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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/15 in all areas

  1. Managed a nice 10 point in 8F this season. Measured out at 135" with 5" bases, think red bull can... Not my biggest but a wall hanger. Story: I got to my parking location with all intentions of hunting one of my other stand sets for the wind we had (South/Southeast) but really wanted to check my camera card. So I decided I would take a look at the camera card and if something happened to come in at this stand in the usual place I would still be able to shoot it. So being hopeful and talking myself into this stand I made the noisy trek across a plowed field (heavy frost and frozen top layer of mud). As I walked I could hear the woods moving and starting to wake up but still too dark to see past 5', I also used my grunt call and lightly grunted as I walked across the field. I got to my camera 10' from the bottom of my tree stand and heard a branch break and what sounded like a deer grunt but dismissed it as a squirrel. I quietly got my card out and replaced with a blank and heard another branch break and another grunt. This time a little louder and deep. I moved as shiftly as possible without making a sound to the bottom of the tree and slowly and quietly ascended the tree. It wasn't 20 minutes and series of light grunts until 2 shadows made their way into the plowed field at this point I could tell the first deer was either a fawn followed by a big doe or a doe followed by a big buck either way I could only make out the bodies. Once it started to get a little lighter ~ 10minutes I could make out the deer and to my surprise it was one of the "hit list" bucks. I pulled up the rifle clicked off the safety and rested the cross hairs on the top of his back. I knew at 100 and 200 yards my gun shoots dead on so this 160 yard shot was a chip shot for the old .270 win. The deer was straight away ready to step back into the thick brush when I pulled the trigger. After the shot I looked for him in my scope and with my binoculars but could not find him. I decided to wait for my nerves to settle down before I climbed down. As I walked across the field I was replaying the shot over and over thinking how did I miss. I get to where I thought I shot looking around for blood. As I looked to my left I could see him laying just inside the weeds. He must have jumped and landed just out of sight from my stand. To say the least he is one of the nicest deer I have shot in a while, he might not be the biggest but definitely a trophy. I had spent countless hours hunting this deer during bow season but had not been around until the wed. before thanksgiving.
    13 points
  2. So very grateful this evening. Stand sit over a crabapple tree in 4H. The ladies came to visit at 2:20. I had been in the stand 20 minutes, and connected with this one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    13 points
  3. Shore lunch without the shore. Buddy made chili with elk , pork , venison and 4 types of beans. Back up we go. Booted a tail on the way out from a blown down apple tree. Wiiiiindy
    6 points
  4. For those of you that have significant others...... Moms or grams that put on Christmas for you..be it decorating, baking all those wonderful sweets, cooking up a storm and cleaning like JC him self were coming over...go get them a little thank you something BEFORE Christmas...be it a plant,flowers,,bottle of wine or a break from cooking dinner between now and Christmas eve...You'll never know how much such a thing will brighten their spirits....Merry Christmas everyone...
    5 points
  5. Stuffed peppers, lamb chops Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  6. Been a long season for me from losing 2 with bow to no shots in rifle season...1 miss Saturday and a dead doe today 140 yards broadside after we jumped her and she stopped to look back Buddy's also got one today button buck with a previous injury that I wish I had taken a pic of while we were going to look for his ramrod...lol long story let's just say it's his 2nd one in 2 years Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    5 points
  7. Had NY Mets World Series pitcher Steve Matz and crew out for a goose hunt this weekend. They put together a quick 5 man limit with 2 birds sporting some bling.
    4 points
  8. So my barber collects guns and older bows but never hunts. Before last season, he gave me an early 70s Kodiak magnum to start with traditional archery. I promised him I would do my best to kill a deer with it and sure enough, I was fortunate enough to do so. He was so happy that one of his bows was being used again and told me he never thought I would actually kill a deer with it. He just called me and said he has a Christmas gift for me. Another bow. He didn't give details, but I am sure it is another old recurve. Should be fun to try to use it to get him a deer next season. Excited to see what it is. Hopefully its not too long as I have grown quite fond of that short bow.
    4 points
  9. Great thought grow! I'll take your advice. My wife will start baking tonight and will bake each night until the 24th. Cookies, pies, cakes and assorted goodies, that she knows certain family members enjoy. All while working a full time job during the day! And then cook a huge dinner on Christmas day! Don't know why she settled for me, but I'm so happy she did!
    4 points
  10. Speaking of Old Milwaukee, I have this old picture of my Dad back in November of 1979 when he took this 10 pointer. Check out the can in his hand.
