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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/22 in Posts

  1. Very Happy right now. Not a giant, but it is for my property Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
    47 points
  2. My son wacked a great buck tonight with the xbow. Haven't seen a thing all year but a spike so far. Couldn't get in any of our good stands with the strong south winds. Until tonight, the wind switched just enough west to get into a good stand. Last half hour, this guy comes out of nowhere, 25 yards quartering towards us. He made an awesome shot, got the top of both lungs and never hit the guts. No exit hole so it was a tiny bits of blood as he ran with the bolt in him, but we heard him crash hard from the stand. But it started pouring and so little blood I started getting nervous that maybe I was hearing things when he crashed. He went about 100 yards total and piled up.
    42 points
  3. Shot a buck. Freaking out. Heard the pop. Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
    34 points
  4. 10/29/2022 Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
    10 points
  5. Doe down, 6:40am, 9H. Bucks chasing does in the food plot last night right at last light. It’s starting to get interesting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8 points
  6. Here we go again...the first one of the new season will be mounted up on friday. Not sure that I'm ready for this! Lol
    6 points
  7. Saw 5 buck and 1 doe today. Three small guys, 1 nice 2.5 8 pt and the second largest deer of this season. The big one was dogging a doe and fighting off attempts of a small 8 pt. It was cool to watch He just didn't give me a shot. I have video of a small buck coming into Golden Estrous then licking my stand. Also have video of the 2.5 8 pt. Enjoy!
    6 points
  8. Feeling almost back to normal so I’ll be out the next 3 days
    5 points
  9. One antlered buck taken yesterday… his skull shows weird calcified bone growth above his eye and a fractured skull where he lost his antler. Always amazing how tough they are.
    4 points
  10. Otto.....did You mean this place.... https://www.nywoodsandwater.com/discover/6/ Sent from my SM-A716V using Tapatalk
    4 points
  11. As I told my neighbor who just started hunting . “ if it sounds like a deer, it’s a squirrel, and if it sounds like a squirrel, it’s a squirrel.”
    4 points
  12. I was out of town but the buck i almost killed last year was killed yesterday frim the same stand. Interesting to see how his left funky side grew this year. Congrats to the forum member.
    4 points
  13. Roasted garlic marinara , shrimp , calamari and scallops pasta. And goose pate and ghost pepper tequila margaritas after snack.
    3 points
  14. Not that todays weather was the best but it’s a shining example of nothing in life is guaranteed. You can do everything possible to be successful but still come up short. good thing it’s only hunting and there’s always next time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  15. Oh. Almost forgot to tell you that the buck I got last week was standing in the exact spot as the doe I got exactly one week prior. Shot her on an observation sit. The “accidental doe” gave me clues for how to get my buck. First deer with a bow from a treestand. Normally I’m on the ground. Both were 12 yards directly down wind, right where I said they would never be. [emoji23] Being tagged out before November is … uncomfortable at the moment. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  16. The pup is killing me. Maybe i should just bring him to a blind.
    2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. Having run a few message boards I can say there is actually known message board etiquette rules, one is "never go on someone else's board and publicly mine it to lure members to another board", was always a banning offense. Malcontent members now have a new board setup the way the way they always wanted, so leave here on a good note quit the banter and use your new home. Al
    2 points
  19. This is IT!!!! Zeldin defiantly has a good chance! VOTE!!!!!
    2 points
  20. if it was bumjohn... what an asshat. Been trying for years to get his attention. He had his shot, peace out dude.
    2 points
  21. Hunt #23. Point stand dark-10:00. Didn't see anything. Would've stayed but a work issue to resolve. &$#+....grrrr. Have like nothing much in daylight does included. But looks like a new guy in town. A non typical......
    2 points
  22. i did too. only to go into the office here in Albany, look out my wall of windows, and stare at one of the best hunting spots I have. lol work gets in the way of life I'm tellin ya!
