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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/16 in all areas

  1. Went down to Canadice yesterday morning. I had a couple stops to make on the way down and then was just going to grab camera cards/swap out batteries and then mooch around in the woods for a bit, going places I'd never go in the fall. Well, I just was enjoying the heck out of the day and decided to take a BIG walk, it seemed to be the right thing to do! About three hours later I had circled back to the truck and was pretty much wiped out. Enough uphill/downhill and gullies for me for the day! While hiking I was keeping my eyes pealed for sheds and of course never found a single hunk of bone. On the way back to my friends house I was talking with another friend and bitching about not finding any sheds. I pulled in my buds driveway and looked in the pasture and lo and behold there's a shed, about 50-60 yards off the driveway. I hit the binders and jumped out, sprinted (not really) to the horn. Bingo, it's been a few years since I've found one so I was pumped. I pulled in and showed my buddy. We talked for a bit and I said I was going to jump on the 4wheeler and go grab two other cam cards but first take a quick spin around the area in the rest of the field to see if I could find the other horn from the buck. Don't you know that within 30 seconds I spot the darn thing up on the dike of the pond. I have and will load tomorrow night trail cam footage of the buck with headgear attached. As I found the first one........ This morning, both together................
    10 points
  2. 6 points
  3. Just remember that what's on top is not necessarily what is underneath test holes are a good idea. The first thing to do is to take a peek. Finding water in the test holes as in springs and such is not necessarily good news because that is a sign of gravel (leaching dirt) that isn't good in a pond. Note the water in this test hole we actually moved the pond because of this hole. Finally it takes the shape of a pond. Spring run-off does a good job of filling the pond. It also sets up some concerns for overflow and potential disaster. Be sure to check what is below the pond in case of a washout....lol. Lookin' good ... eh? Well, maybe in the summer it doesn't look so good. Yup, it was a "leaker", test holes and all. Apparently there was some gravel layer that was a bit to close to the bottom of the pond. Too bad because there was a lot of clay for quite a depth. After watching this disaster for 3 years hoping it would self-heal with silt, it became obvious that it was going to make a great cattail garden and mosquito home. Hey the frogs liked it. Well, I didn't take any pictures of the last step which was to exercise the guy's guarantee to fill it back in for free if the pond failed. But now a bunch of years later, it's as if that fiasco never happened. The guy who did the work has done hundreds of ponds locally. In fact that is all he does for a living, and he really knows his stuff. And he did take all the precautions but there can be sneaky gravel veins that can do a great job of draining ponds. The area has successful pond right across the highway, just a mere couple hundred yards away and there is a swamp within 50 yards. But like I said above, what you see on top the ground doesn't indicate what is under the surface.
    5 points
  4. Funny how hard core liberals constantly call everyone else hateful and angry …LOL!!
    4 points
  5. I would. If I seen deer like that out back here i would sit on my back porch.
    4 points
  6. I have several friends who hunt in rural yards. 2.5 acre lots, they do quite well and are welcomed by the land owners because the deer eat all their landscaping. 1 guy has gotten 6 doe and a beautiful 9pt in 3 years.
    4 points
  7. Today's check yielded 5 rats 1 mink then a fox waiting home on my back 30 .. he had some mange on his tail so I cut it off and am gonna skin him later ... 18 red fox 1 gray 6 yotes 49 rats 4 mink 8 coon Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    4 points
  8. LOL!!!! Wow. I believe this guy really believes all of this to be factual and truth. Leftist mind control does exist. But only the victim mindset is susceptible.
    3 points
  9. LOL!!! See, you don't sound hateful or angry at all and your statement doesn't sound like an irrational liberal rant either. LOL!! I often wish you would just go away, but don't . Please keep providing examples of liberal thinking. Its very amusing.
