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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/13 in Posts
So 70 something days into the season I took my first deer of the year... Wow.. tough year.. saw nothing but young deer all year during legal hunting hours... Finally, this past Sunday, Deer #11 of the day came up and was a good one... 130 lb doe, shot at 45 yards, T/C Pro Hunter, 110 grains of Blackhorn 209, 250 grain bonded T/C shockwave... Spent the year trying to get my wife, son and friend deer... Got everyone deer, now it was my turn!!!!5 points
Why I carry a Gun I don't carry a gun to kill people. I carry a gun to keep from being killed. I don't carry a gun to scare people. I carry a gun because sometimes this world can be a scary place. ... I don't carry a gun because I'm paranoid. I carry a gun because there are real threats in the world. I don't carry a gun because I'm evil. I carry a gun because I have lived long enough to see the evil in the world. I don't carry a gun because I hate the government. I carry a gun because I understand the limitations of government. I don't carry a gun because I'm angry. I carry a gun so that I don't have to spend the rest of my life hating myself for failing to be prepared. I don't carry a gun because I want to shoot someone. I carry a gun because I want to die at a ripe old age in my bed, and not on a sidewalk somewhere tomorrow afternoon. I don't carry a gun because I'm a cowboy. I carry a gun because, when I die and go to heaven, I want to be a cowboy. I don't carry a gun to make me feel like a man. I carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love. I don't carry a gun because I feel inadequate. I carry a gun because unarmed and facing three armed thugs, I am inadequate. I don't carry a gun because I love it. I carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me. Police protection is an oxymoron. Free citizens must protect themselves. Police do not protect you from crime, they usually just investigate the crime after it happens and then call someone in to clean up the mess. Personally, I carry a gun because I'm too young to die and too old to take an ass whoopin'See More Write a comment... !4 points
4 points
There was an armed guard in the school - but the libs ain't gonna like hearing that... http://www.ijreview.com/2013/12/102056-armed-school-guard-at-arapahoe-high-prevented-further-loss-of-life/ Matt Vespa | On 16, Dec 2013 Why did the tragic school shooting at Arapahoe High in Colorado only last 80 seconds? An armed guard was on the premises – and the only fatality from this horrific event was the gunman. As the Christian Science Monitor reported on December 14: As they investigate the latest school shooting in the United States – Friday at Arapahoe High School in Centennial, Colo. – one thing is clear to law enforcement officials there: The presence of an armed deputy sheriff on regular duty at the school was the key factor in preventing more deaths and injuries. As soon as he heard the first of five gunshots, that officer and the two school administrators he was talking to raced toward the commotion shouting their presence and ordering students and staff to follow the school’s lock-down protocol. As a result, Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson said at a briefing Saturday afternoon, the heavily-armed shooter [Karl Pierson] realized he was about to be confronted by an armed officer, and he took his own life. Although it may seem like our society is becoming more violent, gun violence in America has dropped almost 40% since 1993, according to the Department of Justice. Sadly, school shootings will happen regardless of public policy. And the fact that schools are “gun-free” zones makes them easy targets for criminals seeking to inflict harm on innocent Americans. So, are armed guards the answer? It prevented further loss of life at Arapahoe High. Newtown adopted armed guards in their school district after Sandy Hook. Last January, a majority of Americans were comfortable with the idea – and that sentiment hasn’t changed.3 points
A very good friend of mine was involved in an attempted robbery last Friday at a mall near Rochester. It was an attempted robbery because he pulled his Colt 45 and diffused the situation. When the police showed up 10 witnesses came forward and told thier stories.My friend was not charged with anything . The would be thief was handcuffed and taken away. The woman who was about to become a victim ended up as a witness. This one ended well. If every citizen in the US were armed there would be 99% less crime. Stand Tall, Fight Back3 points
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That is seriously wrong on all levels. Don't you think all animals deserve an ethical kill? There'a a couple of things wrong with what you said. First off anybody who does this is by no means a hunter. Also, it is a fact that coyotes cannot be eliminated.2 points
That's funny. You mean the ones with the insurance company collars they traded turkeys for and where stocked by men in black suits at night?2 points
A friend of mine killed this bruiser yesterday in the town of Pulteney, Steuben County... Last year:1 point
