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What's your longest kill shot?


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When I hung up my shotgun and decided to exclusively hunt deer with the ML, I had imagined a significant increase in long range accuracy.

Listening to guys talk about 200-300yd shots had me pretty excited to start reaching out there to pick off some long range whitetail.


Now, roughly 13years since my ML'ing start, I've found it to be just the opposite for me with my longest whitetail kill coming this season at 84 yds. (felt like a mile)


So just out of curiosity, and not to start a flame fest, I'm wondering what you guys got for longest deer kill shots with the smokepoles and what range you're sighted in for.

Edited by wooly
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My ML'er is a smokeless for what it's worth and semi custom.  That said, IIRC I've killed a couple doe out at about 165 yards.  Two for sure come to mind.  I'd have to go back and check a post I started back in November of 2010 when I shot my biggest buck.......I think that was just a touch over 100 yards, maybe 110??



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Have killed more deer in the last 10 years with the ML than slug gun. Now that I tote it from gun season thru ml.

Longest shot was this year at 130 yards. I'm dialed in at 80 yards Aimed barely high and she went 15 yards tops. Took out top of heart. Also had my closet shot(s) this year. One of about 15 yards ( buck ) and other she was almost directly below my stand.

I still would like to put gun on paper at longer ranges someday. That shot of 130 about maxes my distance in hardwoods though too.

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I have never attempted to make a long range tool of my ML...It is an old TC Hawken with a peep sight. I sight in about 2 inches high at 50 yards and that puts me on at around 100, but it drops like a rock after that. The longest distance I have ever taken a game animal with it is perhaps 75 yards.

Back in 2004, I drew a ML elk tag in a good unit in Colorado. I shot the rifle a lot and was confident out to 125 yards with a 460 grain conical bullet..If fact, with a little Kentucky windage, I was perforating a 20 pound propane bottle at 175 yards, from a steady rest.

I ended up shooting a 6x6 bull elk at 20 yards....<<GRIN>>...

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155yds (paced off) with a .535 patched round ball over open sights. Held high center of the front quarter. Complete pass through deer went about 30 yds.


120gr GOEX fffG black powder


36" Sharon barrel 1 in 70" twist. Sighted in 3" high @ 100yds hits about 3" low @ 150.

Edited by wildcat junkie
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I can't think of a single deer I've taken or shot at from more than 50 yards with the ML... I shoot my Hawken every week all winter long at 100 yards and I'm confident at that distance with my peep sight... seems like when the time comes I just like getting closer. I'm not a scope guy... I don't own one... so chances are I won't be taking much game at longer distances. 100 yards seems like light years away for me in the woods.

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 100 yards seems like light years away for me in the woods.


I'm the same way, but I don't spend nearly as much time putting holes in paper as a lot of guys like to do. I'll send 3 shots down range at 50yds before season starts and that's about it for the year until it's time to kill something. I know I'm good out to 100 under perfect conditions, but never took a shot at game that far with ML.

Just feels strange sometimes thinking that some guys feel more comfortable with archery equipment at ranges that push my ML limits.

I'm ok with where ever anyone decides to draw the line for themselves and respect those who have the skills to pull it off at a distance.


I have no doubt my ML will outshoot my abilities. I was just kind of wondering by how much from effort others put into it.

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I've killed whitetails with a .535 round ball at distances from 10' to 155 yds I take the opportunities as they arise.That being said I would rather take a 150yd shot from a rest than a 75yd shot offhand.


The 155yd kill cited in my previous post came about when I was leaving the woods on my property. As I emerged from the inside corner of the woods, I saw the deer about 200yds distant at the other end of my meadow. I dropped into a ditch & sneaked as close as I could. I lay on the edge of the ditch & used a pile of sand as a rest.


Most of my ML kills were under 60yds, but I have taken 4 that were 100yds or more away. All but one of those long shots were with some sort of rest. The one shot that was off hand was right at 100yds.

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My ML is sighted in about 3" high at 100yds. but the longest range I have ever taken a deer at was maybe 60yds. When I first got into ML hunting I used a side lock with patch and ball. I took 4 or 5 deer with it, but the longest shot was around 40yds.

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I've got some fields to sit over that I can see up to 400 yds (in one particular spot), so I'm sighted in about 1 inch high at 100.

I took one deer at 165 (ranged it after the shot) with a Knight Original Disc. 2 pellets and a 220 gr Barnes Red Hot. Dropped him where he stood.


That was the only long shot. I've taken probably 12-15 with a muzzleloader, and all of the rest were well inside 75 yds.


My shortest is the most memorable though. About 8 feet, was walking straight toward me feeding. Was oblivious to me and I fired when he picked his head up after noticing me. Pretty cool to see him almost at my feet when the cloud cleared. The field dressing job was not fun however...


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My ML is sighted in at 100 yrds and with 150 grains pellets, 250 gr. Shockwaves and the nikon BDC scope im good out to 300 yrds. Never shot close to 300 and have no intention of doing so. The furthest with my ML was a doe at about 80 yards and Dec. 14' i took the buck in my avatar with my ML at approx. 75 yards. The doe ran about 50yds the buck dropped in his tracks.

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Back in my younger days (Before I knew better) I reached out with a 12 gauge and dropped a doe about 90 yards out with a slug to the back of the head (a lucky shot). My first year with rifle nailed a bedded buck with a neck shot at 100 yards. Of course I dialed the scope up to 9 power and I had a tree providing a solid barrel rest. With my bow, two were taken at 20 yards and the crossbow harvested a buck at 40 yards.

I wouldn't attempt beyond 30Yds with a bow or 40Yds with a crossbow. But that's me.

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