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  1. A bit of a late post, but here goes. My son, Alex ,18 was finally able to hunt a gun opener ( he wrestled all through high school and his dedication to the sport always prevented him from the gun season) We went out for the opener and it was a beautiful day, both weather wise and personally, it was him, my dad and one of my brothers. I wanted to sit with him, in a spot everyone in my family has been lucky from, especially since it was his first gun opener, it's on a big rock, overlooking a bank, a bowl and a flat. The day started off slow and he actually said he was a bit bored. I told him to be thankful he was not freezing his butt off and described to him many a long day in the woods cold as heck and not seeing any deer. Around 11:00 we heard something coming around the bank to our right, he spotted it before me and it was a doe, she was moving quite quickly with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. I told him that only means one thing, and to get himself ready. Approximately 5-10 minutes later he said he sees another deer, I told him to get ready and let the deer get as close as he can, then it came into my view, and it was like I was seeing a deer in the woods for the first time ever. ( my pulse doubled) This was a monster, and I knew it, he first appeared about 60-70 yards in exactly the same path the doe took, and I can now see and hear him giving low and constant grunts. As he got within 30 yards, I whispered any time you're ready and braced myself for the shot as Alex was only 3 feet to my left. He fired, and I did not see if the deer was hit or not as he wheeled and went on a straight run down hill away from us, I then took a shot, just in case but missed, as he went over the next bank and out of site. Alex gets up and say's I think I missed, I say, not sure but lets get down and look for blood etc. Alex immediately found hair and I found blood, and a lot of it, the kind of blood that accompanies a good lung hit. As we progressed down the bank in the direction the deer went, it became evident to me that he was hit well, and we would find him quickly, then we came upon 2 spots where he fell to the ground and got up again. Just after the last fall, I spotted the deer and told Alex to look to his right ! The look on my son's face was priceless and it's a moment I'll remember and cherish forever. Not only did he get his first deer, but he shot a true deer of a lifetime . The picture of me him and my dad was submitted to the Catskill Mountain News with an article regarding three generations of hunters, I hope to see it printed soon. Thanks all for reading and sharing in this story, I am still on cloud 9 and probably will be for a while.
    30 points
  2. So I have been hunting for around 8 years now and I've killed a few doe but I have never been able to kill a buck. I would say I usually get out on average about 6 times during bow season and another 4 during gun. During this years bow season I saw 6 doe and 2 4 pointers but always out of range. This past weekend I was able to get out to my buddies property in Schoharie on Sunday night and hunted until Tuesday morning. If anyone was out there during those days they know the weather was miserable. On Tuesday morning I was out and I had a 4 pointer following a doe around 8:00am and I was tempted to kill this buck because I knew it would be my last hunt. I decided to let him go and 30 minutes later I had an opportunity I could not pass up. I had an 8 pointer come out from some brush and I got him in my cross hairs and the rest was history. This buck wasn't a monster by any means but I truly was so happy to finally get a buck down. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    19 points
  3. My sons friend shot this at 8:00 am yesterday morning nose to the ground all by itself ..
    17 points
  4. Well forgot to put in here so here it goes. Thanksgiving day I had my 13 yr old cuz with me as me dad uncle and 2 cuz went out on stateland. I'm not much of a sitter durring gun as I spend plenty of seat time durring archery. Well about 10 or so we were going to still hunt thru a spot I know they bed down in. After about 3 steps into the thicket 2 doe jumped up and worked their way away from us. Not having a clear shot and wanting them to go uphill instead of down we backed out and went to the edge of bench. I looked down and saw them working thru some down logs. I leaned on tree and put x hairs on the opening. When 2nd doe stepped in I let it fly. 50 cal cva wolf konus scope put the shot thru the heart at a Lil over 200. As I was trying to reload the cuz said he only seen on and I had missed lol...I told him it was bc the other was dead. We walked down and it was a murder scene blood red path for her 20 yard dash. We marked our spot with a broken branch and walked down to find her. Got to walk him thru gutting. His first start to finish hunt. Pretty cool...only about 75lbs but she will eat excellent. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    16 points
  5. After 6 years of my dad not getting a deer. He finally connected this morning. I'll put the story in the harvest thread. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    12 points
  6. I was able to kill my first buck on Tuesday morning. I had a 4 pointer following a doe at 8:00am decided to let them go and around 8:30am a decent 8 pointer pops out from some brush 40 yards out. I get him in my crosshairs and let it rip, he ran about 50 yards and dropped. Super excited Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    12 points
  7. Decided to piss everyone off and kill a doe fawn this morning. Actually had another big doe in my sights at 30yds but caught a deflection off a sapling in front of her. The ML bullet accidently found it's way into the fawn behind her off to the right. Seems everything is going right for me this year even when things go wrong,lol More meat!
