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Live From The Woods 2017 edition!


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Three doe came charging in right at sundown. Hung out under my stand for 20 mins. The lead doe would not get over the evercalm... kept coming back. She was curious about an unfamiliar smell. Never spooked. They all kept looking up, but never made me. Date night, so I was late...

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Worst hunting attempt ever total fail. So I woke up this morning with a sore throats and stuffed up nose. Mind you my 3 month old has been sick for a few days. Got my dr to call me in a scrip for a z pack got some halls and told the wife we were headed to camp
Any way. She was not happy about it as we are doing a small renovation there and the house is a little dusty. Any way we go and about 3/4 of the way there she realizes she left the bag with all the babies stuff at home. Now she's pissed and doesn't want to stay the night. I agree and say let me hunt the pm sit and we will leave tonight and go home. Fast forward a few hours a get everything I need take one of my climbers load it on my atv and take the street to the top of my place found a great funnel I want to hunt. Walk in get climber set up realize I left the tree strap to my safety harness back at the house... I contemplated going back to get it and in my mind make the poor decision to climb the tree without it. I step up on the climber plactform stick my hand in my pocket and notice my atv key is gone. Spend over an hour searching the forest floor, finally find it. Sad screw it. Went to the house and drove home

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I forgot my strap a few years ago so I climbed to 8’ (I know it’s still not smart). I killed a nice buck that day, he came in chasing a doe I could have been on the ground for all he cared

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Yea I know. lol I'm over it already

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I once drove to my spot on the afternoon forgot by bow drove back home. Had to pick a closer spot near home, not crazy about it cuz of the wind.......shot a huge doe in the second spot lol

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Did an afternoon sit til dark. Way to warm. Didn't see a thing from the stand and at 6:30 on the way out spotted a big buck feeding in the field. To dark to count points but he was wide and tall. Time to break out the power scrape and hit some of the scrapes near me to try and draw him in. :bb:

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I didn't see a thing after I climbed up. I got home and my 9yr old climbed up on his stand and saw 9 doe and a six point. He even took pics with his iPad to show me when I came home, darn kid had them all around him.

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Checked cams today before hunting this afternoon. Can't believe the amount of daytime activity in the past 2 days! Probably got pics of 7-8 different bucks! Prior to this, 99% of my pics have been at night. Finally!!

I saw 2 single fawns wandering around aimlessly. 

Things are progressing!


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