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How would you feel ? 13 year old son/daughter gone for a month ?!


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So this Sunday our 13 year old daughter ( one and only child ) is auditioning for a summer ballet program that if she makes it is gone for the month of July. She's excellent at ballet I gotta say and pretty sure she'll make it. We are in Buffalo area and she'll be in Albany area . I have to admit I am quite nervous about letting her go. I put the kibosh on it last year and really have to let her go this year. Between her outstanding talent in ballet she has excellent grades so this is her future and hopefully will get a scholarship some day. Her ballet school has 1-3 kids yearly that receives a full ride to college. So there's potential for her. I've heard there are college kids taking summer courses in the dorms these girls stay in. We won't know any of the chaperones and I do everything everyday to protect her. She's got a great head on her shoulders and no interest in boys. I'm sure I can get time off to visit once or twice but man am I going to be a nervous wreck for that month. Maybe 1-2 other girls from her current ballet school going. We're not helicopter parents by any means . Wondering how you'd feel about having your son/daughter leave for a month under these circumstances ? I'm going to miss not fishing with her for sure, our hikes , and her presence around the house. Now that I think of it, I'm going to be a mess.

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It sounds wonderful, I wouldn't have a problem sending my 13 year old away for a month. You can visit which will be great. My 15 and 12 year old went away last year to Cortland for a week. They were involved in the field hockey and soccer camp. Sounds like your daughter is pretty mature and will handle things fine…….congrats it will be a great experience!

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So this Sunday our 13 year old daughter ( one and only child ) is auditioning for a summer ballet program that if she makes it is gone for the month of July. She's excellent at ballet I gotta say and pretty sure she'll make it. We are in Buffalo area and she'll be in Albany area . I have to admit I am quite nervous about letting her go. I put the kibosh on it last year and really have to let her go this year. Between her outstanding talent in ballet she has excellent grades so this is her future and hopefully will get a scholarship some day. Her ballet school has 1-3 kids yearly that receives a full ride to college. So there's potential for her. I've heard there are college kids taking summer courses in the dorms these girls stay in. We won't know any of the chaperones and I do everything everyday to protect her. She's got a great head on her shoulders and no interest in boys. I'm sure I can get time off to visit once or twice but man am I going to be a nervous wreck for that month. Maybe 1-2 other girls from her current ballet school going. We're not helicopter parents by any means . Wondering how you'd feel about having your son/daughter leave for a month under these circumstances ? I'm going to miss not fishing with her for sure, our hikes , and her presence around the house. Now that I think of it, I'm going to be a mess.


Part 1 is what is needed and sounds like you raised her correctly.

Part 2 - she does, it's just hidden from you (because of Part 1).

Edited by phade
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It's all a part of you making them ready to do their part in the world. Seems like it is always harder on the parents than the kids. You have done a great job to this point. Now is the time to encourage the good things they do. I'm sure she will blossom in to a beautiful ballerina and fine young lady too.

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Consider how well you know her, then wrap your head around the fact that these people do this every year. They really can't afford to have something go south concerning one of their charges. This along with the cell phone check in the evening should calm your fears.

RE cell phone, just remembered we can Facetime   . That will make it a little easier .......I think   And sending care packages should be fun. Dang, where did the time go. It feels like yesterday I cut the umbilical cord.

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As the others have said sounds like you raised her right and have a great relationship with her. Just make sure she has a cellphone and knows to stay with the group or roommate...and I am sure she will communicate to you if you need to worry about anything.


Both my kids, my son is 13 and my daughter just turned 16 have gone away to camps for a week or two since they were probably 10. Either sport, church or hobby related. They need to get out and experience life, just keep up good communication.


I worry all the time, I guess most parents do.

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I assume you have had a sit-down with whoever will be responsible for security, and are feeling secure that they take their responsibilities seriously, and know a bit of something about watching over youngsters. Perhaps you have been able to assess first hand and in person the mindset and maturity of the "watch-dogs" of the program. And of course the number of years and the experience that the people running the program have had. Maybe even a few questions about the facilities and security provided can add to your confidence. 

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Panelists/judges apparently didn't get out of NYC before storm. Audition postponed . Guess I wait another week or two to see if she makes it in.

Thank you for all your kind words everyone. Much appreciated. I know she'll be fine but as a loving father the reinforcement helps tremendously.

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Agree with everyone else about her raising and such.

I've chaperoned two 8th grade trips to DC. Now our middle school took only those with medical, law enforcement or FD experience . My group was myself( fire lt/ emt )and two cops. We had radios as well as cell phones, head counts , sealed kids doors with tape at night , lists of kids, their contacts any medical conditions and on and on ......

Check into what there protocols are for the chaperones , are they adults ? and what's their backgrounds ?

Btw so many don't realize that more scholarships come from art and music than sports.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well ballz, Sunday was audition . 4 auditions in NYS for 30 spots. She didn't get in. She's crushed as I for her. On the waiting list in case someone bails. Don't think that's going to happen. Hoping she keeps her chin up. I honestly thought she was a shoe in.

How political are the auditions ? Seems all to common these days for adults to make sure their kid makes the team or in this case ,the show.

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How political are the auditions ? Seems all to common these days for adults to make sure their kid makes the team or in this case ,the show.

That's a good question for sure. We saw Chloe from Dance Moms at her audition. Nobody thought she was outstanding and pretty sure she'll get in. Looks like I have my fishing buddy for July now and my hiking partner for Ithaca as every year.
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