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Recovered and hanging in the barn. I saw a body pass thu a small path a hundred yards away so I gave a couple of grunts and about five minutes later, here he comes. Circled my stand and stepped into a shooting lane at 24 yards. I saw the lighted mock disappear and the buck ran off. Texted a few buddies and they both came over to help track. Forty yards of blood and then nothing. We circled all around the spot and found nothing. I decided to search towards the creek and 85 yards away from last blood he was piled up. Single lung and liver. My first crossbow buck. Debating between a wall mount or a Euro only because it’s my first crossbow deer.33 points
Some nice healthy meat! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk20 points
Went out with my son this afternoon. We were in our stands just under an hour when he scored on this buck. I have nicknamed my son Lucky Chuckie. He seems to score every year on a nice buck with his bow. valoroutdoors.com18 points
We found the bolt I launched this moring.....this tree was around 100 yards from our blind. The deer was around 24 yards and the one blade had a single hair on it and no blood. I was aiming mid body and am guessing the mesh caused it to go high. Oh well that deer lives to see another day and we had fun this morning. Sent from my SM-A716V using Tapatalk14 points
Shot a smaller 6 at 8am. Quartering to me at 15ish yards. Arrow is covered in dark blood. Very little blood trail. Kicked him out of his bed after 60yards. Blood coming out both sides by the looks of his bed. He didn't spook to bad. No smell of guts. Thinking liver shoot. Backing out til this afternoon14 points
Have the Hank the Tank 8 in field chasin doe been watching for 15 minutes13 points
I've been very lucky the last 5 years on stateland. Only 2 came off the same piece. 3 are gun bucks 2 are bow bucks.. Put a small slide show together. Hopefully to add another this year.10 points
My brother shot a doe this am 8:30. He’s in it for the meat so he’s happy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk9 points
I'm out checking trail cams and my buddy who hit this buck just messaged me that one of the neighbors got him on cam last night. So, he's survived the arrow wound for now!8 points
Only an AM hunt today since it’s my son’s first birthday… what could be better than a birthday buck??? Good luck out there everyone!8 points
#Blindlife....@moog style! Beauty of a morning to be out. Had a tall racked buck sneak in behind us grunting 10 minutes after we used doe bleat can and lite raddle on the bag. He ended giving a 24 yard broadside shot but I had to shoot Tru a mesh window. I took the shot but I think the arrow tanked under him. No blood and he at first walked off slowly then after a few minutes bounded down a utility trail. We will look down that utility road when we leave. Had another buck close to 100 yards a little but ago before turning around...he was outside his ears.....and just now a pack of doe just walked thru with little ones. There were 6 total...and all together. Sent from my SM-A716V using Tapatalk7 points
Up, showered, having coffee with a sausage biscuit. Looking to shoot a buck today. That's the plan! Both bow and CB are loaded in the truck. Bow gets first dibs. This is the day a bunch of deer get hung up!!! Good luck to all heading out! Keep safe. Shoot straight.7 points
Got lucky calling this guy in this morning in Sterling. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk6 points
Well didnt have to go far for this big male. Let my dog out and scanned my field, saw this guy cutting across it. Grabbed my .204, and rabbit distress hand call and snuck my way towards my field. He was walking the edge of our field near a neighbors backyard whos lab was barking his head off at this yote. Gave some tasty sounding rabbit squeals and he started to head down wind of me, one more squeal and he stopped broadside. Good hit, he did his death spins then started running, he made it to the bank of our new pond and ofcourse rolled down the bank into the water... fished him out, soaking wet he weighed 54lbs, so guessing close to 50 dry which would make him my biggest yote.6 points
Had 4 flathead come by this morning. Half hour later, a shooter buck. No shot as he never left the thick stuff. Came out for an hour or so, and headed up in the back till dark. Couple dandy bucks spotted up here yesterday. Coming out of the thick bedding to the left. Putting phone away. Will check back later. Good luck all!5 points
2 bucks so far. One unidentifiable but for sure shooter. The other a 4 pt that stopped broadside at 30. I have 9 days to make it happen Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk5 points
Big bodied big 6 zig zagging nose to the ground in the cow pasture. Grunts ain’t moving him. He was 75 yards.5 points
Update: I got out there on Tuesday morning. Wednesday afternoon I tagged out with this 6 pointer. Quartered it in field and hauled it all out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk5 points
Well I am up and out . And I am a girl without the cross bow lolol5 points
Made sure i freshened my scrape on way out too.the best doebuck wiz around .someone showed up lastnight and didnt look too happy!!!!!!!!for a 4pt he's got a big body and holy kneck!5 points
This buck jumped out of a roadside stream and ran right in front of me mid morning.4 points
