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Hunters vs Hunters


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Some what common . I have friend who has had a guys take a chain saw to his trees that have stands in them and drop them that's bad enough but..

One morning while climbing down he saw that the tree he climbed up in the dark was cut most of the way trough !

Now turns out he had a camera on a near by scrape, it caught a guy walking past with a chain saw, off camera you,hear it start and then hear cutting .

DEC said not enough evidence !

Maybe not for Johnny law , but those who know how,the game is played it sure is.

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Why you all so upset?

Haven't more the one of you told others to sabotage a trespassers stand? Well, this is what people do when you tell them acting like an a$$ is OK. That said........



This sucks. I hope the jerk that did it does at least 5 years, no parole, in a max Fed joint. Maybe his 'cell mate' will drive the right way to do things home.

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Must have missed that. Still can't see Paula , wny,, fast Eddie , first light ,stone,being in favor of sabotaging a persons stand .

Remove it sure.

Can you provide a link to,their comments ? I did a search but could not find any.

Edited by Larry302
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I think there is also an issue that this guy cut the tree without knowing the property boundaries... getting upset with somebody really for no reason... It is always better to confront another hunter respectfully face to face first... usually things can be worked out without getting stupid... people need to wait until there really is a problem instead of creating one before one exists.

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I have cut down trees with stands in them,after I had removed the stand and placed on trail to stand site next to my posted sign(my name and number on it),only to return a week later and find the stand back in the same tree. Thus the stand and the tree were removed. To set a trap,or sabotage a tree or stand is just wrong and criminal.

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Some what common . I have friend who has had a guys take a chain saw to his trees that have stands in them and drop them that's bad enough but..

One morning while climbing down he saw that the tree he climbed up in the dark was cut most of the way trough !

Now turns out he had a camera on a near by scrape, it caught a guy walking past with a chain saw, off camera you,hear it start and then hear cutting .

DEC said not enough evidence !

Maybe not for Johnny law , but those who know how,the game is played it sure is.


Sounds like the DEC to me. I'm often baffled by the lack of DEC and Police cooperation when trying to stop trespassing. No excuse I suppose but no wonder people take things in their own hands. 

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Why you all so upset?

Haven't more the one of you told others to sabotage a trespassers stand? Well, this is what people do when you tell them acting like an a$$ is OK. That said........

This sucks. I hope the jerk that did it does at least 5 years, no parole, in a max Fed joint. Maybe his 'cell mate' will drive the right way to do things home.

Your nuts. There have been comments on here to remove a stand and leave a note. Never is there any advice to hurt someone on purpose.

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For some reason we always want to believe that just because somebody participates in things like hunting, that they are all up-standing wonderful people. Well, here is just another indication that hunters represent the same cross-section of people that any other group does. And yes, we have our fair share of wackos too. It's something to stay aware of when dealing with other hunters. People have shot each other, on purpose, over hunting issues. It's unfortunate, but simply the way some people are. We have not yet figured out how to eliminate the weirdos from our ranks and probably never will.

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I've removed Tree Stands that were setup on my property without permission and left a note with cell phone number , the hunter called me - we met discussed things - he was a bow hunter I am not (just tried it last year) we made a deal .  I signed a permission slip for him and another to bow hunt my property - bow season only and at the end of the bow season and before rifle opens he tells me what he saw or shot and everybody's happy . After Rifle closes I report the same to him and he's back at it . Never has the thought of causing harm to anyone come up !

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Grow, I'd only be guessing, but I work with the guy here in Roch. He lives in a close suburb, my guess would be reg. 8.

Since to sawing and starting of saw took place of cam. ( it was set to video) no charges....

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Thanks....Region 8 seems to have that as their montra...I have delt with 9...They were great and didn't have a problemdoing their best to take care of situations and have called 7 to come out...because Region 8 couldn't be bothered...then got a call from officer stating what they did and how it was handled....Noticed guys here mention the same thing I have heard and ppl I know from Region 8 ...Can you prove it...Get pictures and I love this one...Well you know they'er just going to lie anyways.....I miss John Hill....

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