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I shot him while he was chasing a doe a ridge below me, he dropped on the 2nd shot. He weighed 176 after hanging for 3 days. Not my biggest buck and not the heaviest but I think he is the biggest bodied buck I have killed. I would have loved to seen what he looked like a few weeks ago. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk11 points
Bow buck from last week. Came in nose to the ground looking for a girlfriend, stopped him at 27 yards for the shot. He was coming in on a full trot, when i grunted the 3rd time to stop him he actually stopped and took a step back .At the shot, i watched my lighted nock flying at him and then shoot straight up in the air, i initially thought i hit an unseen branch because id never had that happen before. The arrow ended up missing vitals and caught him in front of the shoulder at the base of his neck. As i was reaching for another arrow he went 15 yards ran into a tree and dropped dead. Not the BC deer i was chasing, but im happy with him. Solid 7pt, dressed around 170. Added to the doe i got mid October, my freezer is starting to look good. Headed to camp tomorrow for the last sit of bow season, and hopefully a great gun opener. Looks like the weather will cooperate. Goodluck and stay safe everybody.10 points
In the last hour of the last day of my bow hunting season this guy walked in with a doe at 25 yards, so I let an arrow fly. Unfortunately he broke his right beam off just beyond the brow tine, but he is a brute none the less.9 points
11/7/15... Around 4:45pm my father shoots his first deer/buck with archery equipment this a 10pt chased a group of doe to 10yrds and thanks to Hellrazor broadheads and the shot placement the deer only runs about 40yrds! (first buck picture) 11/17/15... it was my turn, 9:20am this 7pt with a broken brow tine (would be 8pt) was dogging a yearling doe into 15yrds but offered no shot opportunity and eventually made his way onto a neighboring property. i was feeling cursed at that point, i worked very hard this off-season and the days leading up to the 17th for a shot opportunity at a shooter buck and was so close but he had slipped away. Around 9:30am this buck reappears in some thick stuff in the neighbors property but i can tell he was looking to cross the line to continue on through my property. At this point he was behind the stand and i was unsure which side of the tree he would approach on if he was to even come into a shooting lane. I decided to try usng the primos estrous can, turned the can twice and here he came to about 29 yrds quartering away and i was able to slip a Easton FMJ and a Grimeaper broadhead in and he expired within 60yrds. (Last two pictures) So ultimately two bucks were taken out of the same stand just 10 days apart, needless to say we are pleased with our small 28 acre piece of land. Who knows what could happen during gun season!9 points
7 points
One of the beauties about hunting is seeing and hearing the woods wake up that first hour of sunrise!6 points
4 points
Haha, between the sleep deprivation and my run in with tonto I should thank my stars I'm alive [emoji56]Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
I actually think the exact opposite. I think the "good" part on NYS is all North and West of NYC. Until you've lived and worked in the 5 boroughs, you have no real idea of just how stupid people are. It's mind boggling. I think everyone in the city should measure themselves to the good, hard working folks, with strong family values that live and work in the majority of the state.4 points
Another shooter 10 showed up. Looks pretty young like a 3.5 year old with lots of potential...4 points
This hunt started with March/April scouting. Moved my stand from scrape line to a location 50 yds to the thicker pinch point. Majority of scraping activity occurring at night so I opted for the preferred travel route. 11/9 @ 3:30 he read the script and walked the trail I predicted in April would be the travel route. He stopped broad side at 32 yds and I made terrible shot. Practice at this distance routinely but I must have squeezed the grip, lefty, and torqued it forward. The G5 montec took out shoulder and severed spine. Sometimes luck helps but anyway here's my 7pt. Archery is the best Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk3 points
Pouring rain, but nice little flock there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Came home Tuesday from the big ADK trip up to Moose River Plains. Really wish I could have stayed longer but a few issues caused me to shorten my trip. Only sighting was 2 doe for Dominick one of our new hunters. This is the entire trip so its more of a log than anything else. I arrived Wed the 11th and set up the entire camp including the cook shack, stove and steak down everything. I was exhausted and slept well. 11/12/15 Happy that camp was set up I went out to hunt for the day. I did my traditional stalk after hiking up the mountain with a slow still hunt the entire day. I covered little more than a mile in that stalk and with the rain it was quiet. Good sign of deer activity kept my hopes up. I exited the woods by dark and was only 400 yards from camp. Relatively easy day of hunting good tracks top of trail and in the area. No sightings. 