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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/22 in all areas

  1. Put to bed last night, then put to rest this am at 6:07. Soaked to the bone ! 21#, 10.5" beard, 1" spurs. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
    36 points
  2. Poked around a local stream the other day. Found about 30 that wanted to play. Streamer bite wasn't on but the nymph bite was hot. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
    11 points
  3. Good news! Any of you who hunt tomorrow will definitely not be the worst turkey hunter in the woods. Wish me luck!
    7 points
  4. correct, let that bird dry on its own and my 870 slug gun is currently rusting in the safe just seeing this pic
    6 points
  5. Working another 11.5 hours today to go with yesterday and back in the trenches tomorrow but did have the pleasure of a wake up text pic of Tom who lost in chess . Wtg brother. Good luck all who are out there , keep that powder dry.
    5 points
  6. My gals bday, requested spag... homemade pasta (Durum wheat) with meatballs (venison, pork parm) and home made Italian sausage
    5 points
  7. 4 points
  8. What you need is waders and a staff
    4 points
  9. In my 50 years I've never seen a draw lock in person or heard of anyone using one Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    4 points
  10. This is our final year of travel and I'm not ready for it to be over Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    4 points
  11. Finally got into some fish today. Unfortunately they where out of reach for my fly cast. They where hitting a big yellow/black rooster tail they wouldn’t hit anything else. Had a blast until I snagged a stick floating by and lost the lure. I kept two for lunch tomorrow. Question for the fly guys if there hitting a one inch rooster tail would a yellow streamer work? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  12. They seem to have lockjaw down here in Dogpatch....Two jakes came in early opening morning and my Canadian guest killed one of them.... Second morning we heard nada on the same property, so this morning I took him on a tour of the best gobbler country that I know....Perfect quiet conditions and not a peep...I did a bunch of calling to try to raise a gobble, but had no response.. I told him that sometimes I could INSPIRE a bird to gobble, but I could not FORCE them to gobble if they don't want to...
    4 points
  13. A little luck this morning in the turkey woods. No goobling heard from roost or early morning. At about 8:45, I fired one up with some excited clucking&cutting. He sounded off so distant, I wasn't actually sure he responded to me or just a coincidental gobble way off. I then did some yelps and got no response. So to test if he had responded to me, I tried clucking and cutting again. He gobbled and sounded like he was a little closer, but still a ways off, so I gave a few reassurance clucks and purrs, then put down the pot call and waited for him to hopefully show up. After about 10 minutes and not hearing or seeing anything, I got nervous when some crows sounded off in the area and he didn't shock gobble at them. So, I decided to cut again to see if he was still in the area. I gave a series of clucks and cutting and he hammered right back with 2 gobbles and was now really close. After a few minutes I could hear him walking in the leaves and he let out a massive gobble right behind me...Love that sound, close up! I could hear him thumping going in and out of strut behind me and then he finally came into view, but walking on the wrong side of me. He walked by my right side at about 7 yds and I knew there was no way I could turn on him for a shot. I figured to let him go by me and turn for a shot if I got a chance when his head went behind a tree. But then, he caught sight of my decoys (jake with 2 hens) to my left and he crossed in front of me at about 10 yards, heading to the decoys. He strutted around the decoys for about 30 seconds and I was able to get the gun in position when his head was blocked by his fan. When I shot him he was standing right next to my jake decoy at about 15 yards. What an exciting hunt! About 1" spurs and about a 9.25" beard.
    4 points
  14. I bow hunt with a longbow , after many years hunting with the compound it just became routine to kill a buck and my interest started to wane. That was about 20 years ago and I haven’t looked back. I make my arrows using feathers from turkeys I kill, make my own strings , hand sharpen my broadheads and the flight of arrow is so fascinating I shoot for hours and never get bored. I’m now shooting a bow I made myself with guidance from a friend that’s a Boyer. I have brought many people into traditional archery and I can’t describe the smile on someone’s face the first time they hit the bullseye it’s really magic.
