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Quit your Bitching!


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A maintenance guy here said he wants "her" number. lol

Actually, that pretty young lady reminds me of one of my old girlfriends.

Good Ol' Mabel Nerdberger.

What a woman..She would have been durn near perfect except for her hairlip, cauliflower ears and that embarrassing feminine hygiene problem.

Mabel and I had some high times <wink>...

We'd probably still be together if she hadn't run off with that damn Greek Vaseline salesman....Slippery SOB.....

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I bet he would go to every dinner he was invited but wants to act like he would not because he is above that. Again I agree wt heck is he complaining about? I see nothing on his post but compliments...

This is a forum, opinions will vary, and I agree with many on this site that if you earn the deer it is a trophy plain and simple, size is irrelevant it's the effort and time spent that makes it worth it.

And that is why so many complain about the stupid graveyard post, I would never hunt a cemetary plot... And I think many would pass on a monster buck hunt in a cemetary... It's called MORALS and some have none like the poachers the DEC caught...

Nice story to tell: yea I went to the cemetary and waited for the monster buck to come to me with my hand our like I had food then wacked it. Im a great hunter right!

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This thread is full of Ehhhlll Ohhhh Ehllll.

I bet he's caught some rash in another venue (in person, hearsay, another forum, etc.) and he blew his load. Killing big deer sometimes is a curse...the smart ones really keep it under wraps.

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This thread is full of Ehhhlll Ohhhh Ehllll.

I bet he's caught some rash in another venue (in person, hearsay, another forum, etc.) and he blew his load. Killing big deer sometimes is a curse...the smart ones really keep it under wraps.

Phade..Are you suggesting that the OP is not one of the smart ones...??

I agree....He may be one of the highly skilled and arrogant ones..I know a few of those guys and I do not not want to dismiss thier hunting skills. They are generally a pain in the ass to put up with though.. He also may be one of the LUCKY ones, who kills a big buck or two and decides that he is a superior hunter... They are even MORE of a pain in the ass to tolerate.

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People have GOT to get over themselves. My yearling doe thread was pounced upon. It was funny as heck. Bucks do not taste as good as doe's... Unless you season the crap out of them. God bless America and the freedom that some of us have bled for. So please folks GO hunting taking your kids with and kill anything that you will EAT. We killed a few bucks the last 3 weekends on the property I hunt and I'm having the hArdest time finding a recipe for the damned horns. Deadeer can you help a fellow hunter out, seems u got 'sperience in dis matter. Only kidding. ;). HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!

John, thank god I don't have yo yob!

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I'm so glad GROW decided to join us ! I see that SHE can handle the baritone, while I sing soprano.

Grow, Sweeheart...I just LOVE the peek-a-boo zebra skin dress..!!..

Did you shoot it YOURSELF ??..

funny you know that its called a peek-a-boo

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People have GOT to get over themselves. My yearling doe thread was pounced upon. It was funny as heck. Bucks do not taste as good as doe's... Unless you season the crap out of them. God bless America and the freedom that some of us have bled for. So please folks GO hunting taking your kids with and kill anything that you will EAT. We killed a few bucks the last 3 weekends on the property I hunt and I'm having the hArdest time finding a recipe for the damned horns. Deadeer can you help a fellow hunter out, seems u got 'sperience in dis matter. Only kidding. ;). HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!

John, thank god I don't have yo yob!

I'll be damned if I handed you some venison to eat if you could tell me if it came from a buck or a doe... and I still don't get why some of you think that the horns are for eating... it's more like getting a prize in your cereal!! Yes.. God bless America for allowing me the freedom to take a buck with inedible antlers then eat the meat that carried those antlers around. :drinks:

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Because that is how everyone here pisses and moans about every other success story. God forbid someone harvests a 16, 18, 20 , or 22 point buck. The shooter must provide a DNA sample in order to justify their success. You want want proof on my kill (14 point, 183 4/8, 210lbs)....Guess what???? Kiss it! What is wrong with celebrating with those who harvest amazing deer? Shut the hell up and celebrate with them! If you cannot shoot them...join them!

Plus it will be interesting to see who has the balls and integrity to fess up to their sensitive-ass whining and crying.

SG0331 seems to be obsessed with our balls. Wonder if he's putting his 14 pointers on the wall or if he'll take them to all those diners?
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SG0331 seems to be obsessed with our balls. Wonder if he's putting his 14 pointers on the wall or if he'll take them to all those diners?

Dave..Do you suppose he EATS thier antlers and puts thier BALLS on the wall ?

I have heard the expression " Balls To The Wall", but I never knew it was taken LITERALLY....

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People have GOT to get over themselves. My yearling doe thread was pounced upon. It was funny as heck. Bucks do not taste as good as doe's... Unless you season the crap out of them. God bless America and the freedom that some of us have bled for. So please folks GO hunting taking your kids with and kill anything that you will EAT. We killed a few bucks the last 3 weekends on the property I hunt and I'm having the hArdest time finding a recipe for the damned horns. Deadeer can you help a fellow hunter out, seems u got 'sperience in dis matter. Only kidding. ;). HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!

