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Home sick today.....took some of my maxed out 450 hours of sick time. Haven't had a cold in three years and this is making up for it. 
But was watching cooking shows and they took 3 ounces of bacon grease poured it into a decanter of bourbon and let it set for 6 hours.  Then put it in an ice bath for a few minutes and cleaned out all the fat off the top and made smokey bacon bourbon.  Interesting. 

Sounds like a great way to get the Hershey Squirts!

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15 hours ago, crappyice said:


I feel like Pygmy would like the label so....cheers- May the fleas of a thousand camels attack your crotch!!!

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Sounds like Karnak.....May a crazed electrician hotwire you sister.....<<smile>>...



Edited by Pygmy
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On 12/14/2019 at 12:40 AM, crappyice said:


I feel like Pygmy would like the label so....cheers- May the fleas of a thousand camels attack your crotch!!!

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Ha crappy, thanks for the camel reference, so years and years ago when I was much younger my brother and I were sitting around the table with my grandfather (passed away now) and he thru them words at a telemarketer, I had never heard anything like it... Laughed and laughed at that one, thanks for bringing back memories!!

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