    3 points
  15. I'm too smart to defend something as the statement above? Which statement was that, I made plenty I think I came up with plenty of reasonable arguments, and many states and this one tend to agree. So who is wrong? You can use a crossbow for the september doe hunt, the best 2 weeks a year AND during all of firearm and into mz and the holiday season. So minus what is normally a pretty dull month of October, you can use a crossbow to be efficient at short yardage where they are safer than firearms... although now you're calling hunters with guns dangerous so that's interesting. But I wont poke at that low hanging fruit. Tell me how that month of October is limiting harvests? You know hunter access is the issue in my neck of the woods right? Not lack of crossbows. Heck in the north the issue is not enough deer, so do we want to kill more or less? How are we divided? I'd help all but maybe 3 people on this board if they needed a hand. Hell I'd help drag a wounded buck shot with a crossbow if I was able and someone needed it. There are zero people giving up hunting and becoming members of PETA because Belo doesn't like crossbows. Let me end with this. Who and how much do you donate to for conservation and hunting every year? I can show you my TRCP, NWTF, NRA and BHA receipts. I'm raising 3 young bowhunters as we speak as well. Can you say the same?
    3 points
  16. And here I thought you were at least trying to stick to the facts. You just love to debate this stuff, which is fine, but you end up trolling to keep it going. There is a difference between getting stabbed with a knife and shot with a bullet. You're too smart to defend something a dumb as the statement above. Do better. Crossbows hurt your delicate sensibilities. That's the long and short. You struggle mightily to come up with reasonable arguments against crossbows. NY has tons of deer. In many places, there are too many deer. There aren't so many hunters. Crossbows are a very efficient way to kill deer at short yardage. They are also safer to use than firearms in many settings. I wish everyone had the time, money and commitment to take up hunting with a vertical bow. It makes you a better hunter. That's not going to happen. Complaining about crossbows does more harm than good. Sitting up on your high horse defending the purity of bow hunting only divides hunters. Railing against other people using crossbows doesn't make you a principled sportsman, it makes you a snowflake.
    3 points
  17. The Trophy XLT is a wildly underrated scope. It's lost alot of popularity due to the downgrade in the vertical stack of companies for optics. I have at least four on MZ, 20g, and modern 243 / 350 L. I would pay DOUBLE maybe even TRIPLE if I could find the DOA 200 3-9x40 for my back up 20g. They stopped making them and that is a travesty. IMO they BLEW OUT OF THE WATER the Nikon. I found a Nikon new in box last year in a shop collecting dust. I prefer the XLT. Tossed the Nikon up on eBay and it sold for more than $500...3.5X the original cost. If I can't find one I will end up with the Burris.
    3 points
  18. That still can be a personal choice even with full inclusion. You can make it as hard as you want with a wooden bow and arrows and you can make it as easy as possible. Choices… Many play softball. Some fast pitch… Some slow pitch.. Still Softball.
    3 points
  19. so y'all are saying that my horrible pistol shooting could actually be because of my choice in ammo?
    3 points
  20. Game one in the books. 50 min ride one way in the rain to watch them play in the cold and the rain BUT they won 14-11 and my daughter had a good time. It was nice seeing her with friends and teammates laughing and having fun. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  21. Little live bait from today. Only 1 gobbler at daylight off the roost, 6 gobbles then silence. Patience is a virtue. Sure are pretty things.
    3 points
  22. Built a shed over the weekend 8 x 12 board and batten with corrugated metal roof, made with rough cut from a local Mill.
    3 points
  23. Already got bags on both bikes but that's a great price
    2 points
  24. Thanks guys some of the spots the water is over my waders others over my head.I'm heading to a smaller stream tomorrow to try for some brook trout.
    2 points
  25. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it
    2 points
  26. A good example is mine and the wife’s 38+p ruger lcr’s , 125 grain loads were hitting low . Switched to 158 grainers and they shoot dead on now . It was a shame as I wanted to use the Remington golden sabers for our self defense loads .