    9 points
  8. My dad and I went out to my buddy's farm in Cicero 7F this morning. I put him in the pines where I have been seeing deer all season. I sit on the edge of a hay field which is about 400 yards wide. About 8:20 I see 5 does come out of the hedgerow and enter the hay field about 300 yards from me. I watched them go into a small patch of woods behind the barn. About 9:00 I texted dad and set up a plan. I put him in the field where I thought the deer would come out when I pushed the woods to him. I walked around to the other side and walked into the woods about 20 yards when he shoots! When I get to the field he has a doe down! Finally after 6 years of being skunked he put one in the ground! To top it off this was his last day to hunt this year because he is leaving for Hawaii on Saturday for 2 weeks. He has put in a lot of hours out in the woods with me and I'm just glad he finally got one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7 points
  9. Texas heart shots, Jesus bullets and bolts, uncontrolled "aging" of meat....wow
    6 points
  10. I'm just trying to stay positive here since this season has been such a BUST so far for decent bucks in the area. I've talked to some people who've said they GIVE UP already! Over the years, some of the best bucks I've caught on cam have showed up starting at this point of season in my creekbottom. I've never killed any of them, but it's nice to know there's still hope some of the better ones make it through the opening week blitz and are still out there sneaking around waiting to make an appearance! These are old pics, but I still remember the excitement that followed after getting them. Hoping for a repeat..... and oppertunity at something of this caliber yet this year. Hang in there everybody.
    6 points
  11. For me to take such a shot, many variables would have to be almost perfect: short range, standing deer, solid rest, good scope, powerful rifle, good bullet, correct angle and elevation, no obstructions, light or no wind, and good lighting. It all came together for me in the early afternoon, this past Saturday up in the Adirondacks. The snow was too crunchy for still-hunting, so I set up in my tree-hammock chair, along a deer trail at the edge of a valley, on a forest edge where hardwoods met evergreens. A light breeze was blowing up from the valley and I knew there were does bedded down there from sign I had seen earlier. For about 10 minutes after getting set up in the chair, I was watching the trail to my left, because I thought that was the most likely place for a buck to approach from. When does it ever go like you plan? I heard a twig snap over my shoulder, then I swung slowly over to my right. There was a buck, walking towards me, just 40 yards away. He must have caught the motion and turned around, back the way he came, as I was lifting my rifle. He stopped at 50 yards. I centered the crosshairs just below "the spot" and squeezed the trigger. The 150 grain Federal Classic 30/06 bullet put him down there in his tracks. There was no entry wound, and the bullet exited near the center of his chest. I walked over to him and noted blood flowing out of the exit wound. He held his head up for a few seconds but had no use of his legs. His lights went out quickly, without a need for a second shot. I expected the gutting job to be a mess but was pleasantly surprised that it was not. The Butt-out 2 even worked well (after failures on the last two boiler room broadside shot deer I used it on. The stomach was not punctured at all. The bullet must not have expanded until it struck some vertibrae in the neck area. He will be skinned tomorrow and go in the fridge for a week. I will find out how much meat damage there was when I process him next weekend. The buck was a 6 point, probably 1-1/2 year old and looked and felt to be in the 150-160 lb range field dressed. I was hoping for a larger buck this year during gun season, but I took that shot for three reasons: First, I was 99.5% sure I could kill the deer cleanly with the shot. Second, there are a few folks at work who really want some venison, including the top boss at our plant who asked me personally on my last day of work prior to Thanksgiving vacation. Lastly, in 35 years of deer hunting I have seen a total of one buck after the long Thanksgiving weekend. That was during the late ML season and he got away, after walking under my treestand, when my old sidelock misfired.
    5 points
  12. Taken on the South Fork is all I know. Beautiful deer.
    5 points
  13. Sorry, I just can not or will not make myself take that shot. I have let more than a few live another day, when that was the only shot presented to me. To each their own. Congrats on your deer.
    5 points
  14. live from the stand in 9A. Moderate SE wind and colorful skies. I put out a new doe in heat, antler ice, with my own dispenser using a heatpack and unscented pantyliner. If it works, I will post a pic.
