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What Are Your Plans For Sunday?


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With all the wind, snow and frigid temp around tomorrow the outdoor activities are going to be pretty limited.  I'd like to strap on the snowshoes again but I doubt I'll do it.  Maybe..........


I have a couple guns I COULD clean, but the basement is awful cold.................. :)


I have a couple things I can toss on Craigslist that didn't sell on Ebay, maybe I'll do that.  The driveway will need some more attention for sure.  Paid bills yesterday so I can't do that!  I'm thinking it will even be too cold for church!




Your plans????

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Stoke the wood stove

Shoot some arrows downstairs, if shoulder will allow me to.

Stoke the wood stove.

Go for a snow shoe walk in the woods out back.

Stoke the wood stove.

Go down and watch some of the races on the lake.

Stoke the wood stove.

Put in more wood.

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Just got home from the bandits game with the wife and kids dam its cold out there. I just told my wife well have to miss church tomorrow going to be to cold im gonna stay in the house and paint the kids rooms tomorrow the kick back and watch some tv.

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Walk across the street ( accompanied by The Mermaid)  to the Acorn Mart  for coffee and to read the Sunday Paper ( Fat Paper Day). We sit in a booth with a few other retired old farts.


Come home and whip up a quick breakfast... We split an omelet this morning, so tomorrow will probably be Eggos plus bacon or link sausage..


Clear the walks and the driveway of that white stuff that fell this afternoon..


Around noon I'll gather up my buddy Howie and head over to the Legion for Sunday School, which will  include a couple of beers and opening a few bell jar tickets..


After that I'll come home and whip up something for supper.. I have some leftover turkey, so tettrazinni is a definite maybe..


Pretty exciting stuff, EH ..?..

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No real plans yet, but I'll take pictures if I come up with something.

Hmmmm...., maybe I'm planning to take pictures of whatever I don't know I have planned to take pictures of.

Sounds like a plan to me! :good:

Will post pics as soon as I'm done doing whatever I'm planning on doing to show you all what I decided to do if I do anything at all.


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Start plowing out the woods trails to the sap tank and releaser buildings.  Got my work cut out for me and the loader with snow as deep as my shoulders are high in the woods.  Gonna be a long day but its got to get done for the warmup coming.  Hopefully I will get tanks set in vac pumps and releasers setup.  Not hopeful though theres just so much snow pack to get through.

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I saw some windchill numbers on a map on TV that claimed some areas are going to have windchills down to -31 degrees. I believe them when they say that those kinds of numbers can freeze exposed skin. So unless you have some way of dressing that looks like something that explorers in Antarctica would wear, I would suggest staying inside. I hear the wind blowing out there already, so I am taking these warnings seriously. 

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Stay in and be safe. with those kind of wind chill you can have all kinds of bad things occur.


I am down south in Myrtle beach till April 1 and hope then to see brown ground as we travel back. We are going to be highs of 40, but winds in the 20 to 25 mile a hour range.

So even here it will not be a trip out to Sand dune archers. I got a new 3D bow that now has been shot in and it now in the stage of fine tuning the marks for yardage. But it looks

like this will not be the week, as all week it is very cold and for me with COPD, I will have to sit it out. so it hot tub and the 85 degree pool for me today. Plus crying for Big orange and there loss to Duke from last night. Think brown ground and Opening of trout fishing.

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Well,the wife pulled into the driveway yesterday with a steam cloud coming from under the hood so ended up fixing that in 10 degree weather,,,,,upper rad hose,not too bad a fix. But when I drained some of the coolant it had trans fluid mixed in. The cooling lines run through the radiator (which was new as of June 2014 with a lifetime warranty). Sad to say I can't find the damn recipt. So after replacing the hose in the cold temps yesterday,I am not going to go out in single digits today to put the snowthrower back together that was supposed to be fixed on the "nice" day yesterday.Today is a day of keeping the fire cranking and eating some food then nappy time then more food and feeding the fire.

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I went out yesterday with bow and shoes, Hawkeye had their annual members only snowshoe shoot followed by game dinner. The shoot was fun, lots of the deep stuff, and the food awesome. Today it's going to be load the stove, go out for some more wood, and then I'm going to the Sabres game tonight. I hope I can park close so we don't have to walk far in these temps! I will probably spend most of the day today reading a turkey magazine in front of the wood stove.

and dream of the spring woods, birds chirping, flowers growing and that intoxicating sound of an adult gobbler. The first day of spring is only 34 days away!!

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Sounds like some good plans for the day.  I just got up and I'm going back to bed.


Kidding :)


Been reading the newspaper and tapping keys here and there.......Text back and forth with our daughter, she just landed in Rome Italy around 8am our time.  She is gone for almost three weeks with some school mates;  a few days in Rome, a longer stay in Northern Italy with the girl that stayed with us in September then they hit Paris for a couple/few days before flying back.  Woot!!!!  There goes my retirement. :)


Well, time for my weekly shower/shave. I'll take the dog for a short walk as it is way to cold for a couch potato pooch.................





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Got in a little while ago from getting my sons car unstuck.(turns out a Ford Focus can't make it through a 3 foot snow drift). Then I cleared the driveway. Im heading to the store for some essentials and then Im putting it in park.

Some grips I ordered for a few pistols came yesterday so I might install those later…or I might not.



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