suggest the main event is coming, soon. Now I'm talking here. Different locations across the state, vary, I'm sure.


I might add, the first scrapes used, are not being used, this go around.  Different bucks.  Rubs, I have no comment on yet.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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Lots of rubs and scrapes on one property...a little sign on each of a couple others and one that's behind last year with minimal sign. Probably logged 10 unique bucks at one scrape and another with 3-4 on one cam check.


While I think there will be big deer shot this year (every year) this year isn't going to be as productive with top end bucks (volume, not necessarily antler score). I think last year was one of the better years for bucks in a very long time.

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Was strong first of the month, then by the 9th, nothing. Just started back up, night of the 21th. The first, in a series of breeding phases ended. Scrapes start up now, suggest the main event is coming, soon. Now I'm talking here. Different locations across the state, vary, I'm sure.


I might add, the first scrapes used, are not being used, this go around.  Different bucks.  Rubs, I have no comment on yet.


Noticed this too. First opened up scrapes are not being used as much or at all. Different bucks. I think the range shift happened after scrape use increased. I have a couple scrapes that can back this up based on pics. All but one of the 3.5+ bucks using it in Aug-Sept are gone to different places.

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Noticed this too. First opened up scrapes are not being used as much or at all. Different bucks. I think the range shift happened after scrape use increased. I have a couple scrapes that can back this up based on pics. All but one of the 3.5+ bucks using it in Aug-Sept are gone to different places.


I agree. I also believe the communication phases change. I do believe doe  tend do chose who they breed with. This more in likely doesn't happen, most of the time, but the communication part is there.


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last night I came across two massive scrapes with very large prints in them.  First time I have seen this, but it was done on the corn. Right at the base of the stalks and about 3' in diameter and the stalks above it were shredded. No over hanging branches.


Terretorial or frustration scrapes. Probably a sign of having two or more bucks of equal stature roaming same ground.

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