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Live From The Woods 2017 edition!


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Still in stand. 7 does and a 7 pointer so far. The 7 was chasing the does all around for almost 2 hours. He disappeared for awhile so I hit the rattle bag and I look down the field and here he comes on a dead run lookin for a fight. Just need a big boy to do that now. Fun to watch nonetheless.
I know one things for sure. This place is overrun with red squirrels. They need to thin the herd a bit lol.
The one guy with us saw a giant last night. Couldn’t get a shot. He said the mass was unreal. Could be any moment now.....

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O ya forgot to mention that when I talked to my wife last night she said the biggest 8 point she’s ever seen was walking out of my food plot and across the road into my neighbors yard. Of course the big ones come through when I’m not home! Lol. Hoping my trail cams picked up some nice bucks while I’m gone. The week I get home is gonna be a good one I think.

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Headed in to check cams. Looking forward to cam I moved over a scrape. Turkey thumper slung over shoulder. 9H. 36. 10mph south wind. Light drizzle. About to find out if creek is going to fill up new boots I'm breaking in. 

Let's see how close you can get to one before you shoot it, I think I still hold the distance to beat at roughly 9ft.

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Let me start this comment with an UGH! I got up in the stand at 6:30 for a quick sit before work. Nice, quiet entry. Dabbed a little Doe smell good on the bottom of my pant legs. Started watching the clock as 7:45 was supposed to be as late as I should sit. At 7:50 I slowly started to wrap up. Put arrow in quiver and lowered bow. Took safety strap off. Climbed down ladder stick. Untied bow and reset bow tow line. Paused for a few seconds to listen. And Boom! 20 feet from me a buck didn’t like what he saw and took a few hard hard leaps out of view. A held my position and a few seconds later he let out two blows. I slowly knocked an arrow so I didn’t get attacked coming out of woods. Walked up to the house and got ready for work.

Moral of the story: I hate when work gets in the way of my hunting.

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Tell me about it

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30 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

Is this your honey hole.  I wondered which biggamefish it was on the sign.  Sorry.  

You are in MY honey hole? We areally going to have to have a talk!  Just to let you know I married into an Italian family and they are in the garbage business!!  Lol

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Didn't hear or see a thing this am.  Sat in spot where I'm getting pics of the deer we named Dark Knight last year and have new pics this year. Perfect wind for it, which don't always happen. Just the deer weren't there today. Tried rattling and nothing. Was thinking today was gonnna be good after such a busy buck day yesterday.  But.....I did get 2 leftover doe tags for 7f and 7j!  

This pm pending rain. 

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Did a  2 1/2 hr. sit this morning. Had two different spikes come through 10 minutes apart staying in the thick stuff. First one couldn't have weighed 60 lbs. but had antlers about 6" high. Got down & scouted a little bit....not a lot of sign and they don't appear to be in the roaming mode here yet.

Tons of squirrels out & about. The wind picked up and the rain started about noon. Got home and the idiot across the road was mowing his lawn. 40 degrees, wind & rain. :crazy:. I gave that up two weeks ago.

Off to get a DMP for another area I hunt and back at it this afternoon if the rain stops.

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20 minutes ago, biggamefish said:

You are in MY honey hole? We areally going to have to have a talk!  Just to let you know I married into an Italian family and they are in the garbage business!!  Lol

Blame Pygmy.  He said he uses that honey hole all of the time and gave me permission.  Never mentioned it wasn't his honey hole.  

And after marrying a Guatemalan, sleeping with the fishes doesn't seem so scary.  

But out of deep respect I will leave your honey hole alone.   Keep an eye on Pygmy however.  

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Just hedgerows and a 10acre ravine that's too thick to hunt.
There is a small chunk of open hardwoods but deer don't bed in it because it's very open.
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Hunt the edge of the ravine find travel corridor leading in and out

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Ok , I'm in the stand. We got our 800 lbs of deer feed out, the camera crew is setup, we just got done doing live shots on the way in with pretty gals in tight camo that have never hunted anything that wasn't in the mall in their life.

We have passed on a bunch of cull 5 year old 10 and 12 pointers . Waiting for a decent mature buck to come in.  

While we wait would like to thank my sponsors........Bradley's Tire Rotation Center-"where you wait and we rotate", aunt Betty's diner - where every slice of pie comes Al a mode for the month of November (thats with ice cream) and lastly uncle Edward buck lure....which is just my uncle Ed who gave me a jar of pee and I was afraid to ask why......


Lol .....ok it's a little slow in the stand today!  Haha

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