    4 points
  11. With the money you'll spend on chokes and loads, to get your 20 ga. to reach out to 45 yds. why not just get a 12 ga gun???
    4 points
  12. This was my first year with the recurve and I was 2 for 2 on does but did go with the compound once the opportunity to kill a buck arrived. I did enjoy the challenge and am seriously considering retiring the compound. The buck I killed was at 32yds and that was darn close to my max range with the recurve. So it would have been a tough decision on whether to shoot. But there a certain satisfaction of successfully killing one with a stick, string and arrow - nothing more. Plan to shoot ALOT!
    3 points
  13. All in all, a good season for me. Almost got an 8 point in early bow on a neighbors property but eventually dropped a nice 10 pt bow seaosn buck on my own patch.Had a bunch of yearling buck encounters early bow, figured out some prime spots for my tree strands, enjoyed many hours in the woods and I almost dropped a nice 8 point in gun after an exciting encounter brought on by neighbors pushing while I was moving a tree stand. Despite the obvious decline in doe and fawn numbers his year, I had some good hunting. Almost forgot. Had a near encounter with the giant 10 pointer, Big-Boy on the second or 3rd day of Boy which was super fun. I hope he made it. Checking cameras later. Looking forward to harvest reports and seeing how things shape up for 2016. Already thinking about new stand spots!
    3 points
  14. That doe is dark, very cool. A late season archery deer is a heck of an accomplishment
    3 points
  15. Lol I just saw the people reading this post at the bottom and one is gastrodoc. I'm guessing most of us may be making an appointment with him very soon!!! Had homemade Philly cheese steak sandwiches with a salad. Plain Jane night.
    3 points
  16. Thursday Dec 17th. 1:30 pm. Approaching 100 hours of gun season. Stand is about 100 yards from large grouping of white pines. Can barely see thru them while in there. Other side is trout stream where deer seem to bed around. 11-12 maybe more came ripping out of there straight to me. I mean hauling. Fawn , fawn , there's a big body and concentrate on it. May have been buck or bucks in the group but it happened so fast. Tails weren't even up I verbally bleated and she stopped almost right under my stand Amazed it worked ! Aimed like a shotgun to get on her and only had to move scope a minor bit to get on vitals. Deer were running everywhere and kept my eye on her. She didn't go far at all. Took off top of heart and I believe both lungs. #3 for the freezer. 2 hours to get her out to my car again. I need a pack mule ! Hopefully tip over another Monday or Tuesday.
    3 points
  17. Shot a doe last night in Lima. Hunted the morning and saw a buck and a doe but couldn't get a clean shot on the slick top..... The wind and cold temps darn near made it no fun, but it still was. In the afternoon I went to a different spot on the same farm as morning and had a doe and two fawns step out. They were nervous and started trotting away. They stopped suddenly, I picked out the adult and sent a Parker BE on its way. She hit the dirt like she was struck by lightning. About a 70 yard shot.
    3 points
  18. Home made gifts from the heart...nothing better than that!
    2 points
  19. Never been big on Christmas, wasn't celebrated growing up so now it's not a big deal to me. The better half on the other hand............Usually the tree goes up on Black Friday, this year neither of us were really in the mood so I just put our tree up today. The g/f started making gift baskets about 4 years ago for her family, a few of my family members, and my buddy and his parents. She used to make homemade wine jelly, homemade fudge, and homemade banana bread. We put that in baskets with cards. This year no jelly or fudge. Instead she made homemade chocolate balls ( fluffy coa-coa center with a crunchy shell ( like a Milky Way ) ), the banana bread, and she took some unsalted butter, whipped it with a blender, and made her own honey butter for the bread.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. The liberal agenda strikes again. I'm a farmer and a hunter. Not all farmers want to see all the deer dead. We live in an urban area and the worst places for deer damage are in the villages where hunting is not allowed. The DEC needs to force the villages to allow legal hunting and otherwise stay out.
    2 points
  22. I felt really bad for Miss Colombia. I offered to console her but my wife told me to sit my a%$ down.
    2 points
  23. I've got a lot of respect for anyone that kills a deer with traditional gear. To me, a spike with a recurve, is more of a trophy than a 140" with a compound. I hope to get into traditional archery this year.
