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looks like democrats going to try and steal the election

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So, according to the socialists of the 2016 election, I am looking for the time when we conservatives are supposed start the primal screams with the tears of anguish streaming down our faces and the screams of, "Biden is not our President." And of course we are supposed to vow that we will paralyze the country with resistance without a care of what's good for the nation. That's the left's version of losing an election. Country be damned, we need to throw a tantrum. You all remember how it went......right?

And when that doesn't work, we can do a little burning and looting. Isn't that the way we are supposed to react?

But, you know what, all that probably won't happen will it?

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20 minutes ago, Doc said:

But, you know what, all that probably won't happen will it?

Nope, I never did it for Obama or Clinton. They were the POTUS, and the office had my respect and support even if I didn't personally care for the occupant.

For 2021, I'll hold my nose and admit that President Harris is indeed our President.

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24 minutes ago, Doc said:

So, according to the socialists of the 2016 election, I am looking for the time when we conservatives are supposed start the primal screams with the tears of anguish streaming down our faces and the screams of, "Biden is not our President." And of course we are supposed to vow that we will paralyze the country with resistance without a care of what's good for the nation. That's the left's version of losing an election. Country be damned, we need to throw a tantrum. You all remember how it went......right?

And when that doesn't work, we can do a little burning and looting. Isn't that the way we are supposed to react?

But, you know what, all that probably won't happen will it?

Hopefully not.  Hopefully it'll just be a bunch of nonsense whining and fake news about the election being 'stolen'.

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13 hours ago, phantom said:

I really don't understand the point you are trying to make. Regardless of where they live the vote is split pretty much down the middle; even though the majority of upper NY may be leaning toward republican.

That is why we still have "Cumo" for governor. The Democrats control this state and keep voting him in. Where you live has no bearing on the outcome of any election. Votes are votes regardless of where they come from.


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3 hours ago, BowmanMike said:

People should make money. But in my mind one also has a responsibility to the employees. Free market means the CEO's try to get away with whatever you can,human nature. Bigger companies have bigger pull. Have you ever seen a 15 employee company getting tax breaks for opening up in a certain area? Or getting subsidies like big oil?If the top earner in a company makes 400x more money than the lowest paid worker,what do you call that? Appropriate? I call that greedy a.f.

I agree in part except who is going to do that who gets to decide? that person will become like a king  ?   The guys in gov only do things  for the people who pay  them lobbyist  or family   just like everyone else on the earth  human nature   Money  talks even  if we had socialism or communism   its the same thing the only difference is there are even fewer people  with any  money at all   the government has it all already  so they don't need to help anyone because you already gave them all the power guns army and all the money  so basically unless you know someone in gov you get totally f over . They give you what they want and if you say anything against it  they jail you  for hate speech , why do you think shit from china is so cheap slave labor basically  your idea of gov deciding  who makes what is what they have in china  don't think you would like it.  BE CARFULL  FOR WHAT YOU WISH FOR. 

in a free market you vote with your money .  you are free to buy stuff or not you are free to work for what ever the market price is for your skills  you are all so free if you don't like it to start your own company  and pay your guys more and you less .   the only real freedom is economic  freedom and  property rights   with out that you have nothing .





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18 minutes ago, Steve D said:

I really don't understand the point you are trying to make. Regardless of where they live the vote is split pretty much down the middle; even though the majority of upper NY may be leaning toward republican.

That is why we still have "Cumo" for governor. The Democrats control this state and keep voting him in. Where you live has no bearing on the outcome of any election. Votes are votes regardless of where they come from.


what  happens if  I put a group  few thousands  people that always vote democrat'  in a place  where most people vote independent  what happens is those groups  that vote in democratic  blocks  can keep a place  blue for ever   even when the place is run like shit Chicago for example  elections  normally should  go  independent   or  go  50/50 either way  the way a real democracy  should be know   ?

that's the point  when you see places year after year ran like crap  and still going blue all the time something is wrong and the votes are coming only from one part of  the state year after year. That's the point 


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you talk about trump and taxes when all the billionaire   class backed biden and the democrat's spending billions in this election to take out trump they did that because they are going to pay more in tax right that's what you think LOL 

You might be just referring to a hand full of billionaires. Most billionaires are red.

Here is an interesting article.


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1 minute ago, Elmo said:
6 hours ago, phantom said:
you talk about trump and taxes when all the billionaire   class backed biden and the democrat's spending billions in this election to take out trump they did that because they are going to pay more in tax right that's what you think LOL 

You might be just referring to a hand full of billionaires. Most billionaires are red.

Here is an interesting article.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

fallow the money the democrat's are getting most the billionaire money  who do you think owns all the media poor people lol its a fixed deck then trump came along and  decided  he was going to go independent and Both sides did not like that   and went after him .

