Fletch Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 On 2/1/2021 at 4:07 PM, DoubleDose said: China has been doing exactly what for a long time? Global travel is responsible for taking local infections and making them pandemic. China didn't export it like a commodity, product, (or weapon) and America didn't import it. Travelers unknowingly carried it. Just like when the Europeans came to the New World (America). They brought the common cold, small pox, and chicken pox which devastated the natives; these were new infections to this area to which they had no immunity. COVID19 most likely first came into America on the East Coast via Europe; not West Coast via China. Now if by "they" you meant white europeans, then yeah "theyve been doing this shit for a long time...". that is spreading infections via global travel. Expand lol like yea China never had a bad intention..... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fletch Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 12:45 AM, Nomad said: Sister and brother in law are at their winter home in FLA. they have to get up at 6 Am and log on ,to try and get an appointment. It like trying to get concert tickets to a popular act , by the time you pick your date and time and try to lock it in it’s gone . They say anyone not comfortable on computers ( older folks ) are sol . Expand Not much different here. Two weeks ago my wife was online trying to get appointments for our parents and said it was just like concert tickets... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bigfoot 327 Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 12:45 AM, Nomad said: Sister and brother in law are at their winter home in FLA. they have to get up at 6 Am and log on ,to try and get an appointment. It like trying to get concert tickets to a popular act , by the time you pick your date and time and try to lock it in it’s gone . They say anyone not comfortable on computers ( older folks ) are sol . Expand Wife and I received our second Covid-19 vaccinations today. Here in Florida there are many different options and some do not require an appointment. Our county Lake, has three different vaccination sites. Some require appointments, some are first come first served. That's what we did, todays line of cars was over a mile long. National Guard (and a few cops) were directing traffic. We joined the back of the line at 6:28 AM and left at 9:20. In other counties there are over 300 Publix Pharmacies administering shots- but not in our county. The state has a new system where you register and you are placed in a queue, eventually they will call and set up an appointment. BTW, a friend of my sisters flew from North Palm Beach to Buffalo to get her vaccine. She volunteers at a hospital there each Summer so the hospital offered it to her....... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoubleDose Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 4:31 AM, Bigfoot 327 said: Wife and I received our second Covid-19 vaccinations today. Here in Florida there are many different options and some do not require an appointment. Our county Lake, has three different vaccination sites. Some require appointments, some are first come first served. That's what we did, todays line of cars was over a mile long. National Guard (and a few cops) were directing traffic. We joined the back of the line at 6:28 AM and left at 9:20. In other counties there are over 300 Publix Pharmacies administering shots- but not in our county. The state has a new system where you register and you are placed in a queue, eventually they will call and set up an appointment. BTW, a friend of my sisters flew from North Palm Beach to Buffalo to get her vaccine. She volunteers at a hospital there each Summer so the hospital offered it to her....... Expand Can you have the FL governor call Cuomo and explain how he got all this done, without killing those in nursing homes, and without 2 military hospital ships and a convention center turned into a hospital, instead of writing a self-promotional book about how self-proclaimed great he is? 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoubleDose Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 12:52 AM, Fletch said: lol like yea China never had a bad intention..... Expand Can you elaborate what bad intention China had? They certainly were not cooperative or forthcoming with information, but that is not intention. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoubleDose Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 12:45 AM, Nomad said: Sister and brother in law are at their winter home in FLA. they have to get up at 6 Am and log on ,to try and get an appointment. It like trying to get concert tickets to a popular act , by the time you pick your date and time and try to lock it in it’s gone . They say anyone not comfortable on computers ( older folks ) are sol . Expand Excellent analogy and spot on. Let's hope the Corona virus doesn't do a comeback tour. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Northcountryman Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 11:35 AM, DoubleDose said: Can you elaborate what bad intention China had? They certainly were not cooperative or forthcoming with information, but that is not intention. Expand Correct, that was not the point from my original post. I dont believe China intentionally created Coronavirus in the lab as a means of waging biological warfare on the world--although that is a theory that is floating around the internet, I believe-- Im saying that historically, theyre implicated in many past pandemics due to their cultural tradition of holding wet-markets and theyve known it for quite some time. DD is right that it will be difficult for them to discontinue this practice because its so heavily imbedded in their culture, but stop they must!