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Tell me what is it about old guys....


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and "off colored jokes? I figured this being a predominately male site someone could enlighten me. I have noted for years and years the older men get the more they are prone to telling,about anyone in ear shot off colored jokes..Now I'll admit this may be a thing with older woman as well though not in public...I have heard some..jaw dropping jokes from older ladies...is it a diminish verbal censor we all have. Lowering of inhibitions as we age?

 I let an old guy cut in front of me in line...next thing I know he is just chatting away...I have to admit my mind was wandering  "how can he be talking so fast, he must have been an auctioneer, OMG look how dirty his clothes are" Ok the last one wasn't nice but really. The whole time I was smiling ,nodding and occasionally agreeing, I have little idea of what he said. The clerk distracted him a moment and I turned away...the guy behind me just chuckled...then it happened...He is about to leave when he turns to me and says " tThey did a survey after the election, Asking Monica  Lewinsky did you vote for Hilary Clinton this election? She replied , No the last Clinton I voted for left a bad taste in my mouth! He then smiled ear to ear and walked away. :blink:

I think the whole store heard me laugh...not at the joke but his parting gift to me LOL I believe it may have made his entire day from the expression on his face

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1 hour ago, Paula said:

They think it's ok because get  they are old.

Also have you ever noticed the older men get the more sensitive they seem to be

And what the  ***** do you mean by THAT  ..??..!!.... Damn kids, anyway..!!.....<<smile>>...

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I started cracking "inappropriate" jokes when I was around 13. Had a soap mouthwash more then a few times when my mom over heard me telling them. That was 32 years ago, and I still like to hear and tell raunchy jokes now and then. Pretty sure many on here remember the bars that were aimed solely at outdoors people, the jokes in those bars were usually not for the what we now call the "Politically Correct".

What does age have to do with cracking a joke in public? Seriously, far more people do worse and more disgusting things in public then crack an ill liked joke. What I hate is when they take the last steak that was on sale, now that pi$$3$ me off!

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4 hours ago, ATbuckhunter said:

I think once people get a certain age they no longer care what people think and say anything they like

Getting older has nothing to do with that.I'm  only 48 and have never cared what other people thought. I have always said anything I wanted. Started that the moment I learned about freedom of speech. It's not freedom of speech if I have to watch what I say because someone may not like what they hear is it? You see it more in older people, men and women because the younger ones are afraid of offending someone or worry about what others might think about them. I don't live my life to please others and neither do most older folks. Isn't that part of what this country was founded on freedom to not have to worries about what others think about what you do or say.

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Can't help myself, I am a Slut.:taunt:

An old guy, not in the best of shape, was working out in the local gym. Looking around, he spotted a beautiful sweet young babe.

He asked the trainer who was helping a client nearby, hey coach, "What machine in here should I use to impress that cute, sweet young thing over there?"

The trainer looked him up and down slowly and carefully, and then said, "I would try the ATM in the lobby".

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Out of likes...my filter left me at 50. I  told my in-laws...I'm now old enough to have earned the right  to tell you what I really think and not care if anyone doesn't like it. Other than that..I've always spoke my mind.The telling of off colored jokes will never happen. I can't remember any jokes to save my life. The one he told me is the exception, only because I found the circumstances funnier than the joke. I've visited a few assisted living places over the years. They have for the most part been a hoot. I can only hope I can have someone say that about me when I get to be old...Then again..I have no plans on getting old. I May fall apart,but never get old...:wink:

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Age is not an excuse. My grandfather (Mom's side) is 89 and plays golf every week with all walks of life and never says anything inappropriate.

My grandma (Dad's side) is 93 and travels to NYC weekly on a bus with her 55 and over condo club to go to lunch and Broadway shows, etc. again with all walks of life and Doesn't get racial or disrespectful.

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It's a sign of the times. Up until about 20 years ago, everyone told ethnic and smutty jokes, nobody thought anything of it. Comedians like Red Foxx, Andrew Dice Clay, and Eddie Murphy made a career out of it and were popular. Nobody heard of the term "sexual harrassment", we kept Penthouse Playmate calendars up in the meatroom of the butcher shop where I worked, nobody was offended by it. Now the whole world is PC, and you have to walk on egg shells around everyone it seems, especially at work. :( 

Some old guys (I'm almost in the club) just don't care, I guess they know their days on the planet are numbered, and they're gonna have a little fun before they go. It doesn't bother me in the least, I always enjoy a good laugh or joke, as long as it's not meant in a mean-spirited way.

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Ya Biz............ the kids of the farmer and his wife, we bought our land from thought the same thing...until one day one of their 13 kids and I  were talking and I casually said, "I miss your parents we had some great times sitting around their kitchen table talking and laughing...Man your mom knew some wild jokes." ...Well the shock on their face said it all...ooopppsss...I don't care they were a couple of fun elder people to chat with. She could tell a mean joke for an 89 yr old..

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Ya Biz............ the kids of the farmer and his wife, we bought our land from thought the same thing...until one day one of their 13 kids and I  were talking and I casually said, "I miss your parents we had some great times sitting around their kitchen table talking and laughing...Man your mom knew some wild jokes." ...Well the shock on their face said it all...ooopppsss...I don't care they were a couple of fun elder people to chat with. She could tell a mean joke for an 89 yr old..

Nothing wrong with dirty jokes, etc. I'm a wise ass as well. I meant there is no excuse for old people who get racial towards random people (waiters, etc.)

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