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So my Summit broke.... wear a harness people


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Shot a doe 730am Sunday morning out of my climber. around 8 it had started to rain a little and i figured i better get down and blood trail her, i knew i hit her good but she didnt die in sight. After moving the climber down twice the bottom platform gave right out. I ended up balancing on the climbing bar for an hour and a half until my father could get up and come bail me out with an extension ladder. Little scary, but woulda been alot scarier if i didnt have my harness on.


Im working with Summit on a warranty claim/replacement. They seem like great people to deal with thus far.


I went right home and thanked my wife  for basically forcing me to buy and wear a harness last year. I had never put one on before that.


Also, to top off the morning, i didnt need the blood trail, doe was piled up in 60 yards.


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Thanks guys. Machinist, im hoping for the same kind of response, they seem like a really accommodating company. Im kind of out of commission during the week without the stand. my 2 ladder stands are a hour away, so they are kind of weekend only at this point. I may spray paint up some plywood and make a little blind though in the meantime

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I just started using a new summit viper. I just got semi comfortable with it...now I'm nervous again lol. I killed a doe opening day off a wooden stand and keep wondering if I would have killed it from my climber or if I would have been too scared to stand up and draw lol

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This is why I will never use a climber. I am becoming pretty adept at taking down and re-situating ladder stands in short order.

I'm liking ladders more and more. I have 4 up 3 hang ons and my climber ( lone wolf) gets used the least.

I carry in a 15 foot ladder all put together on my shoulder easy to foot and lean against tree.

I wish they would come up with a system that locked it on from the ground! Maybe something spring loaded that could be set by pulling a rope from the ground.

Nybuck 50 glad you came out ok.

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Shot a doe 730am Sunday morning out of my climber. around 8 it had started to rain a little and i figured i better get down and blood trail her, i knew i hit her good but she didnt die in sight. After moving the climber down twice the bottom platform gave right out. I ended up balancing on the climbing bar for an hour and a half until my father could get up and come bail me out with an extension ladder. Little scary, but woulda been alot scarier if i didnt have my harness on.


Im working with Summit on a warranty claim/replacement. They seem like great people to deal with thus far.


I went right home and thanked my wife  for basically forcing me to buy and wear a harness last year. I had never put one on before that.


Also, to top off the morning, i didnt need the blood trail, doe was piled up in 60 yards.


How old was the stand?

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Between age of climber, rain and please dont take wrong, weight capacity. They all have an effect. I used to be pushing 230lbs and was always worried about a 250lb max load capacity. Glad you're safe and that summit is working with you ! ive had mine for 2 years and only used it a little but i do love it !

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Glad you made it out of that hairy situation alright.


 So yeah, once when I started using a climber I didn't have the bottom lashed to the top! My feet came out of the stirrups and the platform fell back down the tree about 5 feet before it finally caught. I had to wrap my legs around the tree and "be the platform" and shimmy down the tree to get the rest of the stand! Not fun, but I learned quick.

Edited by PREDATE
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Glade you are ok, be cautious.  Climbers are for small people IMO.  Put a safety harness on your top climber to prevent it from falling and attach a safety harness to the bottom to keep them together.   And I agree the dam rainy days can be dangerous in a climber.  I use to test mine about a foot off the ground, one at a time then set up the safety harnesses.  I find as I get older I do not like leaving the ground as much as in my youth, lol...  Again just happy you are ok!!! 



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In defense of climbers, if everything is done the way it is supposed to be hooked up (attaching bottom platform to top, safety harness, proper fit to the right tree), I really can't see how they are dangerous or more dangerous than being 15-20' high off the ground on an stand. Poor welds and poor materials aside (which ladder stand mos tlikely have as well) I am more comfortable in my climber than a ladder I recently as in. Just my opinion.

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