    5 points
  15. 9H 25 degrees. 6 mph SSE wind. Going to use the climber this morning. Setting up close and tight to apples and a bunch of trails leading into the swamp and thick stuff. Good wind and it all sounds good on paper. Going in light with a turkey sammich stuffed in the pocket. This will be like an archery set up. Hoping the .44 barks today. Good luck to all going out. The stars are absolutely amazing this morning. Lots of satellites zipping around
    5 points
  16. I finally got my phone to cooperate with posting pictures. Here is my friends and mine opening day success. We both took does in the morning about 30 min apart then he took the nice 7 point around 3pm. It was a memorable day. Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
    5 points
  17. My feeling is that there would be even more accidents. If all hunters were moving at the same time in the woods.
    4 points
  18. I've bumped deer and had them run 50-75 yards, then stop and turn around to look at what bumped them, giving me a clear shot.
    4 points
  19. Accidents happen when someone puts killing a deer, as their number one priority. And puts safety a notch or two down the priority list. There is no deer walking this earth that is worth someone getting hurt or killed! And most "accidents", are not caused by new or inexperienced hunters. But by hunters that "should" know better!
    4 points
  20. A little late but I got this guy on Monday afternoon. Had 3 doe run by me about an hour earlier and I was a little upset. I want seeing much at all the first 3 days and was running out of time. Well an hour after the 3 doe ran by me, this guy decided to walk out at about 149 yards. I took my time and fired a round. He took off and I couldn't get another shot. I walk up to see that I had him hit and got on his tracks. Then my dad came as I started to track and he went ahead Incase I jumped him up. Needless to say thank goodness we had snow other wise it would have been a long night of tracking on my hand and knees. He ran about 250 yards and was piled up.
    4 points
  21. So my daughter hunts a bit , while in college not so,much , now her working as a nurse and I as a Firefighter our schedules don't line up much . She did two hours opening day and and hour and a half tonight . Put her in a big ladder stand where I know that they move past late afternoon . I was in a ladder near by watching cut beam field . I look her way I see deer , does she though ? I'm pointing ... BANG ! Guess she does ! 8 doe were headed her way , 4 big 4 small maybe more she said . Dropped her in her tracks !
    4 points
  22. I've been hunting with an orange hat, orange vest that doesn't fully cover like a vest should and and orange backtag holder. I'm going to get and orange jacket and pants if I can afford them today. I started thinking about it yesterday as I was sitting in a chair with my hood up. From behind who could even see me. I know accidents still happen but it can't hurt being very visible. I hunt where I would think no one else was on private property. Yesterday I got cold so I got up and walked a little near a bedding area on the property kinda close to where I was sitting. Don't I see fairly fresh tracks that aren't mine. On one property I hunt I know the neighbor that hunts behind me and we communicate when either of us are out. I'm going to make a good effort to get to know the neighbors at the other property who tend to set their stands 50' off the property line facing me. Bullets sometimes travel farther than anticipated.
    3 points
  23. Grampy, mentioned this book which is all I needed. Bought one, liked it so much I bought a bunch more, been giving them to hunting friends for their collections . I'll keep a couple to loan to guys who have issues recovering their deer. The guys who look an hour, can't tell what different blood tells them, and so on. The author has been on over 900 deer tracks/ recovery with dogs over 30 years . He shares what he's learned based on that .
    3 points
  24. In a brand new spot for a short sit. This is one of those properties the deer can pretty much surprise you from any direction. This guy was here this am
    3 points
  25. Yet, all 3 hunting related deaths this year so far has all occurred in the Northern Zone with Sandy Creek (where the son thought his father was a deer) being the closest to NYC at 291 miles. Being tired in the woods has nothing to do with the law. Laws don't prevent stupid.
    3 points
  26. I was thinking the same thing...lmao
    3 points
  27. I've hunted areas where it is an hour to two hour walk in to get to where we were hunting. Your idea makes no sense and like the gun laws would do NOTHING to stop these stupidity events from happening. I don't want to use the word "accident" becasue unless the gun malfunctions....nah never mind. even then if you are following the gun safety rules even a gun malfunction would hurt no one. I'll stick with "stupidity events". How do you know these guys are in the woods before 4am? I have been in the woods during hunting season for 43 seasons. Been in my hunting spot about 1/2 hour to an hour before sunrise. Never been shot at, shot and haven't shot anyone. Guess i am just the lucky few. Where do you hunt?
    3 points
  28. Plan B hasn't been too fruitful. But dang it's a nice day. Today will be an easy dark to dark. Sounds like their driving the mountain on the other side of the road judging by shooting.
    3 points
  29. I'm glad you liked the book Larry. The wealth of information in that book, can and will, make all the difference between recovering a deer or not recovering it. It's one of those books in my opinion, that every hunter, no matter their experience should read. I can't recommend it highly enough. I too, have bought and given away, quite a few copies, to new hunters and friends. Gets five stars from grampy!!!