    2 points
  27. When you get to the stage of needing to take apart the gun, I highly recommend you research the procedure. As a kid that took apart a lot of alarm clocks which none of which went back together, I can say I learned. Gun Parts & Firearm Accessories | Numrich Gun Parts (gunpartscorp.com) This is a great website for old parts, but its real value is the is the free online detailed diagrams of all the parts of a particular gun. For an old semi-automatic is lightly the gas system will need some work. Seals, pistons and springs. Old ammo was more corrosive so some pitting could be present. Many here have recommended a use of a rust remover which is a mild acid. Keep in mind the bluing is a form of rust. It is an oxide. Of the hundreds of guns I've worked on, it has never been used. But its your gun and it is up to you what you want to achieve. As far as stocks, research what was used there as a finish. It was never polyurethane. Usually shellac, boiled linseed oil or tung oil. But here again, unless the finish is destroyed just leave it alone. I came from a background of restoring antiques. When I started with guns I maintained the same attitude. Do no harm. Every gun I ever worked on was a project which at the end gave me satisfaction. And I shot every one of them. And oh, and this is important. Only take apart one at a time and you aren't supposed to have any parts leftover. Start over if you have to. I find guns logical but a puzzle at times. A good start for any gun cleaning project is a good wipe down with a rag lightly soaked in mineral spirits. It won't hurt anything and will remove the rocks and boulders of dirt. If needed an old toothbrush is good here too. Follow it with a dry rag and then follow the finer areas of cleaning and rust removal. Go slowly, that old finish has value. You don't want a new gun. You want Grandpa's old gun. Good luck and this is a good get well project.
    2 points
  28. The manufacturer recommends you dont wipe that moisture off, best practice is to let it dry on its own. I couldnt believe it myself!
    2 points
  29. NYT 1! Which stinks. Lucky guess and now I wait until tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    2 points
  30. 30 yards ?! Since ‘88 I shot one bow deer at 25, the rest were all between 8-15 . I seldom have ever practiced at 30 , no need . Bow season is about hunting skills brush up on them son .
    2 points
  31. My darn gobblers would not commit . They would start to come then get to the water and go back. bill would call they would come back to the waters edge then go away . Ughhhh these birds . Lots of fun had a couple of hens wonder by . That was cool . My heart was thumping so fast My arm was starting to cramp . Was getting ready to scare the he'll out of them if they didn't move on lolol
    2 points
  32. Although I was off work today I didn’t hunt. I had some things I had to get done and a 3:30am wake up, 50 minute ride down to my closest spot wasn’t going to work out for me. That spot isn’t what it used to be….what used to be 1000+ acres broke up over a couple miles is down to a couple hundred acres in one chunk. I still have good access in Ontario County and Livingston but that’s a 75 minute ride minimum. This is my 41 year hunting spring gobblers and the “fire” just isn’t burning as bright as it once did. Some years I’d hunt 20/31 mornings then come home and then go to work if it was a weekday. I hunted Sunday and heard some gobbling and it was exciting. Here’s a beauty from May 26, 2005…..wish my knees still bent like that.
    2 points
  33. I’ll take a crossbow 10-1, give me crosshairs and a trigger any day if tight groups are what I’m after! My dad taught me a long time ago to set stands quartering away over his left shoulder, right for me shooting lefty from the expected shooting lanes and using the tree to rest my grip elbow into when shooting a compound. I’ve never really known anyone else to do this but I love doing it. It’s also why a saddle was such an easy transition for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  34. Had a great time today with Chef and AT! The Willowemoc fished slooooow but Oquaga was great, two beasts in less than an hour. Lots of bugs coming off but no rises Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    2 points
  35. Twenty yards is 60 feet. That's bonefish distance. What do you need to catch that's more than 60 feet away?
    1 point
  36. She doesn't want to play in college and I understand it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  37. What if I stashed one in your shed???
    1 point
  38. I remember complaining about driving to a tournament 25 minutes away one Saturday morning when the boys first started baseball….now under 2 hours (ideal Waze time with no traffic) is our measure of whether a hotel is required. Philly and back happened already this spring for crew; Muhlenberg and back will be a regular (if she “allows it”)…worst one was to Diamond Nation - Somewhere, NJ and back (1:45) on a Tuesday after summer camp for my kid to throw his mid-week bullpen (30 pitches) to Live batters. Great stuff and about the best time to talk to and learn about your kids and their friends and their school and their hopes….just saying Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. Great morning. We were set up about 100 yards from several roosted toms. Had another group about 200 yards out. It was non stop gobbling. Had to hear a 100 gobbles. Had two hens pich down and come rite into our setup. 10 min later we see a white head, then another, and another. Couple soft clucks and they gobbled and went into strut. At 35 yards, Lila took the shot. 20g TSS #8. 24lbs, 14" beard, 1" spur. Me on the left, her dad on the right.
    1 point
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