    2 points
  23. Looking forward to tomorrow very much. Gonna be a day!
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. I saw a nice buck this morning that passed just out of range, as usual. I grunted, he stopped and then walked off. After 15 minutes I saw a buck from the same direction... now I am second guessing if it was the same buck. Praying I find him. Gonna wait another hour. Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26. This am was a dud. Son and I moved a stand. My plan is to hunt a fair amount w,t & friday and thru the weekend. Hopefully Ben can get his first buck. It’s been a challenge.
    2 points
  27. Congratulations to Culver! I hunted with him while out hunting with you. What an absolutely great guy!! So happy for him!! You are as unselfish as they come moog. And a top notch host my friend. Ok......you are up next! Best of luck to ya!
    2 points
  28. Luna was tired after today’s swamp track. She hasn’t swam that much in a long time.
    2 points
  29. There is no such thing as a little freedom. Either you are all free, or you are not free. Walter Cronkite
    2 points
  30. I’m thrilled that my preparation paid off. This happened exactly as I imagined it would. Trail cam pic was taken the day before I shot him. He’s a “dork deer.” See his overbite? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  31. Me! Finally have a few hours i can spend in the woods, first sit of the year. I have a property I only hunted twice last year. Its my best bedding stand that sets up perfectly for a N wind. Cant wait to shake the cobwebs off.
    1 point
  32. Who's going to pick up the slack as far as the deer kill count biz was doing?
    1 point
  33. That is a nice one I would have a hard time passing up. Congrats to you!!!
    1 point
  34. That is not historically accurate
    1 point
  35. Thank god I’m going to work today. I’ll have a better chance at seeing a deer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. Headed in. One never knows when a dumb one shows up.
    1 point
  37. Hehehehe...I had a rifle once that shot patterns rather than groups...It was an early tang safety Ruger M77 in 7x 57.....I sold it to a friend after telling him that it shot 4-5" groups at 100 yards...He didn't care because all he had ever used for deer were smoothbore shotguns with slugs and it sounded like pretty good accuracy to him...He shot a big 10 point with it the first season he used it...
    1 point
  38. 11/6/22 Kunox and I tracked a big buck that was shot this morning. Based on the hair at the hit site, it appears he was hit in the shoulder. The hunter said the buck was quartering away at the shot. There was no blood for a couple hundred yards, then a few drops. Kunox struggled a little getting locked on initially, but did figure it out. We had gone past last blood and were looking for more when I spotted what looked like a tiny drop on a log. I sprayed it with hydrogen peroxide to confirm, and it bubbled, indicating it was in fact blood. A little further down the trail and we found another drop, that was the last we would see. Shortly after that Kunox went hot, indicating we were close. He pulled hard, barking as we went. It soon became evident the deer was spreading the gap between us as Kunox went silent. We never caught up to him. Based on the lack of blood and no beds, we pulled the plug after going 1.85 miles.
    1 point
  39. We need a sarcasm emoji ! Which actually hurt me as ,its kinda my thing .
    1 point
  40. Venison Reuben’s and a Guinness. Plus hash with the leftovers. Good way to start a 3 day weekend.
    1 point
  41. Mentioned was hunting lately but not going to burn myself out like years past. Awaiting the good , the rut. Well I picked one heck of a day it wasn’t raining nor turned off alarm and bailed. Had a four point walk almost directly under me. Later I hear foot steps in the leaves . 2 fawns with 2 good doe behind them. I know old logging trail is 25 yards from stand. First doe gets by my 2 clearings of branches to shoot through so I draw and hold awaiting second doe to hit the second window. Anticipating her step forward I let the arrow go. Luminock shows money . She bolts off. I’m gonna wait awhile to check arrow. But dang arrow who should be strobing slips under the leaves upon finally looking. Then I have a spike coming down trail followed by a different 4 point. 3 small doe coming down a knoll and the 4 point now has a good 6 join him. The 4 takes off running dogging the doe. He ran them off and they headed back under me with him still chasing. I had full draw contemplating sending it on the 6 but let off. Already have one blood trail so no bueno on sending it. After losing a doe last week I believe was a superficial hit and no idea what happened I’m glad to have redeemed myself on only my 3rd archery deer with a clean and quick kill. She went about 20 yards and crashed in a rose of Sharon. What a morning. Double lunged
    1 point
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