    3 points
  10. This photo was taken by the landowner showing me the problem they have with deer. This particular yard is hit the hardest with many ornamental bushes being eaten every year. I hunted from the shed shown in the picture. On the right end is a big double door (about 6X6) and I sit inside with one door open. Most deer are skittish but some will walk right up to you. although I saw 20 or so deer every day it took me two weeks to get my first one. Because I'm there for population control I only target mature doe. The little guys and bucks are safe. Just to clarify: I am talking Bow only. A pet might be let out for a nature break and I wouldn't shoot at that time. I'm in the backyard and a bus comes by to pick up and drop off school kids at the road out front and about 150 yards from the shed. I wouldn't shoot then either for fear of exposing a child to an injured deer running off after being hit. I take no shots over 40 yards to insure good shot placement. there are other rules a follow for myself and that is why I asked for input from others who may be doing the same thing. I'm interested in the rules and precautions they follow.
    3 points
  11. Venison stew and homemade bread for dipping. I'm all thumbs when using Tapatalk
    2 points
  12. They do, it's not very thick. Reading and comprehension ability is not a necessary requirement. Probably comes with crayons:
    2 points
  13. The kind folks from CRCS Outdoors (Cuba Rushford) took me out on a waterfowl hunt yesterday. It's always been my dream to find someone to help me learn how to waterfowl hunt, as I find it very different than any deer, turkey, or squirrel hunting I've done all my life. It's also something I was afraid I could never do, since I can't have a dog and our car is not good for carrying a boat. After I won the Duck Stamp, CRCS did an interview with me and asked me along on a waterfowl hunt locally with Southern Tier Outfitters, we thought it would be neat for me to hunt waterfowl for the first time while using the stamp I painted! I felt very honored. We were finally able to get out yesterday during the second season in Allegany. The outfitters said that this area has been tough due to the unseasonably warm weather we've had and they've been able to get very few ducks to come in at all. We were in a large blind (these guys even have a mini kitchen) and were well concealed. We had a few mallards scope us out and circle out of range, and one pair of common mergansers fly high without even giving the wetland a second look. Around 11, I believe, we saw some geese far off along the Allegany River, and the guides called them in to us. I took one as they came in, but my 870 wouldn't cycle the rounds and jammed as I ejected the first shell. Stupid of me not to check beforehand, but lesson learned. Turns out the bird I shot was banded, and the group lit up with excitement. We were being filmed for the CRCS show and they urged me to call the band in on camera. I did, and as soon as I got through on the band reporting hotline and got to giving them my info, a pair of mallards came in, of course! I got low and tried to finish the call quietly and quickly. By the time I got off the call the mallards were still around but had moved out of range. I was embarrassed that they waited for me instead of taking them, but I appreciated the gesture, it was really kind. Anyhow, it was amazing and I feel super honored to have been invited and enjoyed it very much. I'm very thankful to CRCS, Scott Jordan, and thank you very much to Craig Southard and Patrick Stayer of Southern Tier Outfitters! I can only claim the top goose, but am so thankful for even one! They have more photos on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/391324224291983/photos/pcb.956512284439838/956512234439843/?type=3&theater
    2 points
  14. Where was the second part of your post pasted from, Uptown'? It was pretty stupid, but it was actually rather coherent and articulate.
    2 points
  15. I'm most concerned with their mass importation of Muslims, while attempting to take away our means of self defense. As far as hating women, these "refugees" are about as hateful as one can get. Yet the liberals love to paint them as peaceful. Lipstick on a Pig! This man shines a light under the liberal basket for all to see. https://www.youtube.com/embed/aYu_bHu6sUc?feature=player_embedded
    2 points
  16. Most in NY who hunt and own firearms feel it is a privilege, not a right. That's why they grovel at the feet of those who oppress their firearms rights. Unless a law SEVERELY infringes on their preferred firearms, they do not care about the people who it does affect. They actually show contempt for their fellow hunters and firearms owners if they do not follow their sanctimonious ideal of what a NY gun owner should believe and conform to. They seem to think they are protecting their gun rights by removing them from the great unwashed. It's an elitist attitude that will turn out to be the biggest mistake these folks have ever made.