John, thank god I don't have yo yob!

I hear that, my buck I shot this yr is terrible. He's so tough that even crock potting a roast all day doesnt improve it. Tough as nails. The only thing that was temder were the tender loins. Back straps are tough as nails to, even when left a little bloody. Looks like the rest of him, I havent turned into sausage, might get a trip to reliable to get turned into sausage links for the grill.

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I hear that, my buck I shot this yr is terrible. He's so tough that even crock potting a roast all day doesnt improve it. Tough as nails. The only thing that was temder were the tender loins. Back straps are tough as nails to, even when left a little bloody. Looks like the rest of him, I havent turned into sausage, might get a trip to reliable to get turned into sausage links for the grill.

Aw, kwitcherbitchin! ...........................Lol....I've been dying to use that new word.

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I hear that, my buck I shot this yr is terrible. He's so tough that even crock potting a roast all day doesnt improve it. Tough as nails. The only thing that was temder were the tender loins. Back straps are tough as nails to, even when left a little bloody. Looks like the rest of him, I havent turned into sausage, might get a trip to reliable to get turned into sausage links for the grill.

I think you need a new crock pot then or you aren't cooking it long enough.. you can get a boot to be tender in a crock pot!!

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People have GOT to get over themselves. My yearling doe thread was pounced upon. It was funny as heck. Bucks do not taste as good as doe's... Unless you season the crap out of them. God bless America and the freedom that some of us have bled for. So please folks GO hunting taking your kids with and kill anything that you will EAT. We killed a few bucks the last 3 weekends on the property I hunt and I'm having the hArdest time finding a recipe for the damned horns. Deadeer can you help a fellow hunter out, seems u got 'sperience in dis matter. Only kidding. ;). HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!

John, thank god I don't have yo yob!

HAHAHAA thats great because when i said ive seen thread were people knock small dear i was called a "liar"..lol..I guess im not the only one!!

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HAHAHAA thats great because when i said ive seen thread were people knock small dear i was called a "liar"..lol..I guess im not the only one!!

My, what an easily understood and articulate post !

Have you and your little brother been sniffing that glue again ?

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Well, I will try to post this wherever I can. I joined this forum to share stories and celebrate harvests with fellow hunters. Sadly to my dismay I was severely misinterpreted by the ideology of this website. Everywhere a hunter has attempted to post his/her success, there has been the usual suspects who attempt to assassinate their character based upon their success. I am not a professional hunter and I do not hunt for bone only. I hunt deer to feed my family period! A doe or 14 point buck will both feed my family. Unfortunately, many of the post here lead to a cock fight of mine is bigger than yours, which is completely stupid. I shot a big buck this year and I will be going to many conventions and dinners because of the animal I shot. I know it will be a cock fest and I will probably not go because of that reason. I have come to learn that many of you hunters in New York State are some uppity self-bias bone chasers. GOD forbid someone harvest a deer larger that is larger than you may ever see. If they have, it does not mean the deer was illegally taken.

The amount of time you spend on this web-site leads me to believe you spend more time on this site then in the woods. Do not blame others for your shortcoming. Get your ass out into the woods and HUNT! Quit expecting the deer to owe your punk-ass something. They don’t, and every other hunter does not either. If you do not like it then change your game!!!!


This website started well back in the day and was overthrown, prior to the rename even, by a number of narcissistic know it alls who instantly go for blood when threatened. This place should be call the "I want" club house.

If mentioned antlers on here you will be persecuted. Most guys on here rather be a keyboard bully than admit they suck at hunting or focus their energizes on websites and the actions to which we are supposed to be convening here to discuss.

For the few good hearted members with contributions or questions posed there appears to be the other 90% whom try to force their thoughts/arrogance as fact while continuing the close minded flock of dumbdumb righteous orange consumers thumbing the chest of those with untrheatened passions and half a brain.

Yup it is your legal ability to shoot baby deer, immature deer or whatever you want. The state recommends you dont on their website and in literature. In the southern zone it is about self control and understanding the ecosystem. Gun yourself that handsome 3 pt fawn because there is no law against it....but dont puff your chest out to those of us that can find more in the experience than blasting the first brown thing that walks by. Keep taking away from the experience. Ever seen the loser buying bait at Gander or Dicks.... lazy cheaters....like ...um....SIMPLY PUT- guys who shoot little bucks do so because they feel/know they cannot do better. Be honest with yourself and others...

I am sure you willcome out in droves to protect your childish behavior because no one likes the truth...enjoy your tough guy rebuttals.... I couldnt care less nor will even entertain reading them as I am in the woods doing something enjoyable and productive.

Edited by gjs4
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