11/13/15 Woke up to a tremendous downpour of rain and drips on my face! 100% humidity from the rain combined with the pot of water on the stove and the inside of the tent was wet from condensations and precipitation. Panic that the inside of the tent was wet I removed the water from the wood burning stove and hoped the rain would let off enough for me to put the tarps on. I packed the stove and reheated the inside hoping to dry it out. At first light the rain slowed and I was able to put both tarps on and secure the tent more. Happy the tent was ok by 11:20 am I was able to head out expecting one more hunter to arrive at noon. Upset I missed first light I figured it was time to check the swamps. As expected I found some nice rubs and what I thought was a scrap but later turned out to be a bed, kind of felt sorry for peeing in it, lol. As last light was close I stayed by the swamp hoping to see the culprit killing those poor trees. No sightings. Shawn made it up and I showed him the rubs, shortly after getting back to camp Mike and his nephew Dominick arrived. It was a nice early night and snow began to fall, I was in bliss! 11/14/15 SNOW!!! We tried to all hunt the swamp and see if anything was present. Dom jumped 2 doe heading in and Shawn saw multiple tracks. The spot I asked them to go down into had no tracks(From them!) and was about a half mile from camp that I hiked to give them some time. I found 2 sets of fresh deer tracks that looked like doe so I passed them to check what I thought was a scrape and turned out to be a bed, lol. At that point I left the swamp and headed up hill. After about 800 yards up I saw a hunter stalking below me. He sat about 30 yards from me and I tried to alert him with a doe bleet but I think his hat blocked his hearing. He sat for 5 minutes then headed up and back to my right so I kept on my path away from him and found another track and hunter with different boots going in the same direction. (They where going back from where they came in stalking the woods together.) As I pass both these hunters below all of us was a doe track but it was going in the direction they where in. I back tracked her for about 900-1000 yards she liked the thick stuff but walked on a foot trail for 300 yards. I left the trail and still hunted to my honey hole and then still hunted it until dark. No sightings. Greg and George arrive at camp and the Rush is played until midnight ARG. 11/15/15 With snow melting I figured I would pick up on a track and see where it would take me. Planning on heading up the back of this mountain I head in and find a nice doe track and it takes me back down into the swamp and across a river. Then it takes me up that side of the mountain. I jumped her one time and could see she saw me from a distance away. I slowed my pace on her and found one more bed. As snow was rapidly melting and would be gone within the hour 2pm I cut across the mountain for a river bed ridge and headed towards the road. I found more tracks as I cut across and headed towards the road because I was not sure if I would come out past the swamps. I came across an old logging trail headed in the exit direction and was on the road 15 min before dark. I headed to another pinch point and hunting till my buddy Shawn came down the road and the day was over. No sightings but this area held doe for sure. 11/16/15 Late night music did not help us get up early and a late start ensued. We tried to push this mountain the entire day with no luck. I heading up 4 ridges to about 2600 ft trying to basically push deer. With no snow it was fun tracking in the wet leaves hard but not impossible especially if the deer was bigger. I tried a few call sequences then at about 2 pm I headed to the back side of the mountain to explore a bit and still hunted down until dark. Some good tracks again but no sightings. RUSH again until midnight. With a sore throat and being run down a bit I determine its best if I let everyone else help me with the camp brake down the next morning. The morning conversation about the new invention called HEADPHONES did not go over well. Needless to say I will make a statement next year if music is keeping people up EVERY night. I got a real good grilling from my LI hunting partner Chris for not seeing any deer all week. I invited him next year and said I would set him up in a couple of sweet spots and he said ok! Not sure if he would do any better but I can't sit in a stand up in the ADK! Hope he comes next year, any serious hunter is always welcomed and Dominick and George are the two new guys, hope they come back again it was a pleasure having everyone at camp! Except that jerk Greg who kept playing the music! Just kidding, you know I love you like a brother and sometime just want to hit like one too! lol Fun trip, the porcupine looking rub threw me off a bit but I only saw pictures, funny that day I kept saying NO WAY! I was right. Had some cool bird sightings and had a moose in the area, now that was an easy track to follow, lol. Happy to see good tracks indicating a few deer traversing the area that survived last years winter. Good times with good friends!3 points
