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Obama's way of thinking . . .

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Ha Ha....Read what you just wrote...makes you look like an idiot! Do you honestly think you could keep up with Obama in an intellectual discussion? Hell, you couldn't keep up with Bush! No disrespect...just saying!

Early you are a true cretin. Intellectual and Obama can't be put in the same sentance. He is a stoner, drunk, a true pot head and never even provided proof he graduated from any school. Don't believe me, listen to him reading from his book.


Obama has no idea of what he is saying because he doesn't even pre-read his speechs. Have you heard him try and talk without a teleprompter? Guess not, MSNBC wouldn't dare broadcast the real Obama so how would you see that.

I know you get a monthly check from the government and feel some loyalty to Obama as a result, but don't forget where that money comes from. That's right it is 1% that help pay your way. So say thank you the next time you cross the path of someone wealthy. It's no more their fault they are rich, than it is yours that you are a liberal Dem with your handout.

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Proud to be white?? You had nothing to do with that...Why be proud? Proud of your Christian heritage?? Why? You had nothing to do with your heritage. What are you that you have control over that makes you proud? What do you do now, that you are proud of? Chest beating is good for nothing!

So no one of any race should have any pride in their history? You're right, I had nothing to do with my white history, but I am proud of the things my fore fathers accomplished to make me what I am today. Our history makes us who we are. If I should take no pride in being white, then blacks should have no right to feel bitterness over slavery. No one alive today had anything to do with slavery. So are you cool with throwing this reparations crap out the window?

Edited by Skillet
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Have you heard him try and talk without a teleprompter?

yep, many times. if not for the word UHHHHH, he would not be able to form a sentence. He constantly stumbles to articulate even a simple thought. He commonly "UHHHHs" multiple times in one sentence while stumbling and seaching for words.

Two years ago while giving a speech his solution to the energy problem was saying: "if we would just inflate our tires, we would save" ( he then stumbles and comes up with this piece of brilliance) "UHHHH, just as much".


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Second, Say what you want, but those who criticize every miniscule thing that Obama does, are, at the very least, closet racists.

I'm sorry to say if anything it's just the opposite, I haven't meant a black person yet thats going to vote for Romney.

And i'm not racist but I try to look at the truth. These people will vote for Obama and know next to nothing about whats even going on in the campaign run.

But hey thats just what I think I've seen enough of... " The Change ".

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Early I have to ask and mean no disrespect whatsoever. But are you related or married to Skully by chance?

You got anything else other than playing a racist card against anyone who dislikes Obama? I could care less if the man is friggin pea green and I am pretty sure that most really dont give a rats ass what the color of his skin is either. We certainly care that he is burying this country every second he is in the whitehouse thats for sure. Can you even tell us truthfully one thing he has done to better this country? And no Im not sorry one bit for these lazy ass people who can work and provide for their families all while holding the hand out saying me me me. And dont take that out of context make note that I said lazy ass people who CAN WORK! I have zero problems helping people in need and fully support it till they get back on there feet. Sorry I have to go now Im running late for my KKK meeting!

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I'm sorry to say if anything it's just the opposite, I haven't meant a black person yet thats going to vote for Romney.

And i'm not racist but I try to look at the truth. These people will vote for Obama and know next to nothing about whats even going on in the campaign run.

But hey thats just what I think I've seen enough of... " The Change ".

Like stalin said you break a people and they will eat out of your hand for the rest of their lives. They arent going to bite the hand that feeds them. Black unemployement is hanging right around 15% right now not sure of any other reason why they would vote for him other than to keep the checks coming.

Really pisses me off when im scrounging up 40 bucks to buy my daughter cerial and milk and the 400 lbs black lady in front of me with 6 kids and three full grocery carts pays for $500 dollars worth with food stamps. Anyone ever notice we have fattest poor people in the world? I mean seriously, if you went to africa or mexico and saw poor people they are almost skin and bones dieing. Our poor die from heart attacks from eating and smoking to much.

Edited by erussell
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Truly amazing how the libs on this site have quickly resorted to introducing race to defend their candidate. I would say "shame on you", but I realize that libs don't even understand that word. What the hell is the matter with you characters? Don't you realize how much you denigrate your own candidate by bringing race to his defense? Apparently that is all you see when you evaluate him is the color of his skin. Well, whether you understand the word or not ..... shame on you.

