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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/15 in all areas

  1. 19 points
  2. It's a wrap. Hunted dusk til 11 Had to be out there for final day. It pizzed out all morning Trying to get a deer for buddy who routinely shoots 4-5 deer a year. He's only seen 4 tails all year. He utilizes the whole deer , hide , sinew , meat etc . Freezer is full with 3 so were content. Bring on May 1st with some coyote hunting between now and then. It was a pleasure reading all of your "live " messages this year. Funny , informational , harvest thread and enjoyed the ride. Even though I've never met most of you I consider you all friends and dually respect your opinions , knowledge and wisdom Have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year.
    9 points
  3. 7 points
  4. I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable season! I haven't posted on here much lately. Ever since i moved up here and started my own business its been tough to come on, on a regular like i did at my last job with the same 3 breaks a day we were given lol. plus i feel every time i get used to Tapatalk, they update and it screws me all up again... so annoying. Been awhile since i chatted with some of you, so I hope all is well! I had a very slow season for deer movement but every sit I have in the deer woods is always a great day. Best year for having shooter deer on trail cam. 9 or 10 deer total from 130 to 145" on 3 different properties. Never saw one on any of my sits but my TC revealed i sat the wrong set twice, as my TC showed a big 8 on one property and another big 8 on another at around 430 under my stand so too bad I wasn't there but thats the name of the game. My dad had a chance at a 9 point we called Dozer that has about a 23 to 24" spread. buck slipped in at 15 yards as he was looking the wrong way apparently lol. No shot tho... all in all things are good, I am enjoying every bit of being up state and being a business owner has been good to me so far. has its humbling moments but I love it. Headed down to LI for the Holidays and getting in some hunting in one of my best sets! looking fwd to it
    6 points
  5. Shot this nice 8pt in Tompkins County WMU 7H on Nov on Nov 25th at 4pm. Shot him with my 12 Gauge Single Shot H&R.
    6 points
  6. Special thanks to Great Valley/Humphrey fire dept!! Friend went to camp solo and after shooting buck suffered heart attack. Phone service spotty on hill but was able to let son know he was in trouble. Son dialed 911 on way down and they were able to find him n get him to hospital. To all the first responders out there, THANK YOU!
    6 points
  7. It was easier to understand once you put it in English !
    6 points
  8. I felt really bad for Miss Colombia. I offered to console her but my wife told me to sit my a%$ down.
    6 points
  9. Venison burgers with balsamic vinegar caramelized onions and s slab of sharp cheddar cheese.
    5 points
  10. Actually the problem is that a lot of people judge hunting across the state by what they see in their own tiny hunting areas. I believe there are places where winter could likely have decimated the herd. I believe there are areas of NYS where for all kinds of reasons, the deer are getting under-hunted. I also believe that DEC successes at making proper guestimates and remedial actions are not all as accurate as they could be, producing over and under-population circumstances. About the only correct assessment about the NYS deer populations is that it will differ wildly by region, by WMU, by township, by one parcel of property to the next. And that is why we hear claims of deer shortages being immediately followed by the replies that say, "Gee, everything is great here". The implication being that the first guy is wrong, or perhaps he's just not as great a hunter or as observant as the second guy. The fact is that both are likely correct about their little patch of hunting ground and neither has any bearing on the other's observations.
    5 points
  11. So my barber collects guns and older bows but never hunts. Before last season, he gave me an early 70s Kodiak magnum to start with traditional archery. I promised him I would do my best to kill a deer with it and sure enough, I was fortunate enough to do so. He was so happy that one of his bows was being used again and told me he never thought I would actually kill a deer with it. He just called me and said he has a Christmas gift for me. Another bow. He didn't give details, but I am sure it is another old recurve. Should be fun to try to use it to get him a deer next season. Excited to see what it is. Hopefully its not too long as I have grown quite fond of that short bow.