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3 points
Sometimes I seriously wonder if those really early shots are dumbasses traveling with loaded gun, removing gun from front seat and touching off accidental discharge fn ing up their dash. I hear shots when it's still completely dark out.3 points
It's pretty much like that around here, too... Except for ME of course...I never, ever do anything illegal.... Except that ONE time I tore the " Do Not Remove" tag off the mattress... OHHHHHH !! The guilt and REMORSE that I suffered...!!... I said 20 "Hail Marys" and 20 " Our Fathers", and I'm not even CATHOLIC...3 points
Of course on this forum everyone will say they wait until legal shooting time.3 points
I don't share many pictures of the deer I kill, except with family or close hunting friends. Never felt the need to brag or boost my ego. It's just a personal thing with me. I do enjoy seeing pictures of other hunters deer though. The picture in my mind, of the deer just before the shot, can never be duplicated.3 points
Im glad we dont hunt in the same area! You coulda shot me!3 points
Did you ever wonder what the purpose of a special bow season was when it was created? The bow is an extremely close range weapon that requires a relatively calm deer herd. Unlike guns, there is no percentages in ripping off a 5-shot volley at running deer at extreme yardages. It just doesn't work tat way. And so, it was deemed necessary that bows be allowed before guns so that deer could be patterned, allowing archers to get within the necessary close distances to have a reasonable chance at harvests. Bowhunting relies on the fact that the woods are not over-flowing with masses of hunters and the great orange army. Now some people choose to call that selfish, or as you put it, "greedy". However, it is simply self-preservation of the sport. It's a shame that people don't understand that, or that they simply choose to mischaracterize the bowhunting mentality just as a way to demonize the sport and those that participate in it. But I guess that's just human nature unfortunately.3 points
it'll be fine. if you are still hesitant, try and do it during today's rain. That'll wash out the scent and cover the noise you might make.3 points
I've tried the Viagra....The pill got stuck in my throat and I had a STIFF NECK for 2 days.... Maybe the .300 RUM will work better.... Does RUM stand for Rub Up Me ???3 points
I use a 3rd hand, 12-15 year old Darton bow. I shot my 10 point buck with a 15 dollar (for 3) carbon express fixed broad-head. You don't have to lay down hundreds of dollars to hunt bow.3 points
3 points
Its the same 2 bucks in both pics. If youre asking whether to shoot the 8 or the spike, I say its your choice.3 points
I was going to load my Honda Foreman ATV on the trailer last night . Couldn't get it started . Kept the battery up and cranked it a lot but no good . It backfired a couple times which isn't good . Gave up . Tried to start it when I got home today and still no good . I siphoned the gas out and replaced with Ethanol Free gas ..... nada ! Pulled some covers off and yanked the spark plug . Lots of carbon ! Cleaned the plug as best I could and re-gapped the plug . Put it back and it almost started . Scooted up to the Polaris dealer and was able to get a plug . Gapped it , (said a prayer ) put it in and voila , it started right up . I thought I was going to have to haul the Honda to Canandaigua to have it repaired . I was using 87 octane gas that has 10 percent ethanol and adding the Marine Formula Sta-Bil but think I will stick with the Ethanol Free gas from now on . Anyway , I got lucky .2 points
Arrived yesterday afternoon after driving 1.5 days from Mississippi with 2 kids, wife and dog. 2 weeks of vacation with hopes to bow hunt 2 days and do some gun hunting. Proud I didn't murder my family. Upset with this hurricane. Still almost went out this AM in 8f, but wind, rain and warm just don't mix 30' in a tree with a bow. Booo! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk2 points
I register my ATV and Insure it . Total cost per year ..... about $100 . For that amount , it's worth the peace of mind .2 points
Was out hunting coyote yesterday and had a bobcat come in. It was within 50 yards but I thought a 7mm-08 bullet weighing 140 grains would just blow it apart, so it got to walk away and live another day. I was pleased with myself anyway, because it never knew I was there.2 points
2 points
I dunno, but as an avid bowman I feel bow season drags a bit. I would be quite content with a shorter bow season. It's really more the palpable shift in attitude that occurs as one season goes into another. And the shift is not for the better either. And for those hatin on the trophy aspect of hunting. It exists, get over it. I hunt principally for meat. but I want to enjoy my hunting too. This means, as the years stack up, that my goals have changed and my needs for a challenge have developed and expanded. This invariably means focusing on those larger bucks that are around and figuring out their patterns. It also means necessarily passing on younger animals in order to have a tag for the bigger boys. I would be tagged out on day 1 if meat was my sole consideration. Where's the fun in that? Why are people down on having fun with the hunt?2 points
