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How many get physicals before season.....


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 I had my last one(woman have 3 a year) today...blood work next week then the dentist here soon....I always scheduled them before season openers so I know I don't have much to worry about going into the trees....Hhhmm did gain 1#...probably the custom chocolates my daughter got me for pup sitting...lol..OK so they were worth the pound :wink::cheese:

Edited by growalot
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Just now, Pygmy said:

Since I am on blood thinners, my GP does a set of blood tests on a regular basis...

Had one a couple of weeks ago and everything was fine, as usual...

Oh come on, I'm typing away and you respond with THAT?

You gotta give us a chuckle somehow................. :)

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1 minute ago, Lawdwaz said:

I can't wait to see Pygmy's reply to this one...............LOL

I did not mention the fact that my doctor is usually amazed at the fact that my liver functions are normal...

reminds me a a quote from George Burns when he was in his 90s...

An interviewer asked him what his Doctor said about his drinking martinis and smoking cigars..

George replied " My doctor is DEAD "....

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I have physical every year with my primary, and have see my pulmonologist 2x a year , and my Oncologist and Cardiologist once a year. Things are doing o.k so I'm really looking forward to hitting the woods this year and just enjoying the upcoming season!

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13 hours ago, grampy said:

I get an annual physical every year. But see multiple Doc's for various reasons throughout the year. If not for all those Doc's, I would not be hunting. Or, anything else..................smile.

I thought about this post this morning. And although I have VERY good Doc's. The reason I'm able to hunt this year, is through the grace of God. I truly believe that.  Not preachin, just sayin, is all.

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Yep, physical yearly and I used to get my prostate check almost daily at work, or at least it felt that way. :rofl:

True story, one time at the office I entered the locker room to see one guy with his waist band pulled slightly down and another with two fingers pushing just below his belly button.

Yikes, no worries..... just a little friendly hernia check...You simply can't make that up!!! 

And....no I din't work at a medical facility...:notme:


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