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WHO would YOU want?


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Read (and became involved in) a discussion about Jordan's controversal essay he wrote for school. 

In it he stated, "The great Ted Nugent once said, “There are hundreds of millions of gun owners in this country, and not one of them will have an accident. The only misuse of guns comes in environments where there are drugs, alcohol, bad parents, and undisciplined children, period.”" only to receive a response regarding the word "great" in front of Ted Nugent's name.  Jordan stood by his conviction and hence the starting of this controversial thread.

So I ask you... is your perception of Ted Nugent 'great' and would you accept him as the 'spokesperson' for the hunting and shooting sports?  Or... could you think of someone else YOU would like to have representing our sports to America?

For more info and to read the aforementioned comments before you respond to this thread - Ref: DOING A CONTROVERSAL ESSAY FOR ENGLISH CLASS in the Chit Chat Forum (Page 3).

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Great topic, thanks for starting the thread, muzzy.  I think the person definitely needs to be someone whose livelihood isn't a direct result from hunting and shooting only.  So someone who solely works for the NRA or is a writer in a shooting or hunting magazine wouldn't be the person we want.  A celebrity or other well known figure whose hobby is hunting and shooting would be a better bet.  Nugent I guess could be considered a celebrity, but he is surely NOT the type of celebrity I would want to see.  Someone like a Tom Selleck would surely be accepted sooner than a Nugent.  Sure, the anti gun and anti hunting media would mock most anyone who would be vocal in supporting shooting and hunting, but that does not mean we should put an unkept, trash talking looney up there as our spokesperson and think that it will somehow benefit us and make people accept us with any real seriousness.

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Relying on one person to be the hunting advocate is putting all of your eggs in one basket.

I'd rather have several people representing the sport.

You don't see PETA or HSUS totally relying on their leaders. Sure, they get some press, but they branch out to others who can be appealing to their cause and serve as a model.

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i do not look at Ted nugent as a "GREAT". i believe his ethics at times come across in the wrong way or i just dont agree with them in general. His overal demeaner can be taken in the wrong way at times as well. Some of the analogies he uses are sometimes far fetched and kind of weird to put it short... I do not look at him as a spokesmen for hunters due to the way he carries himself. However i do think he has stood up for hunters and the 2nd amendment for quite sometime, he gets his opinions and points across to stand up for what we believe and i am happy for that....

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I am not sure I would call him the "great" but he is definately a passionate guy. I like him and I think he does a lot of good for hunting and shooting. Does he fit all of what we want in a spokesperson? No, no one does. We need multiple spokespeople. Young, old, female, male, politician, celebrity, regular Joe or Sue. I think the more mainstream folks especially a few counry music stars and athletes need to speak more but they are afraid to hurt their paychecks by offending a person who may buy a CD or Ticket. We all need to be better spokespeople in my mind.

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Ok I have some theoretical picks I hope you all see where I'm heading with this.

Teddy Roosevelt

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington (I'm not kidding)

Any survivor of a tragedy where having a gun saved lives or not having one may have cost lives, preferably a woman, because more people will relate, ladies and gents. The person would have to be well spoken, have charisma and be beyond reproach, meaning no drug use or arrests.

As "fanatical" as some may call "Uncle Ted" I see his appeal to some, he's charismatic in the fact that he is so passionate, I actually think his passion undermines his ability to effectively convey his beliefs and skew people's opinion of him. Ted may be a bit extreme to some but his love for the outdoors and fervor for gun control are unmatched in my opinion.  I believe there are many people who could be a lot worse of a choice then "Uncle Ted".

Tell me what you think.

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    On a side note, I think our divisions about crossbows, AR's  etc. etc. are really retracting from the overall mission which should be to promote hunting and fishing to the younger generations and to educate the public at large that as hunters and fisherman we aren't the dumb, gun totting shoot at anything that moves in the woods and drink beer while hunting persona that is commonly associated with sportsmen.

    Now I do believe the persona is fading, and I'm very happy to see that, but there is a lot more work to be done and bickering amongst ourselves about different implements and if AR's work or QDM and food plots, we could all put aside our differences, we could realize a big difference in public perception and maybe win over a few Anti's.

    Lastly, last year I attended the DEC's meetings in Baldwin about what we as hunters would like to see change and inform us of some things the DEC itself would like to change, they asked for suggestions and instead of being productive people were arguing with the DEC and amongst each other. It was really sad, that we couldn't for a few hours look at the problems we all face and just get things done. I sound like a broken record but it's been simmering on my mind for a few months and I needed to get it off my chest.