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diplomat019 Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 11:31 AM, DoubleDose said: Can you have the FL governor call Cuomo and explain how he got all this done, without killing those in nursing homes, and without 2 military hospital ships and a convention center turned into a hospital, instead of writing a self-promotional book about how self-proclaimed great he is? Expand The cuomo victory lap is a joke. But to be fair..... NY was the test dummy. Other states saw what worked and didn't work here and then were able to do it differently. With that being said Cuomo shouldn't be totally vilified. He was taking the advice of professionals and making decisions based off that. Protocols changed as time went on. I dont think he should be totally crucified but I sure as heck dont think he should be touted as the guy who did it right either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bigfoot 327 Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 To be fair. Cuomo wasn't following the advice of health officials. That's why 9 senior officials in the NYS Dept of Health have quit since last Summer. To be fair, the health department had a max vaccination plan, which Cuomo disregarded in favor of what you have. To be fair, Cuomo did NOT use the resources at the Javits Center or the hospital ship. One of my sons was assigned to the Javits Center (Army nurse) and his talents were hardly used. Cuomo's policy of returning Covid positive seniors to nursing homes killed thousands more than reported-and they covered it up. Yes, mistakes were made. It would be refreshing if he would man up and admit that mistakes were made. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diplomat019 Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 1:56 PM, Bigfoot 327 said: To be fair. Cuomo wasn't following the advice of health officials. That's why 9 senior officials in the NYS Dept of Health have quit since last Summer. To be fair, the health department had a max vaccination plan, which Cuomo disregarded in favor of what you have. To be fair, Cuomo did NOT use the resources at the Javits Center or the hospital ship. One of my sons was assigned to the Javits Center (Army nurse) and his talents were hardly used. Cuomo's policy of returning Covid positive seniors to nursing homes killed thousands more than reported-and they covered it up. Yes, mistakes were made. It would be refreshing if he would man up and admit that mistakes were made. Expand From what I’ve read, there has been resignations over the vaccine rollout. I could be wrong. The health officials resigned over the nursing home situations while they were happening? We are on the same page as cuomos faults Its silly how he gets to be paraded around Do you disagree with my original point tho? That ny was the first hit and made all there mistakes. And when other states got hit with their covid wave they were able to do things differently Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bigfoot 327 Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 I would agree that mistakes were made and that a lot has been learned since then. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoubleDose Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 12:34 PM, diplomat019 said: The cuomo victory lap is a joke. But to be fair..... NY was the test dummy. Other states saw what worked and didn't work here and then were able to do it differently. With that being said Cuomo shouldn't be totally vilified. He was taking the advice of professionals and making decisions based off that. Protocols changed as time went on. I dont think he should be totally crucified but I sure as heck dont think he should be touted as the guy who did it right either. Expand On 2/4/2021 at 1:56 PM, Bigfoot 327 said: To be fair. Cuomo wasn't following the advice of health officials. That's why 9 senior officials in the NYS Dept of Health have quit since last Summer. To be fair, the health department had a max vaccination plan, which Cuomo disregarded in favor of what you have. To be fair, Cuomo did NOT use the resources at the Javits Center or the hospital ship. One of my sons was assigned to the Javits Center (Army nurse) and his talents were hardly used. Cuomo's policy of returning Covid positive seniors to nursing homes killed thousands more than reported-and they covered it up. Yes, mistakes were made. It would be refreshing if he would man up and admit that mistakes were made. Expand diplomat019, I disagree. Cuomo is 100% accountable. He is the Governor and the buck stops there. You can't own the successes and blame the Fed for your failures; that is not leadership. He didn't use the help sent by the Fed because of who it came from, that's politics. He didn't listen to the experts and now is trying to say they weren't experts; that's ego. He politicized this the whole way, for his own gain/gratification, and NYers suffered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rob-c Posted February 4, 2021 Share Posted February 4, 2021 Received my #2 Moderna shot today. It’s been 3 hours and all is good . I told the wife if I turned to a zombie tonight to take me out. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diplomat019 Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 4:01 PM, DoubleDose said: diplomat019, I disagree. Cuomo is 100% accountable. He is the Governor and the buck stops there. You can't own the successes and blame the Fed for your failures; that is not leadership. He didn't use the help sent by the Fed because of who it came from, that's politics. He didn't listen to the experts and now is trying to say they weren't experts; that's ego. He politicized this the whole way, for his own gain/gratification, and NYers suffered. Expand Yeah, so we agree that the whole parade he has been on is silly. We agree on almost everything you just wrote. Back to my original point. Do you disagree with my original statement? NY was the first state to get blasted with covid and other states had the opportunity to see what worked and didn't work before it spread to them. I'll use Florida and nursing homes for an example. They saw the disaster that unfolded here with nursing homes and they were able to not make the same mistake. I try not to get too caught up in the politics of it all. Its nonsense that people can trash the president for doing/ not doing certain things, but this was a brand new virus that nobody had a real clue about. The same is to be said about cuomo. I haven't voted for cuomo, but to say he knew all the right answers when this was here isn't fair either. If the virus wen to florida first who knows what it potentially could have looked like, while NY got to sit back and make decisions based off their failures. And the experts statement was about the vaccination distribution rollout. Not about how our health experts handled the virus since march. yes or no? I wrote a lot . sorry lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
knehrke Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 Reading through the above posts, I can not find much to disagree with...NY was a test dummy, Cuomo's handing of it had some good / some bad, and the guy won't own his mistakes. He is constantly touting how he relies on the "science" to inform decision-making, but SOME of what he's done is in no way based on science. In fact, I would argue that the vaccine roll-out in particular has been mismanaged horribly. Not defining what immunocompromised means has led most doctors to throw their hands up in the air in frustration, rather than risk being fined and losing their license from poking the wrong person. My best buddy is a 53 year old heart transplant patient (3 yrs ago). There is no guidance on when he might be eligible. That stinks. We can't lay full blame at his feet, but the man is in denial if he thinks he's a hero. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoubleDose Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 On 2/5/2021 at 12:04 PM, diplomat019 said: Yeah, so we agree that the whole parade he has been on is silly. We agree on almost everything you just wrote. Back to my original point. Do you disagree with my original statement? NY was the first state to get blasted with covid and other states had the opportunity to see what worked and didn't work before it spread to them. I'll use Florida and nursing homes for an example. They saw the disaster that unfolded here with nursing homes and they were able to not make the same mistake. I try not to get too caught up in the politics of it all. Its nonsense that people can trash the president for doing/ not doing certain things, but this was a brand new virus that nobody had a real clue about. The same is to be said about cuomo. I haven't voted for cuomo, but to say he knew all the right answers when this was here isn't fair either. If the virus wen to florida first who knows what it potentially could have looked like, while NY got to sit back and make decisions based off their failures. And the experts statement was about the vaccination distribution rollout. Not about how our health experts handled the virus since march. yes or no? I wrote a lot . sorry lol Expand I do agree NY was the first state to get blasted with covid and other states had the opportunity to see what worked and didn't work before it spread to them. However, a good deal of what Cuomo did was just common sense wrong, like refusing to utilize Fed resources/help. I think our difference is how much blame/responsibility to assign. Regarding vaccination distribution rollout, I offer the following question for consideration. Who do you think has a plan in place for a response to a potential biological weapons attack, NYS or the Fed? That would be part of the Fed national defense. However, (correctly) due to the laws of our Republic, states have rights, and the Fed cannot go in unless the Governor explicitly asks for the help. So, it is very reasonable that the vaccination distribution rollout calamity is also his ego making the decision by refusing Fed help on this. From Day 1, he was going to refuse all Fed help because he did not want DJT to get any credit for helping/rescuing NY. HIs vanity and ego wouldn't let anyone but himself be the shining star...he was doing what was best for his political career and NOT NY or NYers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diplomat019 Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 (edited) On 2/5/2021 at 12:50 PM, DoubleDose said: I do agree NY was the first state to get blasted with covid and other states had the opportunity to see what worked and didn't work before it spread to them. However, a good deal of what Cuomo did was just common sense wrong, like refusing to utilize Fed resources/help. I think our difference is how much blame/responsibility to assign. Regarding vaccination distribution rollout, I offer the following question for consideration. Who do you think has a plan in place for a response to a potential biological weapons attack, NYS or the Fed? That would be part of the Fed national defense. However, (correctly) due to the laws of our Republic, states have rights, and the Fed cannot go in unless the Governor explicitly asks for the help. So, it is very reasonable that the vaccination distribution rollout calamity is also his ego making the decision by refusing Fed help on this. From Day 1, he was going to refuse all Fed help because he did not want DJT to get any credit for helping/rescuing NY. HIs vanity and ego wouldn't let anyone but himself be the shining star...he was doing what was best for his political career and NOT NY or NYers. Expand I was unaware of the vaccination rollout until I heard Deblasio and Molinaro start chirping at cuomo a couple weeks back. Each county has their distribution plan or whatever the correct term is for scenarios like this. They cited it similar