    2 points
  17. Ha, glad you said it. I didn't want to be the One
    2 points
  18. LOL, in the thread title the word "Score" is just describing the fact that I found a matched pair, not a "number score" like Boone & Crocket. Yes, sheds can very easily be scored and they CAN be entered in the New York State Big Buck Club but these are not that big at all, next year they could be dandy. IIRC all sheds get a static inside measurement of 16". All other measurements can be easily measured. Clear as mud??
    2 points
  19. OK fine. I just find it unreal that those who hunt and own firearms as so complacent to more laws against owning firearms.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Visited with a friend today, 90 fox so far this season. Last three years he's got 100 each year!
    2 points
  22. I know a guy who took over 20 deer in one year in the Town of Irondequote bow hunt . It would be hard to,get more suburban than that . My friends parents house was on a private dead end st. In Webster, it was the last house on the St. Behind it was a creek then a woods . The owners would be in Fla. starting from Nov. 1. The family room over the garage made a very nice spot to shoot deer from .
    2 points
  23. Funny, she complains she had to testify for eleven hours. Those guys had to fight for their lives for 13. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  24. Right 22 - I keep asking who believes in the rule of law. It seems some here do so only when they agree with it.
    2 points
  25. The fact they are standing up for what they believe, I can completely respect that. It's HOW they are doing it that pisses me off. Plain and simple they do not have the right to occupy state or federal land in the way they are doing it. I don't like the fact I can't hunt with a rifle in Onondaga County but that doesn't give me the right to break in to buildings on one of the region 7 WMA's, occupy that position and hold it with force if desired. And then give surrounding landowners shit for trying to use the property. They are breaking the law and should be punished like any other criminal. Just my opinion
    2 points
  26. Ahh crap on Brady and the nut bag hoodie wearing cheater!! Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  27. I think there is a better chance of these "assault weapon" bans, which exist in many states, going to the SCOTUS and being shot down. There are many reasons why these laws are unconstitutional, but have to make it to the court to be invalidated. Time is against it however. It took about 30 years for the handgun ban in Washington, DC to be found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Why is a violation of a Constitutional right so slow when it comes to due process? That's the effect of political corruption. The anti-gun Leftists are way ahead of these bans getting to the Supreme Court too. They want to replace 1 Conservative Justice with another Leftist as soon as possible. Since most Conservative siding winning opinions only pass with a 5-4 vote, adding another flaming Leftist like Sotomayer or Kagen will kill the Constitution as we know it, forever!
    2 points
  28. Bubba: Posted 14 January 2016 - 07:01 PM "Ruined is sduch a strong word. So the guy strolled in and moved birds out. If that is all it takes to RUIN your hunt, then you do not know what a hunt is about. Granted, I would have been disappointed, but In would have been thankful I had the time out in the woods." Bubba: Posted 15 January 2016 - 05:04 PM "So all you had is a typo? Not hot air at all, it is reality. A hunt is ruined by a guy walking onto you public land is quite simply whining. If that ruins your wholehunt,that just shows the superficial side of you. Buy a big chunk of your own land to avoid the dramatic ruination of your whole outing" I'm not looking to Piss in your Wheaties Bill, but I'm not seeing where Bubba did anything wrong, that could possibly warrant you wanting to leave the site. He posted his opinion, which you didn't agree with. In your response, you chose to rip on him about a grammatical error. Following that, Bubba still didn't sink to that level, but simply posted another comment showing his personal opinions. The little bit that he snapped at you was justified, in my mind. Not sure why you got so upset. Don't dish it, if you can't take it.
    2 points
  29. Pssst That 1:30 starts at 1:07
    2 points
  30. Scumbaggish for sure What would/how would they feel if the camp they were about to try to rob/steal from caught them.I would beat them then take to the law if they were robbing my place.
    1 point
  31. #3 is bogus !!! Its call them racist, or bigoted, or homophobic, or sexist, or anti Muslim , or anti gay, or anti….. fill in the blank… or all of the above and THEN run away…
    1 point
  32. I've heard a lot of Liberals support unions. Unions pay less experienced workers less money, based purely on seniority, even when they do the exact same work. Some of the lower seniority workers are women. I guess Uptown has a hearing impairment.
