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DEC Proposes Potential Future "Holiday" Deer Hunt


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30 minutes ago, phade said:

The 2.25B number is explicit to hunters in that one study. Hunters trips are no different than snowmobilers trips. Many hunters live in NYC and come upstate and spend money. Many go to the Dacks and spend money, etc.

I found one line from the DEC that said 500K deer hunters bring in $1.5B but that line is pretty old from what I can see and we're ballpark 600K now. All indications are that deer hunters are still higher than what the snowmobile data shows. Again, just actuals reported in studies and not using what bar owners say or infer.


25 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

walk into any outdoors store and compare the amount of hunting and fishing equipment to snowmobile.  I dont think snowmobile riding is all that big these days.  Its Bass Pro - not Snow pro lol , and add in outdoor sections at walmart etc. 

Outdoors stores dont sell snowmobiles ,you have to go to a power sports store for that. 

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39 minutes ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

I dont dispute that at all. I was originally commenting on the bars and restaurants, snowmobiling season is huge for them where hunters arent a blip on the radar anymore

Real world experience will not be permitted within this discussion.

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Even if the hunters had a big impact on the bars its just the 1 weekend vs 8 or 10 in a good snowmobile season. Ask a bar/restaurant owner and I will buy you a used snowmobile if they say hunters. By the way I will definitely weasel out of this if Im wrong
Myself and a couple friends ride up to a bar. We buy at the least 30 gals of premium gas, each buy a couple beers and dinner. Maybe even some odds and ends like a stupidly expensive quart of injector oil. Our table easily spending over $200. Good season with a base and every table is full and you're waiting a for one...at the bar having that first drink.

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I think what's been lost is that income is concentrated to specific areas for snowmobiling. Those local economies there will be gutted if you take away a revenue stream. You dont need a large voice, just loud voices with legitimate concerns.
Also you have to consider funding to have an open season. You're paying ecos or maybe DEC staff 1.5 or double by necessity to patrol, answer calls, or go survey deer take. DEC is reluctant to think itll add much to deer take so it's all really just for your happiness. State is already broke from deficit and now covid costs.

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1 hour ago, dbHunterNY said:

Regulation not law right? If DEC wants it itll happen.

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Snowmobile trails would still open close of regular. Season, local agreements and snow cover depending  , last year there were 14 weekdays to ride and 2 weekend all season.. 

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i emailed them too and asked them not to listen to you!  lol just kidding - just different opinions.  Glad we all get to put in feedback to them and i hope they listen. But i disagree with this entire idea.  Never understood why people would ask for more restrictions and shorter seasons on something they love to do. Makes no sense to me.  If you want to shorten season then just stop hunting, many people do not get the same oppurtunities as others to hunt multiple days and take time off and have private land.  Although i can do that myself i was at one point not able to, and for me to want to restrict others oppurtunities with further laws and shorten the season i dont think is right .  I for one love the sat opener cause i have it off as many do on the weekends.  Moving it to sunday is just one more less day off to hunt.  Just my opinion but i dont like restrictions put in place when they arent needed.    

I usually am against restricting things like hunting. That said deer were almost wiped out at one time because we didnt have anything in place to conserve them aside from peoples will power.

General population isnt good at managing the deer herd, yet it seems DEC is always burdened to keep people happy vs helping out the deer population. In reality if I pissed you off with deer regs but created better hunting would you still hunt? Youd call me an asshole and bitch but damn right you would still hunt and probably enjoy it too. lol

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For me personally I don't get much out of gun hunting but I do gun hunt. Between bow & and gun by the time x-mas rolls around I have more than enough and am ready to move on to something else like predator hunting or trapping.

I don't hunt with a muzzleloader but know it can get pretty uncomfortable sitting in a stand during the late bow season.

 I would much rather fill as many tags as possible during the earlier part of the season and move onto something else that I enjoy more.

 As far as I am concerned extending deer season will only put a crimp on others that enjoy time in the woods but make it a point to stay out until after deer season.

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I feel for the snowmobilers, it seems like the past few years we've had the best conditions during the deer season and then almost no snow after. Does this extension definitely keep the trails closed?
I managed. Barely. 2nd to last week of regular gun season we got 3' and if I didnt have a sled I wasnt getting back into any of my spots or getting these deer out. Mentee shot a monster 11.5 yr old doe and I took a 2.5 yr old doe knowing the convenience of dealing with 2 at the same time.a9772ec7d7a04c64fdf8d3156f5e9794.jpg

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2 hours ago, Robhuntandfish said:

Right but how many of those are there compared to outdoor stores and outdoor sections in box stores.  If it made more money than hunting and fishing Walmart and others would be all over it

I have a few buddies who work for dealers , you cant sell any name brand dirtbikes,atv,SxS,jetski etc from a big box store . Especially honda is the strictest, they require you to have nothing else except honda for sale ,if you want to sell another brand it has to be in a separate part of the building . Bob weaver's had to put an addition on when they got the ok to sell honda.

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4 minutes ago, Biz-R-OWorld said:

Again, why not just 10/1 - 12/31 like 3S. Why so many little broken up seasons?

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I would.love a broke up split.seasons for bow and gun and.late.. multiple opening days

 I am.prolly one of a few that like no hunting on sundays ,gave the woods time to settle back down .  If you really want big bucks close all seasons during the rut. Seems funny it's the only.game we hunt during breeding season...

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I would.love a broke up split.seasons for bow and gun and.late.. multiple opening days
 I am.prolly one of a few that like no hunting on sundays ,gave the woods time to settle back down .  If you really want big bucks close all seasons during the rut. Seems funny it's the only.game we hunt during breeding season...


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I like the short break at Christmas, but I really like the idea of deer hunting after, up to new years.  We always get a paid mid week holiday or two thru that stretch.  Hunting deer mid week, without having to using vacation time, is awesome.

The deer action always picks up in late December, especially when I have some standing corn left.  The odds of that happening this year is as good as it has ever been, due to the near perfect growing season we are enjoying.  If this goes thru it would greatly increase my chances of filling some extra dmp's.

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