Rather than one long and continuous deer season, in my opinion it would be cool to give the deer a break much like Illinois does with their second season. Is there a down side to stoping hunting for a week or two and then starting up again? Might be something the majority of hunters could agree on? Just curious because something we never hear about in NY.1 point
I'm going to start a rumor.........."Next year, 2014 NYS will have a new muzzleloader season that opens the day after Christmas and runs for two weeks. It is limited to percussion and flintlock rifles or handguns, loaded with black powder and sabot-less bullets or patched round balls. No optical sights will be allowed. Tags for the current license year will be valid. A $15.00 ML Conservation Stamp will be required" This hunt is to promote the use of and keep alive the long standing tradition of these type of firearms. They have played an important part of our state and countries history and deserve their own season. OK guys & gals, tweak it as you will. (needless to say, DON'T even mention my beloved in-line rifles for this season)1 point
Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2 Thanks all! He went about 10 yards. Biggest buck I have ever taken.1 point
I forgot I had this old photo of Reuben Cary with the "Last Adirondack Wolf", killed in 1893 on my family's property. As mentioned earlier it was DNA tested in the last 10 years or so and was shown to have Red Wolf genes, similar to the Algonquin Wolves of Ontario. It doesn't look any bigger than the coyotes we have there today.1 point
Here is the buck I took at 8:00am this morning. The wind for this location was wrong for the hunt, and I knew it. But I placed my three scents containers out and then emptied my scent bottle around the tree I was in. Hoping it would bring in the big buck. At 8:00am he came sneeking in the brush 60 yards from me. One shot from the muzzleloader and the buck was down. I could not believe what just happened......Dez Hunter1 point
we have one here in pa. and it is one of my favorite seasons nobody in the woods that time of year you can also use archery gear in pa.i don't think you see it in ny. due to the snow mobile season and trail system in ny.i think it would be a good thing .1 point
Hahaha.....he sent me 3 separate confirmations on the order...all correct and the right amount....hope that doesn't mean that he placed the order 3 times and the computers pick it up as 3 separate orders...wouldn't that be my luck.....lol1 point
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Maybe go back to way it was. No scopes , open or peep sights on in-line muzzleloaders. Like how they do in western states.1 point
darn... well I guess I'd have to buy a kit then or hunt with a silly recurve from 15 yards away.1 point
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My 2 best stands are both right at the edge of where thick, nasty cover starts to open up into hard woods. One spot is on top of a ridge that looks down into hardwoods. Thick overgrown apple trees about 50yds. to the right and thick cedars 50yds to the left. The other stand is at the edge of thick apples and brush, that breaks out into open hardwoods that lead into a field. Both spots produce bucks most years. But not this year. Tags are marinading as we speak.1 point
Well today was my last day of deer hunting for the season and it turned out to be a pretty good one. Was skeptical about going out this morning but glad I did. I had the already made the decision in the preseason that i was only going to shoot a mature buck so this was my last day to do it. I got into stand at 5:45, wind was perfect, light snow, and temps were warmer than expected. Didn't take long after legal shooting light for the movement to begin. Started with 7 doe cruising through at a leisurely pace. All 7 presented me with a shot, but already have 4 in the freezer. About 8:30 I caught movement in the thicket. I grabbed the binocs and immediately spotted the big bodied deer. Couldn't tell what type of antlers he had but knew it was decent. I put the binocs down and got ready. He stepped out of the thicket and I knew what buck he was. A really nice 2 1/2 year old 8 point. This was the first time I'd seen this buck all year, and he looked nicer in person than on camera. He got within 15 yards of me before he decided to move out of the area. I watched him leave and thought I hope he does that next year. Sat till 10 and headed out. Wasn't the big mature shooter I was hoping for, but nice to know there will be at least one buck for next year, or maybe the year after.1 point
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Legally you can't ride the trails until deer season closes because the trails don't "open" until the day after.1 point
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i think instead of a Oct 1st start they should of extended the season during December.1 point
Count me in. I would need another rifle, always a good thing1 point
