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Biggest buck ever afar 30 years of bowhunting .... a few years off during that time.11 points
7 points
I shot this guy on 10/12. My goal this year was to shoot a mounter, but I am not too proud and still too young with not many bow bucks under my belt to pass a nice tweener. When I first got in the stand at dark I heard some movement NE of me. Nothing showed. A few hours later I was sitting in my stand when I heard a crunch behind me. I turn to see squirrels. Figures. I hear it again and check again to see him walking down the row of pines I'm hunting in and headed north towards me. He's still out there, but will eventually be a 10 yard broadside if he keeps coming. And what's this? A big body behind him. The 8 stops, slowly backs up and heads east and I never see the other deer. I can sort of make him out but he's about 60 yards through some very thick brush. I grunt a few times and nothing. 5 minutes go by and he starts walking down a parallel run headed north, but this time to my east. Alright i think, second chance. He stays off the run at about 30 and behind a log. I have a narrow spine shot and decide not to take it. He stands there looking NE for what seems like forever. Then he wheezes. Are you serious? I've never seen this in the wild. He makes his way into some brush and out of site. A minute goes by and I hear sparing! Are you serious? Another first for me. 5 minutes go by and I see movement. Now a deer is headed west (basically making a full circle around my stand) but still too far out and in some brush. I see 2, then 3 deer. A forked spike comes in front of me headed west. Broadside 15 yards. No thanks. Then comes a 6 who I'm assuming was bedded down from this morning and also the 8's sparing partner. I see the 8 working a scrape behind him and decide to wait. Well doesn't the 8 take the same run in front of me but then go behind a pine a few yards north. He takes one step out at 22 and I draw, pic a window that in hindsight might have been a risk given some pine twigs and let it fly. He went about 60 yards. Single lung and liver. 10 minutes later comes another 6 from the SE headed NW. Then a doe. and when my dad comes in from his stand to help me drag out comes a huge 6 from the south. very thick beam. I believe he was with the 8 and the body I saw previous and just veered off because he came from that direction. Needless to say I would have been happy with the hunt even without the deer. Some of the best action I've ever had pre-rut. I'll update this later with some trail cam pics. a rage entrance wound! I think he weighed around 145lb.6 points
Airing now ! I really think the guy is not in touch with reality. He's sorry for 8.8 million Americans loosing their health care. That number continues to grow daily. Along with failed foreign policy, failed financial policies, more free trade agreements failures and the list continues to grow. How could 61 million Americans? vote for such a failure?5 points
5 points
This is where I will be sitting again on opening morning. NO climbing or safety harnesses needed.5 points
4 points
I dont know about you guys, but my healthcare premiums doubled this year becuase of obamacare, and im not even in the exchanges, i have a private plan. I hope this county wakes up, if you think obama is bad, hillary will be worse4 points
I love it when people talk about deer being downwind of them like their scent regiment has helped fool a whitetail's nose. Some deer will come downwind of you regardless of your stink and a lot of that has to do with location, familiarity, and disposition. But by far, the majority of deer downwind of hunters are not because of personal scent regiments (although I practice it to a "middle of the road" degree). It's simply because their nose is not catching the stink. Just because a deer is downwind means nothing as to whether one's scent stream is flowing that way. Scent isn't a line - it can be like a cone at times, but most times, it's like a flowing river winding around trees and over brush and the thermal impact can do things most hunters never realize. There's a reason bucks use the thermal tunnel to travel in hill country and enter fields via low spots in the evening in ag country. I think scent regiment comes into play more with ground scent left behind and getting rid of skin cells that would otherwise slough off during the act of walking to and from stand. It also helps with confidence - whatever your belief, do what instills the confidence.4 points
3 points
There is no way anyone goes out 100% scent free. It's impossible. Then your crunching leaves on the way in. Cracking your knuckles while sitting. Playing with your phone. Zippering your back pack. Rubbing your pants again the seat. Your jacket making noise against the tree. It's impossible to be quiet. This is a game a luck, and hopefully the orange army pushes something your way.3 points
pictures and stories only... no comments please... hit the LIKE button3 points
Just read this on Yahoo in the comments . . .thought I would share.... Please bow your heads as we say the messiah's prayer; Our father, who art in the White House, King Obama is your name Thy kingdom come, no gun for anyone In Socialist America as is in China Give us this day our monthly food stamps and forgive us our college loans, as you give us free phones Lead us not into debt ceilings and into Obozocare, And deliver us to your bias “Associated Press” & illegal alien scamnesty For thine is the gaydom, the perversion and the end of America as we know it amen2 points
This will be my 49th opening day of NY gun season.. Even though I don't get as pumped as I used to get, the anticipation is still there.. Stands are all in place, rifles are sighted in, gear is all assembled.. All I'll have to do is get up Saturday morning and make the 5 minute drive to the property... Hunt safe and good luck to everyone...2 points
Roughed in this stand last year and finished it this year. The paint job blends it in somewhat with the tree behind it that is overtaken with wild grape vines. 400 yard look down range. 330 degree view. No deer have been taken from it...yet. That's going to change in a few days.2 points
2 points
I just did a simulated one based on opening day rifle, came up with this on the deer movement on a 100 acre lot.2 points