    4 points
  12. The last time I saw a crow picking away at a maggot infested purple, runny, oozing, hairless, stinking, deer carcass, I kind of made a promise that that was one critter that I will not be eating.
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Live from kitchen, was inspired by this chili. am making a stew with Moose , Venison, and bear meat. Will be delicious.
    3 points
  15. I heard from a buddy, that they found 30 dead deer up in the fairways/woods of Bluestone golf course in Oxford, NY. Just laid up and died during the winter. On another property he hunts he found 15 or so. Last winter was definitely a brutal one. That's why I'm not too upset about it being warm out this time of year. I think the deer deserve a break.
    3 points
  16. There was a time when rural people were mostly hard working farmers who's honesty was not to be questioned. Many deals and agreements were established with only a handshake and nobody worried about it because a man's word was his bond. Well times have changed and not necessarily for the better. Many of the rural residents are uprooted city dwellers most of whom moved out to the country for good legitimate reasons. However, along with this migration from the city came some who see the country as refuge from their past, and a new easier place to ply some rather unsavory lifestyles, from crack houses to meth plants to lifestyles of burglary and such. When I was a kid, we didn't even know where the key to the house was. Didn't need it. Today, I feel that every building on the place needs to be kept locked and I even lock the car while it is in our own driveway. A shotgun sits on the wall above the bed, and every lock on the house doors has a deadbolt accompanying it. Yup, times are much different, and neighbors are looked at a bit differently these days and with an eye of distrust and suspicion. And once in a while that distrust and suspicion turns out to be warranted.
    3 points
  17. I could never stand hearing the name Smuckers. Even reading it, I feel a slight urge to kill.
    3 points
  18. Having bad neighbors is a night mare. The couple across the street got divorced and she kept the house. Only she couldn't afford it on her own so she moved to an apartment and rented the house to her inbred toothless cousins from Hooterville. A full year on police cars in and out, fights in the driveway at all hours, property escorts, loud music and parties, drunks ,junk all over the uncut lawn..you name it. The bank finally took the place and booted them. contractors have been putting the place back together since early summer. According to the neighbor who lives right next door, the inside of the place was trashed. This was a beautiful home that was less than ten years old when cousin opossum and the crew moved in... Good luck grow…I know how it feels.
    3 points
  19. It was fun being a part of this thread, I check it often and always hoping to see hero shots of successful hunters. I guess we can keep posting, it's live from the woods, not live from the deer woods...
    2 points
  20. The biggest problem is the land being sold is valuable farmland and once it's developed it can not go back to farm able land
    2 points
  21. Soaked but did fill a doe tag. Time to dry out and look for a buck
    2 points
  22. Every picture of you is from when you were younger
    2 points
  23. Last selfie in the woods til May 1. I'll be counting the days til then. That's my real passion. And daughter can participate in youth hunt.
    2 points
  24. Spent the better part of the morning out muzzle loading with my seven year old son. I think he really enjoyed it as I let him guide me and make all decisions for our hunt. He made some pretty good choices and I was teaching him how to read the land sign and use the wind to our advantage. In the end his previously learned skills and those he is still learning got us in front of a small doe. He decided that I took a nice 9 pt already and we should let her go. I think he was really excited to see a deer so close in the woods.Great day over all but we were taking the long way out until I convinced him to get a compass out and see where we were headed. One day he will be an excellent woodsman. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  25. My dad likes to cut meat when they're semi-frozen. Soft enough so that it can be cut but hard enough that it'll hold a solid shape and won't flop around as you cut. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Well I had to really put up a stink with GE and they finally covered my wilson bill of almost $300. I then called home depot and was able to get $150 hd credit. Better than nothing I guess.
    2 points
  28. It'd make a dandy Christmas present from son to dad, with love. PS.......Weatherby doesn't make a front stuffer, AFAIK.
    2 points
  29. Stuffed peppers, lamb chops Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  30. Our first meal from the harvest this year. Venison meatballs prepared by my daughter!