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Early; in one of your posts you say that you are "disappointed" in Obama. Which means that you must disagree with something he has said or done. By you own crazy smart logic you are a RACIST!!!

Dropping the race card every time someone disagrees with Obama is mideless and cowardly. You were a teacher?? Serious??

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Yea saying if you don't agree you are a racist is as silly as saying the President isn't a legal born american, socialist, the UN treaty is going to take our guns, he is waiting to go for gun control in his second term and is doing nothing to lull us to sleep, and Romney is a way batter choice because he is so different even though he has done more damage for gun control when he was Gov. and his health care plan is way different than the one Obama came up with.

Did you get the sarcasm there or do I need to add a "lol".

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Early stated that if you ridicule the president for every little thing you are racist. So I guess if you disagree that the president ignores the constitution, seeks to fundamentally transform America, and continue his marxist agenda - you are certainly racist. Meanwhile - YOU were the first one to point out Romney's religion.

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Early stated that if you ridicule the president for every little thing you are racist. So I guess if you disagree that the president ignores the constitution, seeks to fundamentally transform America, and continue his marxist agenda - you are certainly racist. Meanwhile - YOU were the first one to point out Romney's religion.

Yeah, bringing up religion here was a bit funny. I did hear this morning that Romney or his wife said that the reason they aren't showing more of their tax returns is because they don't want people to know how much they gave to the mormon church. No doubt they have given millions upon millions since they are rich and the mormon church has a tithe system. I don't care whether they were republican, democrat or whomever, but if any other candidate gave as much to any one organization as Romney has given to the mormon church they wouldn't have a chance in the world in getting elected. Just imagine if it was proven that Obama gave $350 to any black church or if Bush gave a considerable amount to any fundamentalist christian church? The media from the left and right would have had a field day over such an issue. I do think Romney has been given an easy ride over this. I work with several Mormon's and the church most definitely has a stronghold on it's members. How this would effect Romney as president I will let others decide.

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Early, you are using the dem talking points to support the worst pres in history, but how dare you belittle my religion and Romney's. You are calling everyone who has had enough of Obama a racist but you are a bigot yourself. I'd like to sing you a song F--- You Thunder..... I hope you know the ending.

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Funny how many times racism was brough up by a person complaining about religion, then trying to trample on people for being white or catholic and proud. And they accuse us of racism??? I do not agree with everything our president has done, but guese what he is OUR president and has my support while in office. His impact on the USA has been negative as far as I can see, unless you are a socialist or communist or may be a arab who hates us... I think change is needed again. Guese I will be labeled a racist, disregaurd the black, asian, mexican/latino and every other race I am friends with... I must be a racist because I do not support Obama, and I do not recieve any pay outs from our gov. I contribute! I feel the free ride needs to be cut from people who can work, I am tired of watching the same crap many complain about on here. WHile I struggle, the person in front of me buys 200$ worth of food with food stamps while wearing a gold watch, necklace and has a I-phone... Yea he is struggling!!!

I am not against helping people like many have said before, yet the free loaders are sucking us dry. This guy has 7 kids and calls himself a entrepreneur because he never maried any of the 3 girls and gets X amount of money per kid from our gov. because he never maried...(The girls get the money) He wants 3 more kids so he can get more money... The grandmother calls him the money man!!! Only in america can you get rich off of illigitamate moms... Just another puppy factory out of control... And we support it...

OK I am done ranting...

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I think that these cowards who automaticly label people as racists, for only disagreeing with Obama, don't really believe that the people are racists but its an easy out. By calling you/me racist they don't have to look at the facts. It's liberalism 101. if they disagree ...attack.

I'm "disappointed" in Obama....RACIST!!!!! LOL!!!! Mindless.

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Proud to be white?? You had nothing to do with that...Why be proud? Proud of your Christian heritage?? Why? You had nothing to do with your heritage. What are you that you have control over that makes you proud? What do you do now, that you are proud of? Chest beating is good for nothing!

Since when do you have to have something to do with what you're proud of??... I was proud of how hard my father worked hard to give my family a good life.. I didn't have any control over that... but I can still be proud of him. One can also be proud of his heritage even though it would have been impossible to be there... thats why they call it heritage... and you can have something to do with your heritage.. you can pass it on... and chest beating is good for scaring away all the wimpy gorilla's!

Edited by nyantler
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