2 points
If that were my only option to hunt.....I am buying beef...lol2 points
LOL Exactly. Any closer than 40 yards I don't know how you would tip your gun at that angle out a window. Guess scent control isn't an issue up there. Other than to the geese I mean.2 points
I'll bring a dozen ears of corn.., a 10lb bag of apples.., pockets full of salt packets.., and a tub of extra crunchy Peter Pan peanut butter. Usually by the time I get to my stand, everything has fallen out the hole in my backpack and I'm left with a couple sandwiches, cookies, and coffee,lol!2 points
2 points
2 points
I could have reached out of the stand and stabbed him or swung a bag of pennies on his head if I had a tag. If you look at the screenshot, it is a still of a video of about 5 minutes of him. Here's another buck that swung around me that morning and ended up downwind He was about 7 yds at this point.2 points
My husband doesn't do ANYTHING to remain scent free....no scent free showers, no scent free clothes, nothing! and then every year he shoots not only a doe but also a good buck off the ground with his bow. I don't know how he gets away with it although I think he may have a horseshoe up his ass.2 points
hey Mike, Nice to meet you guys this week. Good luck the next few days. Well last friday I got it done. Biggest buck Ever... Also Biggest buck I've seen in the park.2 points
im sure we all have the problem of the dryer having a dryer sheet smell. i use those scent killer fresh earth dryer sheets, i use like 3 of them and boy do they work good...2 points
Is it within the framework of the board rules to say go penetrate yourself with whichever broadhead you prefer.I got plenty of support about what a troll you are so ill stick around. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
2 points
I tend to hunt in escape routes that enter thick cover and let other hunters move the deer to me. If I hunt secluded areas that don't see many other guys I usually set up on a ridge to cover the most area. The deer are on their feet and moving around, so you can't go wrong wherever you go. Good luck out there!2 points
Time to even up the score with some of these bucks out of bow range….Cant wait!!!1 point
1 point
My fire tower stand.First pic is of my girl testing it out shortly after we got it set up last year.Second pic is the view from the stand.1 point
Awesome recipe had to share season tenderloin with you choice of seasonings then start to wrap from top and use tooth pick to hold and overlap each piece like a mummy and cook on a slotted pan to catch drippings for 25 30 mins on 350-375 if you like your meat rare like I do or a little longer for well done ... optional use broiler for five to ten extra minutes to crisp up bacon ...1 point
There, in a meeting right now and i feel like shooting myself. This is making the time go by faster.1 point
1 point
well this aint homemade but i put this stand up this morn... view to the right view to the left1 point
Should be peak chasing, I'm not sweating the warm temps the deer will be thinking with their weiners not brains.1 point
powerbars for me. I unwrap them before hand though because the wrappers are noisy and stick em in a ziploc.1 point
1 point
And, I'm talking I could have jumped on his back and rode him like a bull in a rodeo. Deer are like dogs and humans to a degree in that every deer has a different disposition. Some bucks, even mature ones, will disregard human odor, and a lot of factors go into it. You have started commenting this season on hunting more around bedding areas based on your posts. You should look up Infalt's site and read about wind - his sight has a lot of members that know how to use the wind. Most of the deer downwind of me never pick up my scent because something is in play that I either know about or later realize and most often its some sort of obstacle that deflects the wind or the thermals come into play. I used to think I was a superhero too when I had deer downwind of me, and then I came back to earth once I realized how wind and scent dispersal really works. This buck walked right through my scent cone, looked at me, and hung around, and walked right on by. He did the same thing to another guy in our party a week later on the other side of the property. I was literally dancing in the stand taking the video and the sound on the video would make you cringe. His disposition is simply that he tolerates more than other mature bucks. It's going to get him killed, hopefully this weekend, but still. I'm not saying I don't practice scent control measures, and I'm not saying what you do is wrong, but what I am saying is that no buck that has your stink hit his nose is going to be fooled to any degree. Either they tolerate it or they don't.1 point
Bears only go into hibernation when the snows are deep or food becomes scarce. If it's a warm dry winter, it's not unusual for them to stay out the whole winter.1 point
1 point
You don't need a treestand, stay on the ground ,it is more exciting way of hunting. Learn to work the wind. Learn how to break up your outline. You will learn when and how to move and draw and you will become a better hunter if you put your time in.Then you can call yourself a hunter and not a shooter from a treestand.1 point
1 point
I'm excited about Saturdays opener, my 23 year old is REALLY excited. The only thing I don't look forward to is the orange army on the state land. We plan to start walking in at 0530 ish, I'm hoping we can find a spot not allready occupied ! My vacation is the last week of gun season and I'll have the whole 1000 + acres to myself, or at least share it with a minimal number of other hunters.1 point
Just set my drip a few days before this bear stole it out of the tree!!! $25 down the drain1 point
Shawn is going to report you. On a serious note. That sucks. That would have been a great deer on someone's wall1 point
I hear ya and agree. I would think that I would lean towards that approach too if I was in the right area like yourself.1 point
There are a slew of reasons not to delete them. The first being that they are not violating any of the forum rules. The second being that there are probably ALOT of people that actually learn lessons from them. Lots of good advice and tips for tracking, etc are brought out in most of them. Gotta take the good with the bad.1 point