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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/23 in all areas
It was time to get a new farm advertisement truck….less going to the state.. Thinking on going with this design maybe full wrap with farm name added in. White on White should look pretty sweet.8 points
7 points
I just watched it again...What a great depiction of coming of age in the 1960s.... The little town I grew up in was so similar, albeit on a smaller scale... Not a smart phone in sight, either...hehehehe.. We even had our semi- outlaw fraternity, " The Shifters".....Nearby Corning had two, The Viscounts and The Epicureans....5 points
Just like old times the mal contents are not happy unless there is a shit show going on!! They have their dream board yet they still troll over here, Some real beauties! Al5 points
5 points
5 points
I believe my reputation here, as far as contribution, speaks for itself. So does yours.4 points
4 points
Grouse and rabbits love dense cover. I'm a big proponent of Timber Stand Improvement. I am always cutting cull trees to promote forest regeneration. I leave the tops on the ground and let brush grow up between them. Lots of grouse on my land, flushed 10 last weekend. I do think our rabbit population is in its down cycle though. Only jumped one the same day.3 points
Theres a great little documentary on the making of the movie on YouTube . George Lucas talks about the really cool ideas he had on shooting it etc . It cost like 780, 000 to make, but has made like 140 million . It also was Lucas’s first film.3 points
It’s quite obvious there is a member here who wants to “Duke it out” with all those he feels are now outcasts. FSW needs to dial it back a notch or “pump the brakes” a bit as he isn’t helping the newer, friendlier look of the forum. Lock it up or unleash the hounds; I don’t care, dinner is ready and I need to carve the turkey.3 points
I went out after small game with my neighbor the last 2 Sunday afternoons. Two weeks ago we saw (3) rabbits and a squirrel and killed (2) of the rabbits. Last Sunday, we didn’t see any small game whatsoever. I think I’ll skip next Sunday.3 points
It is all about habitat, food and cover, the better those three things are the better your wildlife populations will be. I had a decent wildlife population until the Gypsy Moth Blight, the worms ate everything and left a sterile landscape with no cover and no food. Consequently I killed very few game animals in the hope that their numbers will recover as the habitat improves. I am primarily a small game hunter so for me it stinks big time. Al3 points
So living full time at my hunting property I get to hit the woods so much more. What is so disappointing is the lack of small game. I just spent 3 hrs shed hunting with the dogs. We did not see 1 critter. I can remember flushing 2-3 grouse and seeing a bunny or two. Is it a bad cycle they are in or too many predators? My pups in a field!2 points
2 points
I have noticed that over the past several years, I have seen a significant increase in hawks. Man, they are perched on the electric wires everywhere. I know that they are very effective predators of small game. Yes, they are a very effective control animal when it comes to mice and rats, but that all comes with a pretty high price in small game numbers.2 points
2 points
I have great habitat for game. Even our new farmer leaves standing corn for the critters in every field he plants. Plenty of hedgerows by me. I planted 300 white spruce years ago from the Saratoga nursery trees are beautiful!2 points
I recently swapped out chips on my Trail Cam's , On one particular Trail Cam I had = Turkeys , Rabbits , Foxes , Racoons and Squirrels ... but I also had two Coyote's that looked well fed !2 points
I just leave the arrows from misses, in the trees as monuments to myself to make better shots! Got a few monuments scattered over the farm. Most are really old. One or two more recent.2 points
2 points
Lock the thread up and you choose where you want to post. My God you must have better things to do.2 points
2 points
The NJ site started out to pull members away from this site not as just another site . Don't post that site on here ! We don't care if you belong on both sites , just don't post their link address .2 points
2 points
Ineptocracy Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.2 points
Have you ever had an errant shot and embedded an arrow into a tree . Not easy to remove . Try this method to save the shaft and head . Unscrew the shaft from the head . Place double nuts on the screw end of the arrow head . Place a small pry bar end between the double nuts and the tree . Place mild pressure on the pry bar and ease the archery head out of the tree . I doubt that this happens very often but if it happens , this works . Make sure you check the arrow shaft really good as It could be damaged by the hard impact of hitting a hard solid object .1 point
Was out today setting a new stand up. About 50 yards from the new stand I found the pair of sheds from the 10 point I pursued most of the season. Glad he made it. I know have 1 of his sheds from previous year, and this years pair.1 point
So I’ve been welding up these guys on the side to sell, and have no idea what to price them at. I’m calling them Wrench heads . I have a bunch of off brand wrench’s and sockets that I’ve been using ( they were free) and I can easily build 30 - 40 more. So what would be a reasonable price ? I don’t want to overcharge so they sell, but I don’t want to under price them either .1 point
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1 point
I use to get them also. Probably got such bad responses they gave up. The Vermin have done a number. Fur prices in the crapper a guy has to still go get them and just take them out. Sad but true. Left unchecked and you will be paying taxes on trees and no critters to chase.1 point
I have seen American Grafffitti a few times , Great movie . I think it was Harrison Ford's 1st movie .1 point
All time favorite movie, I watch it every time I catch that it’s on. I’ve told my wife I was born 20 years to late..1 point
I sort of went in the opposite direction here. After watching coyotes sweep my fields trying ( I think successfully) to wipe out fawns, I let let my fields grow wild. I figured I would try to improve on the cover, and at the same time cut back on my fuel and time spent mowing them on a tractor to small for the job. It has been a win/win situation.1 point
No Doubt. We have not changed much on our 1000 acres and still plant pretty much the same crops just in rotation. We seem to have more woodcock the Grouse and of course Pheasants are just a thing of the past.1 point
When we had our coyote problem we had absolutely no small game and the Turkey and Deer numbers were dropping fast. Would see them all hours of the day and have 3 different packs yipping and tapping to each other in 3 different directions. War was declared and it was not until the 3rd year that we had the dog problem solved and the game came back. Rabbits like crazy but small game birds never really flourished. Turkey and Deer outstanding.1 point
Mayor McCheese was, and still is, one of the most abrasive people on this site. Seen it too often during all the years I've spent here. He should have been banned years ago. Perhaps this place would have been better off. The annual "Hunters Are Only Hunting For Antlers" thread always got the membership hugging, and singing Kumbaya.1 point
I posted in this thread about wanting to be back here for the For Sure Whatever thread about how all hunters are only motivated to hunt for antlers. I always like that conversation. I wonder if me reposting it (on your request) will get me banned. I hope not-I like your chuckle page. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Why did my post get deleted? Am I not allowed to participate? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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1 point
Give FSW a moderators password and he’ll clean the place up, soon it’ll be just you, FastEddie and him.1 point
1 point
Just seeing this… and I recently read the tragic story of the young man from Camillus that died after falling this past season… We opened a Treestand and Blind business a few years ago in E Rochester, The Hunt Works. We will get you all the River’s Edge Lifelines you need at cost…. Just call (585)252-1222 or email [email protected] and we’ll work it out….. mention this post. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I'm on both sites and will converse with anyone ! Period ! Have a Great Day Everyone !1 point
I have to ask, why is this? I enjoyed conversing with many of the members that are no more. I personally don't have contact information for any of them. I would enjoy being able to converse with them again at times. That doesn't mean I would abandon ship here. I just don't get it. Oh and by the way, I haven't found a way to find it and I've searched...1 point
I am hunting rabbits with my beagles until season closes at the end of this month. Then I will be hunting snow geese until season closes on April 15. There are many hunting opportunities that you can still take advantage of. Here are a couple of pics from last year.1 point