    2 points
  31. This has worked the best for me
    2 points
  32. 1 point
  33. after two seasons of tag soup and an empty freezer I finally connected the other night. Just a scrub buck but I was glad to break the curse.
    1 point
  34. There will come a time when future Americans will be wishing they had some of that land back. Hell, I already do when I consider how much of our food comes from countries where the average farmer envies and hates our guts.
    1 point
  35. Nice picture to save and look back at, your daughter, the doe on the last day, the green grass on December 22nd! Nice job and congratulations!
    1 point
  36. I ate (and I hope like hell the statute of limitations has expired) bluejay once when I was probably 12. It was breasted and cooked over an open fire. It sucked......
    1 point
  37. LOL..................... Might could improve the grip on a can of Genny too................
    1 point
  38. Yeah pumpkin has a couple different definitions around some parts of these hills!
    1 point
  39. He tweeted an apology and in it he misspelled Columbia and Philippines LOL!! He caught all kinds of crap for that too so he removed the tweet…LOL!!!! I feel sorry for everyone involved, including Harvey...
    1 point
  40. Lol Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. Thank you Ants...lets hope it doesn't get that bad. They payed over 160,000 for this home, which is /was very nice inside and out ....One would think that kind of money brought in some type of "stability"...so much for assumptions. Well The great thing is we have neighbors that always check our place as I do for those below us ,when we drive by. I had a guy in a pick up pull up last night trying to sell me his last two boxes of steak and chicken ...from the back of his pickup!...He never made it to the door...I opened the door ...he opened his mouth and the boys out in the kennel went crazy and Angel stood by me snarling...he stood cautiously 20ft from the door telling me about his end of day deal...lol. Trying to get me to tell him I wasn't home the last time they stopped. I said wrong house, I'm always home whether in the house or on the property with my rifle hunting...point made. I believe we won't see him again.
    1 point
  42. it's important to give a little distance to hinge cut bedding. you treat it just like a bedding area but it's just more defined. it also depends on how well you can get in and out without alerting deer. back off them and hunt preferred ways out the deer already use and where the wind is more predictable. don't layout something on paper without mapping out where the deer are traveling and using spots first. also you'd need to look into what's around for timber to harvest, hinge, or drop to fit that layout. best to improve on what's already working for the deer. pick some spots and try things first versus hit every spot the deer like. that way if you're doing something off it won't screw with every good location you've got.
    1 point
  43. Took my Minkzilla from last year out and boarded it so I can send out with my reds and gray and yote to be tanned hen the hats are made too Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  44. Only pic I have from this year but it did what it was supposed to do. Ultimate steel Rocket 75gr. 1" cutting diameter fixed, you can see the hole behind the lungs exited behind opposite shoulder. He piled 80 yards from where he was shot and within 10 seconds. I watched him fall pretty it was cool watching him skid to a pile. Here is a photo of what they did 3 years ago. Entrance in front of left rear hip: Exit behind right front shoulder:
    1 point
  45. Well I passed some smaller deer last weekend due to the property I was a guest at. This morning was a different property and a different story. Glad to get her and to donate to some less fortunate people this holiday.
    1 point
  46. Don't worry about going too crazy trimming the neck roast, the fat literally melts away in a crockpot or oven. Just get the thick, tallowy stuff off and put it right in a crockpot for 6 hours or so. You won't be able to tell the difference between it and a beef roast. One of the best parts of a deer to me.Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  47. I troll for walleyes with my kayak and i use snap weights from Off Shore tackle. This year im going to put a small downrigger on it this year.
    1 point
  48. Thanks it hadn't thought about the roots just yet. Great I got more work to look forward to . And your right its definitely alot of work but the finished product should be something!! I'll do my best to keep my enthusiasm high, I'm more the go big mindset and my dad and brother see it as overwhelming. Having a large food source in the area we hunt should give us quiet an advantage when all said and done.
    1 point
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