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Moving a stand solo


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I mostly hunt from a climber but have one ladder stand that I am looking to move (only about 30 yards away from its current spot). My partner is not available so I may be attempting this alone. Any advice so I don't die after detaching ratchet straps? How many adjust their stands solo or do I just wait?

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10 minutes ago, crappyice said:


I mostly hunt from a climber but have one ladder stand that I am looking to move (only about 30 yards away from its current spot). My partner is not available so I may be attempting this alone. Any advice so I don't die after detaching ratchet straps? How many adjust their stands solo or do I just wait?

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I have done it before but it isn't fun. I tied two ropes from the top stand area, up by the seat to trees that were behind the stand and I could reach from the ground.

Go up attach ropes to stand.

Come down and tie off to trees behind stand

Go back up and remove ratchet straps.

come down and remove cross brace strap. 

Use the two ropes to lower the stand to ground. 

Reverse steps to raise in new location. 

But at this point whats the rush to move it? Why not wait for help?


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I have to imagine there are ways to safely do it. (eg. see culvercreek's last comment)

But I bet a six pack of cheap beer and somebody here would come help you out on some lazy afternoon before next hunting season.

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Good points...like the tips and the warning. My problem is always with focus. Once I get too far from deer season, I rarely remember the crap I want to get done for next season due to other activities/hobbies/family. Free time is never free for me so when I get a free few hours, I try to take advantage - probably not worth the risk at this point

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I have ropes on my ladder stands that go from the tree side of the seat, cross over the back of the tree and then are tied off on each side of the ladder near the bottom. Gives enough support to climb up/down to put the ratchet straps on. I do all of my ladder stands on my own, except two man stands, they are too heavy.

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10 minutes ago, crappyice said:

Good points...like the tips and the warning. My problem is always with focus. Once I get too far from deer season, I rarely remember the crap I want to get done for next season due to other activities/hobbies/family. Free time is never free for me so when I get a free few hours, I try to take advantage - probably not worth the risk at this point

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Dont risk it bud, i have done plently of ladder stands and its a 2 to 3 person job. Better to be safe and with people close by.

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24 minutes ago, WNYBuckHunter said:

These are the ropes/straps I am talking about.

The Stealth.jpg

This is the correct method. Just un-tie from the ladder and lower down after removing strap. The physics is that the straps provide enough friction on the tree it doesn't slip left to right. It might a little but not enough to completely come detached from the tree.

I have used this method on all my stands and never had an issue I do all my stands alone I just make sure and have a cell phone on me if something goes sideways. 

Edited by chas0218
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Help is always better or lug a ladder in,one with a V for setting against the trunk, use ladder to add and remove straps.

That said I often carry in and hang ladders alone, including this one , about a half mile carry. I use ropes and all the stuff others have said . Sometimes I just work harder not smarter .


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I have done almost all of my single stands alone . It's no biggie . Do like Culvercreek posted above . The hardest part is when putting the stand up , I grab the foot support part and walk it up and sometimes its slips so I take a 2' wide 2"X4" with a couple holes drilled in it for tent stakes and put the bottom of the ladder against it to keep it from slipping . My son puts the top part against the tree and moves the ladder up . That seems easier for him . 

If you aren't in a hurry , wait for help . 

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I do mine solo all the time...I bring extra straps with me and a length of heavier wire ( long straps)...this is so i can attach one strap to wire before climbing and take it around the back side of tree... climb half way up and pull the strap to me with the wire and get it hooked...Wire verses just the strap because it helps avoiding snagging on the way up. I then attach another below the foot platform...This you should be able to swing around back side and catch on the wire you still have from last strap.  finish climb un-ratchet the stand and carefully descend the ladder distributing your weight evenly on the rungs and holding on to one of the straps you unhooked all the way down(wrapped around trunk) unhooking straps as you go...then release stabilizer bar and untie criss cross straps...

biggest concern is kick up from the bottom both raising and lowering...I use two pieces or rebar...I hammer them in the ground along side of each leg...I then tie them to the legs not too tight you need room for the legs to have some movement with out kicking up. Tie the ( I use bailing twine) to the rebar very tightly first.then wrap around leg... lower with cris cross straps...to raise I do the leg tie off and then walk the ladder up to the tree. Now that sections are pinned  a lot less dangerous...nothing like being half way up and a section slips out:O

To secure the stand I do everything I did to lower, except I attach stabilizer and criss cross straps first. I always keep a strap and chain around the seat and then another at the foot platform...while in use.

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I have done single and double ladders solo and with help. It is of course easier with help but can be done safely if you plan ahead and bring extra rope or straps and life line.....Others have gone through the processes above. My only add on is if you do not feel comfortable don't do it and wait for a helper. But if you are comfortable just plan and take your time and do all the extra steps to ensure safety. Solo it certainly takes longer to do it safely.


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So most guys have one of these     http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200511664_200511664

then you can buy these and be able to actually move the stand around the tree for best position and level it


These for a whole lot less money I would think

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4 hours ago, crappyice said:


I mostly hunt from a climber but have one ladder stand that I am looking to move (only about 30 yards away from its current spot). My partner is not available so I may be attempting this alone. Any advice so I don't die after detaching ratchet straps? How many adjust their stands solo or do I just wait?

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I put mine in and take them out every year by myself. What I do is climb the stand, loosen the ratchet strap so there is enough slack for it to slide down the tree.  Climb back down, remove the piece in the center that goes to the tree, pull the pins for the first section, and remove the first section. Once the first section is removed you can slide the rest of the stand down the tree, remove the next section etc. and completely disassemble at ground level. Putting up can be tricky but basically I assemble the stand, put it against the tree, attach the center piece from the stand to the tree. Then carefully climb the stand and attach the ratchet strap to the tree. Your weight will keep the stand against the tree til the strap is attached.

 Best and safest to have help but no one is usually around when I decide to put them in.

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Even though we move stands with 2 or 3 of us working together, we always use a collapsible ladder- we fasten the stand to the tree using the ladder. Another idea is to tie the stand to another tree, or a ATV or tractor on the back side.


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9 hours ago, crappyice said:


I mostly hunt from a climber but have one ladder stand that I am looking to move (only about 30 yards away from its current spot). My partner is not available so I may be attempting this alone. Any advice so I don't die after detaching ratchet straps? How many adjust their stands solo or do I just wait?

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I do this all the time. Make sure the bar support is secured to the tree with a ratchet. This is the last to undo. It should provide all the stability u need as you undo the others. Just be careful going up n down. I carry the whole ladder by putting my head through a ladder and balancing on the shoulders. It is easier and quicker than dragging if u balance correctly The weight is nicely distributed..

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