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Live From The Woods 2017 edition!


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2 minutes ago, Moho81 said:

Up and getting ready. Rain has ended and only a small chance this morning then the evening will be a wash out. It’s not or never!!!!

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actually,this week looks awesome from Tuesday on... But it is ok to get a nice one today as well. 

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Hunted all day yesterday here in 1c. I saw a bunch of small bucks and does at first light. Then another flurry of activity around 10 and again at 1. Decided to head to another spot around 230. Saw 1 doe and then a really nice buck came in in the dark as I was about to get down. 

So I'm back in the same spot but a different tree this am. As I'm pulling up to my spot I get this pic as one my hit listers is chasing a doe past my cam in the area. Might be a good sit. Fingers are crossed. IMG_0766.thumb.JPG.994914e34535f19cdfa91e04ffd633f9.JPG

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6 hours ago, grampy said:

Just got home. Buck down! Shot him at 4:30. Saw him run out and stop after the shot. Found blood followed it for 50 yards, didn't like what I saw and pulled out to give him more time. Went back and found him! Went about 200 yards. This has been a very trying year for me. With some medical issues. My season will end on the 28th of this month. I was so happy to get this deer! Hunt like every deer could be your last. This is a trophy to me. 3 year old 4 point. 20171104_195733.thumb.jpg.50f4566395e62a7b69137273dbfe2ec4.jpg20171104_205451.thumb.jpg.f07b3c8333dae55841516f65f7e202f3.jpg


Great job Grampy!  That is a big 4pt.  

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Not technically from the woods, but I managed to get all dressed up (skipped coffee because I was running behind) and one foot out the door before realizing that it was raining pretty steady out.  Sleep depravation plus no coffee sucks!

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Just got home. Buck down! Shot him at 4:30. Saw him run out and stop after the shot. Found blood followed it for 50 yards, didn't like what I saw and pulled out to give him more time. Went back and found him! Went about 200 yards. This has been a very trying year for me. With some medical issues. My season will end on the 28th of this month. I was so happy to get this deer! Hunt like every deer could be your last. This is a trophy to me. 3 year old 4 point. 20171104_195733.thumb.jpg.50f4566395e62a7b69137273dbfe2ec4.jpg20171104_205451.thumb.jpg.f07b3c8333dae55841516f65f7e202f3.jpg

Congrats, grampy! Way to go, man!

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Good luck today everyone! Pulled camera cards on my way out yesterday. A shooter 8 was 20 yrs from my stand last Sunday at 7:40. Daughter had a soccer tournament so I wasn't here. Hopefully he is on a weekly routine and will be by in 10-15 minutes. All other pics were at night

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7 hours ago, grampy said:

Just got home. Buck down! Shot him at 4:30. Saw him run out and stop after the shot. Found blood followed it for 50 yards, didn't like what I saw and pulled out to give him more time. Went back and found him! Went about 200 yards. This has been a very trying year for me. With some medical issues. My season will end on the 28th of this month. I was so happy to get this deer! Hunt like every deer could be your last. This is a trophy to me. 3 year old 4 point. 20171104_195733.thumb.jpg.50f4566395e62a7b69137273dbfe2ec4.jpg20171104_205451.thumb.jpg.f07b3c8333dae55841516f65f7e202f3.jpg


Way to go Grampy!!!! Now it's your grandsons turn! Whatever you are going through I hope all is ok on the 28th

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10 hours ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

Last warning: change your clocks. No excuses tomorrow

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Why ? The deer don't and its not " getting light " an hour earlier " because folks adjust their clocks .

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2 hours ago, Buckmaster7600 said:

Congrats Grampy that's a hell of a 4pt! You get him with the compound?

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Thanks my friend. Got him with my 17 year old Mathews HQ32. After shoulder surgery in May, I've worked really hard to bow hunt this year. Still so very painful to shoot. So this may be my last bow deer. Proved to myself I could do it "one more time". Probably crossbow now, from this point for me. Me and the old bow are retiring. My grandson will now fill my bowhunter boots.  But hey.....ya never know.......

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Nice job Grampy!! Forgot about time change but still got out in time....just a 10 walk behind my house to my perch.  Jumped two doe with my son after the pm hunt....they were just right behind our stand...5 more minutes and possibly a different outcome!  Good luck!  (Rain stopped in Lancaster...for now)

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