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Just kidding. 

There shouldn't be a "face" of hunting rather an image.  I think it should be a group of people; atheletes, celebrities, musicians, politicians, and the everyday guys and girls combined.  The faces should change frequently but that image should remain.  This image should portray a respect towards their game, the woods, and non-hunters.  Everyone has skeletons and I don't like the thought of one person. 

On a side note I don't have the heartache for The Nuge that some people have.  He must have some clout in the hunting world, the old game hunter "Deer Hunter Revenge" (the one where deer hunted men) had a call you could use calling out an offer to meet The Nuge.  I miss that game.

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I like Ted's NON politically correct attitude.. he says what he means and means what he says.. he is one of the few that walks the walk... having said that.. i agree that even though I like his style I would not vote for a "face" but rather an image as well.. we have hunters in NY taking stances against other hunters.. over season lengths.. thats not much of an image

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I respect Ted as a well informed, well spoken, well known hunter and gun owner.  I don't think anyone can handle a firearm or hunting debate better than he can.  I've watched him on video, and heard him on the air, defending firearms ownership and hunting.  He knows his stuff, puts his money where his mouth is, and walks the walk.

Because of all of the above, I'm willing to overlook any personal shortcomings adversaries would like to point out, which have nothing to do with gun ownership or hunting.  Often the best emissaries we have, are the ones that get attacked the most.

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I have followed Ted Nugent for years and have no problem with him being a spokesperson for hunting and the 2nd amendment. Ted has done allot for the sports that we love while also teaching respect and using what you kill. Ted has also done allot for our troops that are over seas touring and helping to raise money for them. He is a solid citizen and very articulate, he does not let political correctness hamper his message and would be a good advocate for gun sports.

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The selleck/Rosie o'dumbell controversy went away very quickly when after she made the statement that no one in this country should have firearms,except police and the military.And then it was reported that her body guards that she employs to protect her "kids" and wife are ARMED!

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he sure is not who I would want. He has a whore to big business and will say anything to get another sponsor. He lasted not more than two years per bow sponsor. Now he feels he can best get more out of the NRA and there big business members.

Ted has been sponsored by 2 bow companies, Oneida and Martin. Hes been with Martin for quite some time now. Just sayin.

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Well i think ted is A GREAT guitarist and A Great musician.. He is a very active voice pro gun. At least he is out there saying it! As for the face?? not ideal.. but if you could get 20 more celebrities out there voicing their opinion as loud as ted you'ld really have something!

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Nugent is the best self promoter I have ever seen. Everything he says and does is done for one purpose - to promote himself and get paid. Preaches to the choir for the check - now or future. I have zero respect for him and refuse toconsider him a representative for me at any level.

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Nugent is the best self promoter I have ever seen. Everything he says and does is done for one purpose - to promote himself and get paid. Preaches to the choir for the check - now or future. I have zero respect for him and refuse toconsider him a representative for me at any level.

+1 I couldn't have said it better myself, and we don't even need to get in to all of the negative stuff from his life time he has done.

Now who would I choose, well I can't think of anyone honestly but it would have to be some one who hunts every thing and shoots all weapons. I know thats a tall order but we need some one representing hunting not just gun ownership in my opinion. Tom Selleck sounds good but what the hell do I know about him?

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Here you go fellas, here is your GREAT spokesman in action.  He is putting out a mighty fine image for us hunters and shooter with antics like this, don't you think?  Society has every reason to consider ALL hunters and shooters fine, upstanding citizens after their beloved spokesperson has such a tirade! 

Ted Nugent goes OFF on Obama in California

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I know thats a tall order but we need some one representing hunting not just gun ownership in my opinion.

I very much agree with this, Doe.  The two are intermixed too often and I don't think that is a good thing.  I think the hunters point of view can go a lot further with non-hunters when we don't bring the gun issues into it.

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I know thats a tall order but we need some one representing hunting not just gun ownership in my opinion.

I very much agree with this, Doe.  The two are intermixed too often and I don't think that is a good thing.  I think the hunters point of view can go a lot further with non-hunters when we don't bring the gun issues into it.

The way I see it, both sides of the gun control battle go to extreems from time to time. Look at what happened in Arizona as an example, the instant it happened the other side starting yelling for more controls and questioning how a lunatic got a gun...he wasn't diagnosed before hand so who really knew he was crazy besides his school? I fully understand the fighting back from the pro-gun groups when this happens but maybe if it is dialed back a bit we could gain more supporters.

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