to how we administer flu vaccines. Then right after they called out cuomo, he decided to defer to the localities. His ego seems to get in his way sometimes. If we are solely discussing the distribution rollout, it seems like Cuomo is lacking in that department. And having health officials resign over this really cements that. Edited February 5, 2021 by diplomat019 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chef Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 12:34 PM, diplomat019 said: The cuomo victory lap is a joke. But to be fair..... NY was the test dummy. Other states saw what worked and didn't work here and then were able to do it differently. With that being said Cuomo shouldn't be totally vilified. He was taking the advice of professionals and making decisions based off that. Protocols changed as time went on. I dont think he should be totally crucified but I sure as heck dont think he should be touted as the guy who did it right either. I agree with a lot of what you said. I don’t have a issue with what he did. My issue is the attempt to cover it up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chef Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 4:01 PM, DoubleDose said: diplomat019, I disagree. Cuomo is 100% accountable. He is the Governor and the buck stops there. You can't own the successes and blame the Fed for your failures; that is not leadership. He didn't use the help sent by the Fed because of who it came from, that's politics. He didn't listen to the experts and now is trying to say they weren't experts; that's ego. He politicized this the whole way, for his own gain/gratification, and NYers suffered. So do you hold Trump just as acceptable for his lack of doing anything ?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeremy K Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 On 2/5/2021 at 1:08 PM, Chef said: So do you hold Trump just as acceptable for his lack of doing anything ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Expand Well he built a hospital and sent an entire ship to be used as a hospital ,your buddy chose to use neither of them. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bugsNbows Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 4:31 AM, Bigfoot 327 said: Wife and I received our second Covid-19 vaccinations today. Here in Florida there are many different options and some do not require an appointment. Our county Lake, has three different vaccination sites. Some require appointments, some are first come first served. That's what we did, todays line of cars was over a mile long. National Guard (and a few cops) were directing traffic. We joined the back of the line at 6:28 AM and left at 9:20. In other counties there are over 300 Publix Pharmacies administering shots- but not in our county. The state has a new system where you register and you are placed in a queue, eventually they will call and set up an appointment. BTW, a friend of my sisters flew from North Palm Beach to Buffalo to get her vaccine. She volunteers at a hospital there each Summer so the hospital offered it to her....... Expand Lake County Florida as in Clermont, etc? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phantom Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 On 2/4/2021 at 11:31 AM, DoubleDose said: Can you have the FL governor call Cuomo and explain how he got all this done, without killing those in nursing homes, and without 2 military hospital ships and a convention center turned into a hospital, instead of writing a self-promotional book about how self-proclaimed great he is? Expand He is a democrat he could assault someone with a cigar and hang out at a private pedophile island and most the media would not say a thing he could basically say he offed those people to save money and the media would give him a award for doing it probably . 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoubleDose Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 (edited) On 2/5/2021 at 1:08 PM, Chef said: So do you hold Trump just as acceptable for his lack of doing anything ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Expand I'm not playing politics and won't take this bait. I called out Cuomo on what he did and didn't do with this pandemic. You are free to do the same with Trump. I have, on here, said Trump deserves no credit for the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine. This was done without Project Warp Speed funding. I will give Trump credit for setting up Project Warp Speed and the Moderna vaccine which was a result. I'll also give Trump credit for sending the 2 hospital ships and converting the Javits center to serve as a medical facility. These are non-partisan objective facts. Based on this I would not say Trump had a lack of doing anything. Trump certainly failed in his messaging and non-alignment with the experts, like CDC/Fauci, but so has Cuomo. That is the pathologic ego of both of them. Edited February 5, 2021 by DoubleDose addition 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bigfoot 327 Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 On 2/5/2021 at 1:12 PM, bugsNbows said: Lake County Florida as in Clermont, etc? Expand Yes. BTW I had just some fatigue from the second shot. Wife on the other hand was down and out most of yesterday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
luberhill Posted February 5, 2021 Share Posted February 5, 2021 On 2/5/2021 at 1:10 PM, Jeremy K said: Well he built a hospital and sent an entire ship to be used as a hospital ,your buddy chose to use neither of them. Expand He built 3 hospitals and sent hundreds of ventilators to Andy , they went unused .. Cuomo is directly responsible for those deaths and fails to man up and admit ! Both he and his idiot brother are typical liberals !! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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