What a great day, 5 bucks seen including 2 shooters and my number 1 target buck. After the morning hunt I moved a cam to where I thought he was coming from in the afternoons. Mind you I’ve been watching this buck for 2 years now and knew my new stand was in the area but wasn’t sure how close. Any way I need to move this stand about 50 yards and I’ve got him. He did get close today after I grunted him in to 50 but I over played my hand and he spooked and ran back the way he came. A stand move is in order and it should help me set up on this guy. Any ideas on age and score. He seems really big for a 7 to me and he was also a 7 last year The daytime pics are this year the night pics are last year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
midday owl. my brother is looking down upon you heard a midday owl day i killed my first archery buck on the infamous Nov 2-2019 3 days after my brother passed4 points
I've seen 8 doe and 3 buck so far. Passed on a 2yr old 8 watched him hound a fire and grunt like crazy for a while then about 15 minutes ago a doe came flying through with a 8pt on her tail and the second buck was huge definitely a shooter but no chance they were stopping.4 points
4 points
Man, if you were going to describe a perfect morning for deer hunting to someone,, this is it.4 points
Sure do miss having a hunting partner. Sure do miss my dad and brother in law this time of year4 points
4 points
Not in the stand Too nice out lol LFG Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
First time ever bow hunting with dad, he finally got a crossbow. I put him in a real good spot, I’m across the field as a lookout/ in a decent spot myself. 5 doe bedded out in the field just need to work their way up as they’ve done twice this week already.3 points
I get all of those especially the one where they think I'll become the one hunted by White hunters. I used to get funny looks just going into the gun stores or hunting stores to shop. They have this look like "No way this Black tatted guy is hunting" Or when people walk into my office and see some of my hunting pics on the wall ... Black and White gives this confused look and ask if that me. I'm like no, it's Mother Theresa. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk3 points
Back in where I had 7 pt at 25 yards two nights ago. Good wind direction. Feels like Oct 6 not Nov 6 though. Hopefully buck comes up in trail this time not the mess in the bottom pic.3 points
First batch of redneck sushi is under the broiler while prep for tonights pizzas3 points
so going back to nice big 6 point. Watched that buck zig zagging down 20' strip between woodsl edge and cow pasture. 100 yards nose to the ground, then 75, then maybe 65. I tried grunting him but no bueno. Now the funny thing happens. Doe must have jumped or crawled under the electric fence. He walks right into it.....could see his reaction and he didn't give af. He taked a few more steps like wth and then splays out on all fours crawling under it.I lol'd . He preceded to zig zag across the pasture not to be see again.3 points
3 points
11/6 I was called by the father of a 12 year old hunter last night asking me to come track a buck his son shot at 250 yards. He said he suspected a gutshot because the buck hunched up at the shot and then walked away. They walked into the woods and jumped him from a bed 20 yards in. There was concern about coyotes and they wanted me to come out right away. I told them I’d be happy to come out, but not until tomorrow morning or we run the risk of really pushing him a long way. We met at 7:30 this morning and started in the field, but couldn’t find the hit site. We started checking trails and a few minutes later Luna showed me a few drops of blood and away we went. The nice 6 pointer was found only 170 yards away. The coyotes had eaten a small area of his rear end. I discussed the lack of ethics of such a long shot but it fell on deaf ears.3 points
Believe me been watching him thru the crossbow scope and he is 142 yds. I don’t have anything past 50 but sit here and look and wonder about shot elevation and he’s laying down no wind. It’s definitely crossbowed my mind but nah. After watching 6 i will hope he follows suit. Honestly it’s a beautiful morning and feel lucky to have the encounter. But as Bob Barker said….Cmon down3 points
Move or burn the spot... just my thought3 points
3 points
Make sure you locktite all the screws. Lots of vibrations with every shot.3 points
Agree'd!!!!!ive had him on cam alot and wouldnt hesitate if he gave me a shot!!he definently stands proud and stoutly3 points
What was she wearing? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro3 points
3 points
3 points
I just slipped out of the stand for 45 minutes to grab a couple of cameras from the other end of the property. I got with in 30 get of 2 doe that were eating at the base of one of my stands. They didn't know I was there so I sat still hoping a buck was with them or following them after 10 minutes I had a small buck coming up from behind he got to under 10 yards from me then noticed me and trotted away. He has 4 points on one side and a busted main beam on the other. I'm guessing it's his busted antler that I found last weekend. Now I'm back up in the stand until dark.2 points
2 points
Up and getting organized. Toting the xbow today since it's more comfortable to shoot from a blind. Waking my son shortly so he can tag along. Good wind for the spot we are sitting in....hopefully a buck will Cruz past making his way to check the cut bean field for ladies. Cams we active before sunset and then went relatively quiet throughout the night.....hope that's a sign they are their feet early. Sent from my SM-A716V using Tapatalk2 points
Let's hope it comes unhinged today! I have been waiting patiently all week. Good luck2 points