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I never use to tip....


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Delivery people...Then the internet arrived and shopping on line..I still won't tip FedX.... man they are a disaster...sorry but mine really is. My UPS guy gets a Christmas tip..I know they get payed fairly well ..but I also know he puts up with a lot...For one thing the pot holes in our long dirt drive( the whole "shoe maker with no shoes" thing:rolleyes:) and having to maneuver between two big maples ...But he is here a lot ,nearly every single day in Dec....Gives me deer sighting tips ...lets me know who got what deer in the area ect...ect...The mail people get tips depending...lately they keep putting new ones on so I do not know how well they will do...Then again a good tip could help:wink:

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I didn't know tipping FedEx guys is even a thing.  I never do because 99% of the time I don't even see them.  I guess my giving the concierge a Christmas gift is by extension tipping  FedEx?


I only tip service industry workers who depend a good portion of their wage on tips.  I always had a question about cab drivers.  What is considered good cab service versus bad cab service?  Getting me to my destination safely?  Were they going to crash the car if they knew I wasn't going to tip?  Them getting me there quickly isn't solely for my benefit; it's also so they can pick up the next fare as well.

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Fed Ex and UPS have been here a ton the last few weeks. But I see a different driver every time. I wouldn't consider any of them a customer service industy. Now if you got a regular who goes the extra mile. Checks where you prefer packages put, the dogs like, gives you buck sighting tips....Hey spread the joy if it warms your heart!! 

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Years back when we redid the kitchen , and all the old cabnets and such were piled at the road for pick up, I helped the garbage man and under the last one was a 12 pack for him . After that I could have left dead bodies and he would have taken them .

My Mail man is great and always tosses a biscuit to our dog, he gets a tip .

Our adult paperboy also gets a nice tip . My paper is placed at my door, my neighbors get tossed out of his car window and maybe half way up his driveway .....

Back when I was a paperboy people who did not tip got the torn or wet papers , or if I was shorted none at all . 

Every time I pass a Red Kettel bell ringer I always give .

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We don't go over board 25-30 dollar gift certificates to Wegmans They get fruit and veggies during season and I buy a bag of tiny dog biscuits for him to hand out... ...I figure they either will be entertaining...or needing lunch or dinner once in a while during working......When I can count on packages not being damaged or hanging off the mail box for drive by snatches...It's worth every penny...plus I make sure the turn around and at least the end of drive,from town plow, is clear and I clear 25 feet before mail box and 15 ft past it...this allows the driver to pull up close and drive away with out spinning or catching the macadam lip with the tires too bad.

I watched the FedX kid open the back door to boxes tumbling out the back and then closing the door on the edge of a big flat screen...I heard the crunch and the box was crushed at the corner.....nothing stacked safely just tossed in. I do not know how he found ours...but did and then handed this oversized box to me that was pretty heavy ..lol..One just walked a box half way down the drive and left it there in the middle...Glad we got home before dark and didn't back down the drive...I have left instructions for packages to be left at a specific door(avoids the weather) they just can't do it..I've gotten home to soaked packages...no tips will they see... We have no choice on whether FedX delivers some stuff...it's other companies decisions.

We get stuff from companies and it's always very nice this time of year and appreciated...5#'s of great cheddar came home last night. a yearly treat...bottles of goodies and what not.

Edited by growalot
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11 hours ago, ApexerER said:

Jeez, I thought we were nice. Maybe we are cheap. My wife always makes bags of cookies for the mail lady garbage man and schwans man. I have no idea who our UPS guy is...Never seen him. Never use FedEx....

Cookies are always good!

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On December 14, 2016 at 8:44 PM, growalot said:

OMG...My UPS guy just delivered 2 packages...8:49pm...Poor guy...he's usually here by 4..It's going to be a rough holiday for him...

Well anything over 8 hours in a day is time and a half for him, I'm sure it gets old but the check is nice .

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Tipping is one of my "hot buttons". Who do you tip? When is their service above &/or beyond their normal duties? Do I consider it a tip for exceptional service or them merely pan-handling or playing me? Irks me when you go into a Chinese take-out or a local pizza/sub joint and there always seems to be a tip jar on the counter. WTH is that for?? Live in a mostly rural area, so tipping a taxi driver for getting me directly from Pt-A to Pt-B alive is a little confusing to me!

Use to give the mailman a Christmas bonus (tip) mostly because I went to HS with him and he delivered daily. Also use to give the garbage men bonus 12pks or Xmas cookies because they were the same local guys every week and took everything I put out. I'm no Scrooge, but when the mail is delivered by 3-4 different carriers. Or the refuse company is located 30-40mi away and have different guys p/u every week. Or not being on a 1st name basis with UPS/FedEx people that make infrequent deliveries. Probably no tips or Xmas bonus for them!!

Completely different scenario when I go somewhere to eat!! Always tip at least the minimum and generally a little too liberally. Depending on......

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Our garbage guy uses a lift arm to pick up our containers, never even leaves the truck.  I'm not sure how I would even give them a tip?  Stay at the end of the driveway until they show up?   Mailman, never met.  UPS? Never met, and they "can't find our house using GPS." So they won't deliver, I have everything sent to my work address instead.

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I reward a job done well...Example...I Ordered a corn hole game..regulation size...FED X was the delivery company that the place I ordered from used...Now I am a 59 yr old woman with arthritis in my hands and knees,and other issues...This 20-30 yr. old driver unloaded a box that was all tore up and proceeded to drag it, one corner on the drive through the snow to the wrong door on deck. Mr B was on the tractor and watched the whole thing. He brought it to the right door called me out to open the box.. he held the box as I pulled the 2ftx4ft wooden pieces up out and into the house...never having to drag it..It wasn't THAT heavy! I have never had the UPS guy do anything like that and packages are never damaged...But he is not a lazy little pup either...


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I generally just tip waitresses, bartenders and the pizza delivery guy.

Many years ago my parents used to leave a fifth of Seagram's  in the mailbox every xmas for the mailman. At that time we had to walk about 1/4 mile to the mailbox because the route did not come down our road.  I got lots of good exercise walking back and forth to the mailbox every day checking to see if my " Captain America secret de-coder ring" had arrived yet.

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Today Mr.B met me in the city and helped wrap up some shopping then went to Carrabbas for lunch..first time...What a great meal...Our waitress was so good. a young college student MCC..Gave use a free sunday to share because we were first time customers.....Any ways I gave her a cash tip and payed the bill with my card...she came back with the bills and sheepishly said...are you sure?...LOL I said Merry Christmas!...You couldn't peel the smile off her face if you tried...Mr B said you made her day...I said probably her week too...Worth every single penny to see that smile and hear that genuine thank you...

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