    3 points
  30. This late? Its only the 2nd week of gun season lol
    3 points
  31. Looking into some thick stuff this morning. Gotta keep the eyes moving Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  32. I'm positive I'm not the first hunter to get tired of putting time into it and seeing nothing (in fact I've seen lots of posts relaying the same). Not sure what your particulars are, but I drive 40 min plus another 10+ min walk each way + 10 min to setup climber on public land, and after doing that for almost two months and not having a single shot opportunity since the first hour of the first day it gets pretty old. At some point it turns from putting in time to burning hours, though that would be different for everyone. Going to find some land to rent for next year for sure.
    3 points
  33. I'll be honest shot one thanksgiving day maybe went 75lbs dressed. But was a long ways away. With a bunch of tags in my pocket I'd take her again. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  34. I've seen a tree stump that looked like a bear and I've seen a beige rock that looked like a deer, so I can imagine a large mass at that distance initially seeming like it could be a deer at first blush. The mistake this dolt made was not positively identifying what he was shooting at. I never took at shot at that black bear stump, and I've never shot at a rock. Also this makes another case for hunter orange.
    3 points
  35. Saw all of that but not a single deer Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
    3 points
  36. From a blind correct ? Got a good sleeping bag ? Take off shoes and climb in with the lower part of your body leaving your hands and arms free. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  37. Couldn't stand it any more...had to drop one tonight at 190 yds with the TC Icon 308.
    3 points
  38. With the snow and wind, I decided to head to a ground blind, on a south facing slope. Where my grandson and I had seen a couple shooter bucks fighting during bow season. It was a half mile hike in through drifted snow, as the logging road was impassable for my ATV. When I got to my spot, I could see where the deer had been digging for acorns and there was a ton of fresh sign. Got in about 12:30 and didn't see a deer until 3:00. Two spike horns came in below me and started to feed. I watched them for a bit, before a big doe came out of the thick stuff below and started to feed as well. I thought about taking her, but decided to wait until my grandson was with me tomorrow. Then up above me I hear a buck grunt, look up the hill and a shooter buck is coming down to check the doe! She runs to within ten feet of my blind, stops, and is looking at the buck. She takes off behind me and the buck starts chasing! I mouth a baaa, he keeps running. So I almost shout, BAAA!!! He skids to a stop at 20 yards and a 140 gr. Nosler BT from my 7mm/08 Savage Axis, drops him in his tracks! 8 points, 170 dressed and scarred and broken, with split ears from fighting. This is one of the bucks my grandson and I watched fighting! I'm so happy to get him as this has been a up and down season for me. Till today.
    3 points
  39. One night during deer season I picked up a " 1:00 AM Special" at the Cameron Hilton, a bar in a cornfield near Cameron, NY. The next morning I woke up in her trailer and got my first good look at her. Scared me so bad I seriously considered adopting a gay lifestyle. Fortunately, I got over it....
    3 points
  40. I would have absolutely rearranged that into something offensive .
    2 points
  41. Just when you think it couldn't get better.
    2 points
  42. Broke all four of the " four gun safety rules." 1. Treat all guns as if they're loaded 2. Don't point muzzle at anything you'er not willing to destroy 3. Keep your bugger hook off the bang switch, until on target and ready to fire. 4. Be sure of your target and what's beyond it ,myself id like to see charges , and more then loss of license and a fine .
    2 points
  43. I've also heard "deer" in the bush only to have a squirrel jump out so many time. Never shot into one of these bushes at all.
    2 points
  44. Core, you have the wrong attitude about hunting at times. Hunters don't "burn up hours in the woods". We cherish the time we spend in the woods hunting deer ( or anything we hunt ). Watching the woods wake up, getting pi$$ed of at squirrels and chipmunks for causing a ruckus, deer just out of range or not giving a clean shot, is part of hunting. There are no hours spent in the woods a true hunter would call 'burning' hours, or 'wasting' time.
    2 points
  45. Out for the first time with my son during gun season this year. Made a quick ground blind on the edge of some thick stuff.
    2 points
  46. I would bet money he was being sarcastic....i haven't spoken to any Leo that has been in favor of anything safe act related. The majority are upfront calling it was it is. An infringement on law abiding citizens. This state sucks
    2 points
  47. first buck. 6r. Chasing a doe. First rut experience Sent from my D6708 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  48. Shot this guy on opening day around 8am. Dropped in his tracks. Called over the girlfriend and once she got there I asked for her hand in marriage. It was a great day that I'll never forget.
    2 points
  49. Jumbo doe for the opener with my smokepole!
    2 points
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