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Just shot a monster...


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Was in the stand for about 20 minutes and decided to put my gloves on because i was getting cold.  Wasn't really paying attention and was probably moving around like a maniac when I look down and see this absolute slob of a deer 60 yards away raking this huge tree. I was absolutely frozen.   Turns out to be this huge 8 pointer that I've been after.  The wind was swirling all around and he kept raising his head and smelling the air, so i thought he picked me up and i was done for!!  He kept raking and wasn't moving, so i took the grunt tube out and made a few grunts.  He instantly picks his head up and starts walking towards me.  I was legit shaking at this point and somehow manage to get the bow off the hook and wait for him to come in for a shot.   He comes about 25 yards and freezes and starts smelling all around.   He then begins to turn like he is going to take off the opposite direction when I saw my opportunity.  I drew and slammed him with one.


He jumped about 3' then just slowly walked forward towards this large tree about 10 yards away.  I couldn't believe i missed!!  So I knocked another arrow and drilled him again.  This time he took off like a bat out of hell and ran over this ridge and disappeared.   I honestly couldn't sit in the tree more then 2 minutes and had to go see what these arrows looked like.   First arrow went right through him and gut shot him :bad:  SH*T!!!.  I then went over and couldn't find my 2nd arrow, but did find a few drops of bright red blood around the area.  Arrow must have hit the shoulder or something and didn't pass through.  So  I backed out for about an hour then came back in and just looked for a bit of blood around the 2nd spot I shot him.  Went about 15 yards in and then just decided to back out until tomorrow morning.   I feel sick over the bad shot, so hopefully the 2nd shot hit a lung or something and he is down for the count.  This is DEFINITELY going to be a sleepless night for me.  Really hope I can recover him tomorrow morning.


Buck fever is the real deal and I can't even recall where the 2nd shot hit I was so flustered.  It was an absolute adrenaline overdose.   Few pics of the arrow and the deer.  This would be my first buck ever, so I'm praying he went down!




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the gut shot will kill him........question is how long will it take, give him plenty of time......only good part is the second shot should give you some blood to follow.....I think the terms "drilling" and "slamming" are something you would use when the shot is perfect.

Edited by jjb4900
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A high, bucking jump followed by a slow, kind of slinking-off exit.  That's a classic gut shot.  It happens to everyone.  Give him time, track at first light tomorrow, and hope the yotes don't find him before you do.  I hope it works out for you. 

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Is there a chance of rain tonite? If so , get after him after a couple hours. Rain washes away the blood and you will be lucky to find him. Just my 2 cents. Had a friend lose one that way so do what you gotta do

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I would not recommend this.  If you know you've gut shot him and don't know where the 2nd arrow is, you are better off waiting until the morning like you plan.  He will die, just needs some time.

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I would not recommend this.  If you know you've gut shot him and don't know where the 2nd arrow is, you are better off waiting until the morning like you plan.  He will die, just needs some time.

agree 100%, leave him be till morning and you'll likely find him dead in the first spot he lays down.......push him too early and you'll chase him into the next county.

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he will die just hope the dogs dont find him before he does or at all! I know they can live a while my buddy gut shot one last year in the evening and we went back the next morn and it was still alive he shot it again it jumped up and ran 30 yds and fell over dead.  I have always believed for many years they will die in 8 hours or so but that wasnt the case last year.  Check low and near water or a high bedding area where he can see danger. good luck hope u find him! you made the right choice backing out

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This is a classic case for Deer Search. Leave a message on their machine and if there is an available volunteer they will happily attempt to help if possible and call you back if they are available. I know many of the members actually take vacation days off on Mondays for tracking. If you intend to use them, just wait for them because people tromping through the woods does little other than spread blood and scent making the job harder for the dogs. If it's a gut shot and not pushed, it is VERY likely found by them. Best of luck. 



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