I have seen ask signs, and most land owners I have asked have given some kind of permission, to retrieve, certain species, snowmobiling, ect. Most people are decent but want to know who and where someone is on the property.2 points
http://www.fieldandstream.com/articles/hunting/2013/10/dirty-politics-deer-management?src=SOC&dom=fb.2 points
Hi my names Travis from south glens falls ny new to the site and just wanted to say hello.I am 27 and have been hunting since I was 8 following my father around the adks until I could carry a gun, I've been fortunate to take 7 adk bucks so far and also missed my fair share, so hello again and look foward to being a member of the site.2 points
As you mentioned, many guys/gals never got to hunt opening day or maybe all of the first week. So what you are proposing isn't really the same thing.....see these guys would have hunted their azz off if they COULD have. The length of the season doesn't have much if anything to do with this. The fact is thousands DID NOT hunt opening day. THAT is why there appears to be more older bucks sporting better racks, NOT the length of the season. Lets say they shortened the season by a week. Do you think that wil save deer? Heck no, guys will hunt harder and maybe kill the first buck they see rather than pass a dink up since they have limited days. Bang goes the spiker.......................2 points
Although my rifle season is over it ended with my 30-06 barnes tsx 180gn hand loads.2 points
seafoam sold at wallyfworld.cant be beat been using it for years and never had any problems2 points
here's an idea.... if you want to shoot a 120 plus rack go shoot one. they are out there if you put in the time and effort. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk2 points
You need to play the wind regardless of what you wash your clothes in. You can't outsmart a deer's nose .2 points
Same here; But in the end the ones I like the best (and anyone else that has seen them), are the ones where a little more time and care was put into getting a nice pic. Never regretted taking good pics, wish I had a few opportunities back though.....2 points
Lots of folks don't get as much time off as some of the more fortunate ones here and can only hunt weekends. Heck if the weather is crappy on a couple weekends they really get boned then don't they? How about a pile of crappy weather......snow, wind, rain etc? How'd that go over in these shortened seasons? I don't think the DEC would find any benefit to shortening any seasons and neither would the hunters. It isn't all about BIG BUCKS, is it? I hope like hell it isn't.......................2 points
Thank u or all the tips guys good luck I hope u all shoot a monster and enjoy eating it with your family's God bless2 points
I've Posted a lot of land and it don't help. Hell I fenced in 30ac 5ft high to train my dogs. Posted all corners plus every 50ft Legal posted signs.Locked gates and all, found a guy from NJ hunting. He said what are you doing here LOL. Told me a story that he was lost, I seen where he jump my fence. Post it as best as you can and make an Example out of the 1st trespasser you find. Word will spread that you mean it, thats the only way. It won't stop all of them.2 points
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2 points
Have to admit, I would bust a gut watching one of my hunting buddies trying to gallop towards bedded deer. I could see it working as I am surprised how much noise bucks make chasing. But, my laughing would likely scare them away first. Good effort though Sam. Heck, there's no chance I would be passing a 130s buck anyway.2 points
The one that walks in front of you. Venison tastes the same, small or big horns.2 points
Well, I lucked out..Every now and then even a blind hog finds an acorn... The rifle was indeed a sporterized military job...However, it is an 03-A3 Remington Springfield action in a nice walnut Bishop stock...Not sure about the barrel MFG, but the bore is shiny and free of pits...The vintage Weaver V9 scope seems fine optically... The rifle is worth more than I paid for it as a shooter...I'm looking forward to shooting it, although it may not get done in time for THIS deer season...Working up a nice load for it will be a good project for next year..2 points
decided to take a personel health day .....hit the woods on friday the 13 got up early to get my spot as hunting on county property is a first come basis.....well the walk in i spooked 5 deer all hung up in these spruce trees . i continue to my location about another 100yrds set up and see nothing all mornig i called it quiets around 9 i walk out all my gera is on my back tree stand and backpack...im walikng up the trail back to my truck and i know from past walking past the spruce trees and thikets thay alway are there so arrow is knoked .....i come up to the area and i here them in there and see one jumping around it that thick lol ...i have a nice opening 30yrs and a buck comes out and my harts pounding i have all my gera on my back the shot is 30yrs threw this sh#$% but i have a good window and i feel good about shot so i let it rip.......hes not big but its friday the 13 small 5/6 right in the boiler room2 points