I miss the days of the primitive season even if I was in a tree to hunt. I sure would like it again, but the reason it went away was all about money. when inlines scopes and any projectiles were added more people get involved and spend more money on privileges. Plus the bow guys will complain. I know you did not start this to have everyone rain on your parade. but the days of old ways is gone. At that time of year the older guys who would like to do this again would not bother due to the weather involved at that time. If I were to tweak it, I would include it with the current privileges and if you have a tag left have at it. Plus getting real black powder is a chore also, at least in my neck of the woods. I would allow substitutes that were loose, no pellets. Here in the north, we have two ml seasons an early one the week before regular season and the week after. I drag out the 54 renegade with 90 of ffg goex patched round balls for those two weeks. I keep my inline for regular season1 point
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for the LI doe, I have always found deer on Long Island to have typically smaller bodies than deer upstate. It's just what I've experienced my whole life. Bucks and does. So the 6.5 doesn't shock me too much. I bet she was a healthy deer The 7pt sounds like a monster. I'd say aging a buck from the stand would be noticing mass. In my opinion mass = age. Sounds like he was bigger the year before. Maybe on his way down. and for the 8pt. Sounds like a sweet spot in the Catskills with these big bucks your talking about. Need a partner? Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I guess you could just decoy, but calling while doing so will greatly improve your odds. Calling doesn't mean you need a $600 FOXPRO either. You can pick up a hand call for $15 or you can just lipsqueak. That's where you sorta kiss the back of your hand to create a squeak. I've kidnapped a few of my dogs squeaker toys and stole the squeaker bulb out of them. She has so many that she doesn't care! lol1 point
Sportsman/trophy. The hunters on here and those I know in life that brag about numbers? Meaningless to me. I love the hunt, the woods and the experience. Tags filled or not. I pass many deer looking for my trophy (quality over quantity) but I will still fill my freezer. I still consider any bow kill a trophy. However I focus on bucks. A gun kill has never been too impressive to me.1 point
I've always thought it would be good if there were a few days to a week between the end of gun and the late M/L season.1 point
Ole holy night...Come all ye faithful....Joy to the world...pretty much all the classic except jingle bells1 point
You're lucky Mr Big didn't wind you and come push you back to your vehicle.1 point
Silent Night a nice one to listen to with a fire going and no lights on but the Christmas Tree! Glass of wine a plus.1 point
I doubt it fits your budget for money or time this year but in the future there are some great hunts to be had down south. I hunted Alabama a couple times in mid January and had a blast. Relatively reasonably priced hunts with liberal bag limits and friendly folks. You're a young guy and putting in the time and effort now to get your life started in the right direction. You will have plenty of time in the future to fill plenty of tags!! If you do make it out here in NYS in the next day or so, good luck!1 point
Tahoe had a flat yesterday morning. Spare tire is under the truck. It is so freaken hard to get the spare out from under the truck. There is a secondary locking system that always gets hung up. Took a good two hours to get it off. The thing rusted up, what a bad system. The spare will now ride in the back of my truck, I'm done with this.......1 point
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My best little bud, Gia My best bud (my wife) My old weekend warrior, 700rwhp supra1 point
its hunted on and off as i have a lot of property, but it is hunted bow gun and muzzleloader. one year in 3 days of gun there were 6 gut piles under it ...lol deer keep walking thru. opening day my friend sat it and had his buck at 730am, put his son there at 3pm and he had his buck by 330. you dont have to hunt it hard the deer are always there a few hrs and you see deer .. just a question if its a good shot or if you want it.1 point
Tagged out, #8 on the season... 1st ever late season bow harvest 5th with the bow this season. Great ending to a great 2013 NY season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
my best stand(was replaced 1x already from portable to permant, and was rebuilt this year) has yielded 63 deer in 18 years 22 of them being antlered buck, it is a triple funnel, 2 natural movement and 1 pressure, sits at a convergence of 3 habitat types(swamp,hardwood, and apple brush) at the top of a ravine. is now a permanant stand 22 feet high between 2 trees. is both an effective gun and bow stand.1 point
I'll tell you wan, Vince. It's much better to kick yourself thinking about a shot you should have taken then it is to kick yourself thinking about a shot you shouldn't have taken.1 point
I remember him Shawn. Steve if your challenging me don't, my parole condition is not to search/ stalk anyone again. 2yrs and I will come knocking Lol1 point
18" is usually the standard in discussions. Although it applies to scoring, I couldn't care less, I personally love high tight massive racks (don't we all?).1 point
Those are raw numbers with a lot of variables. operating system of the gun and the weight changes make a huge difference.1 point
While the .410 is capable of killing both turkeys and pheasants, it can be difficult to find a gun/choke/ammo combination to do so. A better choice would be to look for a Remington 1100 semi-auto in 20 ga.1 point