    2 points
  24. Im a Tool & Die Maker myself, and i have not shot in extreme cold temperatures. But i dont believe there to be much of a difference. A good quality scope shouldnt have a problem, they are built and designed for toughness anyways. but i would be more worried about the charge even firing in extreme temps(w/ muzzleloaders).. especially from moisture in barrels when they sweat going from room temperature to below freezing constantly and not getting fired.. Or trigger mechanisms/actions freezing up on any gun when parts have to move to activate for a shot.. maybe but, our living environments around here do not get as cold or hot as temperatures needed to expand or shrink steels.. i would like to experiment the extreme cold temps and Muzzle loader shooting. I personally keep my "loaded ML" in the vehicle or garage depending when im hunting next.. so its not not getting sudden change in temperature..
    2 points
  25. Good luck all, hopefully will get an afternoon hunt in. If not I have the whole day Tuesday. Sent from my XT830C using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26. Love the anticipation of hopefully hearing my buddy shoot. I almost always hunt solo. It's like the feeling of finding a good hole that you know that should hold a fish , making the perfect cast .... Cmon ... And forgot how comfy the Summit Viper climber is.
    2 points
  27. Well that's it for me ... Almost smoked a doe with the pole but the wind had other plans .... I was putting pressure on the trigger n the stupid spike bolted n the doe's followed ... Oh well ... Decided to eat too much and have one too many drinks tonight , sleep in , and start the count down till turkey .... Have to work Tuesday .... Will be out for the dam yote's though ... The two days we had snow I cut a bunch of tracks !!!! Even came up on a drag in the snow probly 30 ft long and at the end of it .... A gut pile.... With yote tracks all around it ... Def bumped them off it as we were pushing the ridge ... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  28. hehehehe..Whatever works for you, my friend ... As por MOI, between my palsy, spastic bowel and terminal flatulence, I need all the help I can get.. Besides that, every time I squint to draw a bead my glass eye falls out..
    2 points
  29. Beer cheese soup , sprinkle of scallions , crumbled bacon and a few dashes of Scorned Woman hot sauce
    2 points
  30. So did you see the part in the opening post that said "Didn't have a Chance to test mine but how did your broadhead of choice work for you?" That pretty much answers your post of "How did yours work Billdogge?" I can walk you through this; as long as it takes I'm here for you ....rob. It's the Holiday Season and I'm in the giving mood.
    2 points
  31. When you boiled it, did you have the water at a rolling boil? The secret to simmer but not boil. When you have a rolling boil things like the nose bone will fall off. Here is the skull I did last June.
    2 points
  32. Did you send the taxidermist $500 too?
    2 points
  33. finally got it done Edit was wrong pic Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk Buddy also got one today button buck but had a wound in back gonna have to see what ends up being good....inside looked normal but wound on back loomed funky
    2 points
  34. Well I passed some smaller deer last weekend due to the property I was a guest at. This morning was a different property and a different story. Glad to get her and to donate to some less fortunate people this holiday.
    2 points
  35. This has worked the best for me
    2 points
  36. I was really happy to get this doe today, she's my biggest ever. If she walks into a bar the bartender will definitely ask "why the long face?"
    2 points
  37. Perfect ! I'll start making mine today !
    2 points
  38. I started a few years ago but still havent gotten the confidence I need with the recurve to try and kill one with it.Soon.....soon!!
    1 point
  39. Never gave that any consideration as to the sabot shrinking . Interesting . I was thinking of hanging the ML upside down in the garage with a balloon taped to the end of the muzzzle just to try it out . That would make for a neat test .
    1 point
  40. Wear camo, don't move..........Oh and Don't Move.....You don't see them but they see you....but their stupid and quickly forget ......but don't move....lol
    1 point
  41. 9H Eagle/Bliss. 42 degrees 14 mph ssw wind. Posted my buddy in my ladder stand where I killed my deer this year. He's armed with flintlock He always shoots 3-4 deer by his house but only has seen 3 tails all year. Hoping he shoots one today. I decided to climb to top of mountain to set climber up over fresh rubs from other day. Wind is perfect for it too. Although as soon as I typed that , swirling thermals Are we the only 2 hunting today ? I should try and post pics sideways , maybe they'd turn out normal.
    1 point
  42. Wake the dead nitro imperial stout by Left Hand is a great beer
    1 point
  43. think that would make the hair on the back of my neck stand up
    1 point
  44. I don't worry about the human scent on my clothes, why should I worry about it on my camera? One of my cameras has a infrared flash and that absolutely does bother them. The BBQ chicken wing sauce on my fingers COULD be a benefit..............
