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Trump protest why you lost get over it .

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25 minutes ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

I don't agree with that Steve. The only assistance I am looking for is in keeping the hand of the government out of my wallet and life and leaving what I worked hard for in my possession.  The far left counts on that hand to be firm, large  and frequent in grasping what we work hard for. 

Yes, I would prefer to give them less of my money also.  I could probably pay less taxes if I moved to another state.  But I would also have probably made considerably less money than I have living in this state all these years, and the opportunities in finding another job in my field if I happened to lose the one I had would have been considerably diminished also.  So there are drawbacks and you lose some and you gain elsewhere.   You'll never have everything and shouldn't think you ever will or that someone else will be so nice and hand it to you.

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Shocking video out of Chicago shows a mob of young black men viciously beating an older white man because he voted for Donald Trump, dragging him through the streets as he hangs out of the back of his car.

The clip shows the thugs repeatedly screaming, “you voted Donald Trump” as they assault the victim from every angle while others steal his belongings.

“You voted Trump,” the mob screams, “You gonna pay for that sh*t.”

Another woman shouts “beat his ass,” while another man is heard laughing before remarking, “Don’t vote Trump.”



The new reality folks. Get ready.  You won’t see this on CNN any time soon

Edited by Papist
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1 hour ago, Jeremy K said:

I'm really starting to realize how much of challenge it's going to be to raise my son to not be a self entitled cry baby, he is going to be surrounded by them at school all day.

I know the feeling we can only hope we raise them to think for themselves and not to expect anyone to do it for them. Actually have some work ethic unlike today's youth. I'm a school teacher for 7th and 8th grade and the lack of work ethic is disturbing. 

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1 hour ago, Papist said:



The new reality folks. Get ready.  You won’t see this on CNN any time soon

Looks like if you have a Trump sticker on your vehicle it might be a good time to remove it. I'm not afraid of confrontation but I like my vehicle the way it is, like with tires inflated and all the windows intact. If that were me I would have locked my doors and  had my pistol cocked, locked, and ready to rock although that was Chicago where you can't carry a pistol. If someone breaks my window to get at me the next thing they hear is the sound of a gun shot in their face. I'm sorry but I will not go down without a fight, I will protect myself and my family at all costs.

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8 minutes ago, Papist said:

Home school. My nieces and nephew are the most sensible and well adjusted folk as a result.

Not an option for my wife and I. She and I are both school teachers so it would be possible but the money she makes outweighs the impact the public school system could have on my son.

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5 minutes ago, Paula said:

I haven't read all this and I don't believe I have heard it on the news. 

I am curious how many of the protestors actually voted

Great point Paula!   Had the Dem vote, been the same turn out as the last two elections, Clinton would have won easily.

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3 hours ago, steve863 said:

Yeah, they don't hear what comes out of their mouths.  Granted there wasn't street demonstrations and people climbing lamp posts like you are seeing today from these clowns on the left, but 8 years ago when Obama won (and forever since) many on the right have been regurgitating that it was the end of our country as we knew it.  Guess what?  8 years later we now have Trump so things go in cycles in this world.  Just because Trump won this time doesn't mean that a far left-winger could rise up 4 or 8 years from now and get into office.  The problem with the paranoids on both the right and the left is that they somehow think that a president or political party will save them from doom and gloom.  That is BS.  One makes their own bed in this world and whether you will be successful and prosper is up to the individual.  If you work hard you will prosper, if you are a lazy butthole you won't, it's as simple as that.  Those who think that a president or political party will somehow make life better for them are all actually the same whether they are on the right or left of the spectrum.  They both have the same ideology that someone else will make life better for them, which will NEVER happen.  You either make your own life better or NO one else will.

I guess you have to count me as a paranoid right winger. While I agree with what you say...as of right now..today...what happens when we can't pay our debt? We are 20 Trillion in debt or about $58,000.00 for every man, women and child in our country. That figure is crazy and if doesn't scare the &%#$ out of you, it is my belief that it should. What happens when the bill comes due? 95% tax rate? Default and our dollar becomes like the peso? Yes that loaf of bread will $18299.99. (hopefully that is an exaggeration but who knows) Cut off every person in this country that is receiving benefits? Imagine the chaos. I have no idea when that bill will become due...10 yrs, 20, 50, 100....Its coming...When that day comes it won't matter what kind of bed you have made for yourself and all you have worked for......We doubled our Debt over 8 years...on the current path we will be at 35 trillion in 8 more or about $100,000.00 for every man women and child in the country....I am not sure we actually survived 8 years of Obama...the future is unwritten....

Edited by ApexerER
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4 hours ago, grampy said:

Though I would have been more than a bit upset to have the Hilldebeast as my President. I would not have taken to the streets in protest! I did not protest when Obama was elected, twice! I just griped to myself and a few close friends and family. And waited until my vote made a difference! If you don't like the people in office now. Just wait awhile. The door is always revolving. There are plenty of checks and balances in the US constitution to prevent "any" President, from going too far over the edge.

They are paid by the DMC to do that just more lies and corruption from the left .

This is exacty why hilderbeast lost people are waking up to this kind of bs 

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3 hours ago, Papist said:

Yep because they are the ones more then anyone else competing for those jobs that illegals are taking .

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1 hour ago, Paula said:

I haven't read all this and I don't believe I have heard it on the news. 

I am curious how many of the protestors actually voted

A lot of them probably aren't old enough or they can't read or write to fill out voter application form. 

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One article on the California protests said it started with high school students walking out and going to a college campus and got them to walk out too.

Supposedly, some the students were children of illegals and came here illegally themselves with their parents.

i don't recall peaceful assembly including setting trash on fire and damaging police cars.   Obviously they didn't listen in History (now called Global Studies) class about Dr. King, Ghandi, ...  Maybe they studied the Black Panthers instead.

I would have been on the receiving end of my dad's belt for doing crap like that.  No respect these days.  My kids know better and aren't happy about persons who do this crap either.

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Perfect quote on dealing with the election of President A-Hole...

“We refuse to recognize Donald Trump as the president of the United States, and refuse to take orders from a government that puts bigots into power,” the organizers wrote. (This kinda sounds like some of you here when talking about gov't attempts at gun control)

“We have to make it clear to the public that we did not choose this man for office and that we won’t stand for his ideologies.”

From Facebook page titled “Not My President” 

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After reading some of the narrow, and uninformed views of others I am not sure how Americans will sleep tonight knowing that these views are out there of Trump.

Seems that the ones who scream racist and call others deplorable live in glass houses. It was an election and while I grasp the severity and totality of the issues at hand how, can we be possibly worse off than if Hillary won...

Rest easy America will be a country we can ALL be proud of again.......We have changed direction as we often have in history. Change is always good, especially if we grow and learn from within that change.

I am confident that Trump will not be a "one man band" and will knowing surround himself with a knowledgeable staff with sound judgement and reason.

If not we, Americans, can throw him out of the White House in four years.


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4 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Perfect quote on dealing with the election of President A-Hole...

“We refuse to recognize Donald Trump as the president of the United States, and refuse to take orders from a government that puts bigots into power,” the organizers wrote. (This kinda sounds like some of you here when talking about gov't attempts at gun control)

“We have to make it clear to the public that we did not choose this man for office and that we won’t stand for his ideologies.”

From Facebook page titled “Not My President” 

Like you all paid for by George Soros and affiliates. 

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