    1 point
  33. I was correct. Here are the crayons that come with the liberal playbook:
    1 point
  34. There are a lot of factors that dictate harvest numbers for gun season, snow for opening being one of the biggest along with timing of the rut. I don't think deer will remember a bad weather year, I think it is driven by food availability of the season and instinct.
    1 point
  35. I think its simple, the deer run when threatened, be it a domestic dog or wild variety. If something chases them, they run. What do most humans do when something dangerous comes after them, escape, now what do humans do when they go to a zoo where they are protected? I am not suggesting Deer have cognitive thought, I am suggesting how ever its a basic survival trait of prey. Sometimes that threat is in the form of scent, sometimes sight ect. A great example would be the Saratoga battlefield, while walking in it you will be close to deer. Outside of the park they are hunted heavily and act accordingly. How is that?
    1 point
  36. Im convinced that they have a "play book" that they all read from..LOL!!
    1 point
  37. Lets see if this worked...here is the wild turkey flock that let me walk around them taking pics...BTW No I do not feed any wild animals with any thing but food plots and natural fruiting trees and brush plantings.....and as you can see this was the road side at the end of our drive. Man I had to go through 110 pages of pics deleting things to post those Thanks Eddie..... not even close to being done...I post a lot of pics...I seem to have to show more "proof" than at a boarder crossing... Point is.... animals in different areas.... at different times, do not react the same...painting wild life reactions with a broad stroke just leaves a blurred picture in general.
    1 point
  38. Step 1 Dig a hole. Step 2 let it fill up with water. Actually my buddy has a beautiful pond on his property , who ever built it took some time to add some overflow tubes because it is constantly fed with springs ,it really keeps the pond very clear all year long. His was built at the bottom of a hill ,so 3 sides were built up instead of a hole dug . Make sure you post some pics once you get started.
    1 point
  39. The spread credit is actually 18"
    1 point
  40. You gotta give him props. New England is the greatest NFL dynasty ever.
    1 point
  41. I don't know who's the dummy, but I'm curious as to what did they win? A dove hunt in NY sponsored by you? X-Calibur Lighting Systems http://facebook.com/XCaliburLightingSystems
    1 point
  42. God I wish this was an adult forum so I could say what I really think...
    1 point
  43. And she probably thinks "What difference does it make?"
    1 point
  44. Hillary probably thinks the movie is 13 hours long.
    1 point
  45. what?! so I should pass on the 4" tail this year because it may be 6" next year??
    1 point
  46. My 14 year old son biggest buck kill to date Killed Halloween morning. One of his big brown trout 12 lbs. enjoy the time we spend together building memories. Things he and I will never forget.
    1 point
  47. I agree to a point. I do not think it would have an effect of pushing all the deer out. Each deer is different and can react to the situation in different ways. Some doe might run for the hills, buck might stay close to cover hoping the dogs stay away and only move when pushed. Can some bucks leave the area sure they can. Can deer become accustom to people yes! We see it in urban settings. The question of them reacting to dogs is up for debate. I would think if the dogs are run often they would get use to them and not see them as a threat but it might take them a while to figure this out, they will evaluate each threat with how much energy they have to use to get away from that possible issue. Would I worry about this on my land, no. As long as it was done often I do believe the deer would realize that those dogs present little danger. You would be welcomed on my land as long as you did not start around opening day. If you could take down a few yotes you would be welcomed back every year! The benefit would help the deer more than harm IMO.
    1 point
  48. Let me explain how it will not hurt him. A true conservative will rarely carry NY in an election anyway because the very people with the attitude he spoke of would never vote for him anyway. And the rest of the state has no say. He was not planning on carrying NY anyway. And if you would vote for his Hillary because of one thing he said, you were going to vote for the lying carpetbagger witch anyway. In 2 weeks no one will even remember he said it when someone else says something stupid. Sad part is he told the truth. When your NYC guy gets out there (Trump) and displays his I am smarter better and know what you need attitude, that is exactly what the NY attitude is portrayed as.
    1 point
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