    1 point
  45. Ok, who is that desperate to place this ad? Fes up
    1 point
  46. Bad times are here and worse are ahead Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  47. Milk Stout. Was actually pretty good. Coincidentally, matches my wife's iPhone and Fitbit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  48. Well i guess you do. I don't know how to make this story short 33 years old and never hunted until this season. No one in my family has ever been into hunting so it never really appealed to me. in the last 10 years I've always thought I may enjoy hunting but never had time to take the safety course. Recently my 5 year old has been so interested in hunting that I decided I needed to learn so he could have his dad be his mentor even though one of my closest friends is an avid hunter. My friend weather he knew it or not was going to mentor me. I managed to get a safety course finished the day before opening of gun and bought a crossbow so I could practice quietly for a few days. I got accurate enough that I decided to go out sunday am of opening weekend. Spent every morning and afternoon I could sitting quietly after that. Saw lots of doe. 11 walked through one day but I didn't have the range. Even had a small doe walk almost right up to me on two separate occasions but didn't feel right about shooting such small deer. Finally my friend tells me I have to sight in the shotgun I bought, practice and get up off the ground in a stand. Okay so he sights the 12 gauge in for me. I take a shot at a target at 50yards and hit close enough that I'm comfortable. I don't really like firing the gun so I leave it at that. One practice shot. Please don't judge me or my friend for the lack of practice. I get in a stand on my property with only a small area that I can hunt legally but I feel comfortable with. I begin using a new trick of rattling fake antlers and using calls. 10 minutes before sunset I wipe my nose and sniffle from the sinus infection and bronchitis I happened to get and decide to climb down when I realized my calling was working because all I saw were white tails running. I stop, call a doe noise and they all stop. I waited 5 minutes and did it again and they started back. One nice doe makes it on my property. She looks up at me, kicks her front hooves at the ground a few time. I stayed very still at the ready. She put her head down and turned. I shoot. I do all the safe things you're supposed to do next and go to the spot where she was. No blood, no fur and dark now. I call my friend and get a flashlight. Found tiny bit of blood 25 or so ft away and start tracking. not much blood but I did find a little frag of bone so I knew I must of hit her somewhere decent. Finally found her with the help of my friend and come to find out it was a high hit through the lung so she had to fill with blood before letting much out. 2nd bullet ever shot besides a .22. My 5 year old came out to the barn while it was hanging and saw it after warning him it was bloody and dead. His reaction surprised me. "awww cool....This is a nice deer daddy. Nice size. good job." what 5 year old is so calm and collected like this. Family liked how it taste so I went back out for Sunday the last day for gun. No rattling but just calling because I figure with all this talk about no deer around I would just try for another doe. As I'm about to leave my stand and call it a morning I hear something in the woods so I hang out and call like a doe. I see antlers for the first time in my life as a hunter. Heart pumps very differently than when I shot the doe and this thing is still deep in the woods I can barely even see him. He heads away so I call the best I can. He turns and I finally get to hear how a buck really grunts. He cautiously heads towards me. Shots go off way in the distance. A large doe comes booking across the field from where the shots fired and right at me in my stand. I call again to stop her. She stands 5 yards from the tree I'm in and the buck now sees her. All of a sudden my sounds were very real to him. He head straight at me and I have to shoot before he gets too too close. He jumps into the brush and only makes it maybe 20 yards away. Shot through the shoulder a little and got a lung. Third bullet ever shot. My friend and his dad come over to help me out. This time my 5 year old comes out to see the entire gutting process. Again very calm and a little excited he said because this one had horns and again was a good size. I gutted both deer myself due to the responsibility I felt in killing these two animals. With the coaching of my friend of course. Apparently this is a big buck. They told me I need to mount it so I guess I will even though that is not really what I did this for. That is also why you won't see me in a picture with the animal. I did it for my son who has such an interest in hunting and to have good quality meat for my family. Wegmans is right down the street but this meet came from our backyard. How's that for a carbon footprint. Thanks for reading
    1 point
  49. I had a 7 cu ft chest freezer that had a 12 month warranty . It crapped out after 13 months . Went to get some meat out and there was condensation on the inside of the lid . No idea how long it was off . Lost most of the meat . Bought another one . I have a sensor in the freezer and the thermometer next to my Computer . The freezer is 5 degrees right now . If it goes , I will know .
    1 point
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