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43 minutes ago, phantom said:

that's the point  when you see places year after year ran like crap  and still going blue all the time something is wrong and the votes are coming only from one part of  the state year after year. That's the point 

I don't believe that is the case this year when there has been a record voter turnout. With a record number of people voting you are getting more of a perspective of how the majority feels. Since there is clearly no majority I would say we are pretty divided  as a country.

Edited by Steve D
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1 minute ago, Steve D said:

I don't believe that is the case this year when there has been a record voter turnout. With a record number of people voting you are getting more of a perspective of how the majority feels. Since their is clearly no majority I would say we are pretty divided  as a country.

and you don't think the biased media has a big effect on that ?

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3 hours ago, Doc said:

So, according to the socialists of the 2016 election, I am looking for the time when we conservatives are supposed start the primal screams with the tears of anguish streaming down our faces and the screams of, "Biden is not our President." And of course we are supposed to vow that we will paralyze the country with resistance without a care of what's good for the nation. That's the left's version of losing an election. Country be damned, we need to throw a tantrum. You all remember how it went......right?

And when that doesn't work, we can do a little burning and looting. Isn't that the way we are supposed to react?

But, you know what, all that probably won't happen will it?

Now is a good time for that.

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1 minute ago, phantom said:

and you don't think the biased media has a big effect on that ?

Not anymore than Trump and his stupid statements and tweets. If he loses this election he has no one to blame but himself. If he had campaigned on his record and accomplishments rather than bashing everyone and everything including the media he would have had an easy win.

Not much the fake news can do to tarnish his positive results. Instead they go out of there way to find his shortfalls.

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19 minutes ago, blackbeltbill said:

     Hopefully Rudy will get to the bottom of this. Now, I hear on Fox that Ballots have " somehow" been cast by Dead People in Nevada. Nevada can take up to 9 Days to count.

    Trump still has a good chance to Win PENNSYLVANIA, NORTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA, + NEVADA . ALASKA will be Trump's when they finally get done.

   I think Nevada will be last on the list and ol Sleepy Joe can't be happy with that as he wants that State to be counted FIRST before the 4 others, I listed above. He would then be President. 

  I am glad Rudy is on the Ground. He is Tough.

    The 1960 Presidential Election was fraught with " Tampering " if you know your History. Again then as now-- Dead People Voted...

    Nixon complained loudly about Dirty Tricks- but never demanded a Recount. That was a Stolen Election engineered by Bootlegger Joe Kennedy who had Mob backing. 


Haha,rudy is a complete nut. Glad you have him in your camp! If you rely on him i wish you all the best, really.

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55 minutes ago, Steve D said:

Not anymore than Trump and his stupid statements and tweets. If he loses this election he has no one to blame but himself. If he had campaigned on his record and accomplishments rather than bashing everyone and everything including the media he would have had an easy win.

Not much the fake news can do to tarnish his positive results. Instead they go out of there way to find his shortfalls.

bidens just as bad really thats why they had him in the basement

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2 hours ago, Steve D said:

Not anymore than Trump and his stupid statements and tweets. If he loses this election he has no one to blame but himself. If he had campaigned on his record and accomplishments rather than bashing everyone and everything including the media he would have had an easy win.

Not much the fake news can do to tarnish his positive results. Instead they go out of there way to find his shortfalls.


That is it right there.  The only person or thing he can blame is Donald J. Trump.  Can't keep his big trap shut if his life depended on it.  Maybe close to half of the voters love him or can at least tolerate him, but obviously the other half has no use for him.  Seeing all those Trump signs in rural parts of NYS and other states was a big deception.  Go to the suburbs and cities ( where voters have just as much right to vote as elsewhere ) and you can ask them what they think of Trump.




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2 hours ago, blackbeltbill said:

     Hopefully Rudy will get to the bottom of this. Now, I hear on Fox that Ballots have " somehow" been cast by Dead People in Nevada. Nevada can take up to 9 Days to count.

    Trump still has a good chance to Win PENNSYLVANIA, NORTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA, + NEVADA . ALASKA will be Trump's when they finally get done.

   I think Nevada will be last on the list and ol Sleepy Joe can't be happy with that as he wants that State to be counted FIRST before the 4 others, I listed above. He would then be President. 

  I am glad Rudy is on the Ground. He is Tough.

    The 1960 Presidential Election was fraught with " Tampering " if you know your History. Again then as now-- Dead People Voted...

    Nixon complained loudly about Dirty Tricks- but never demanded a Recount. That was a Stolen Election engineered by Bootlegger Joe Kennedy who had Mob backing. 


Rudy is an idiot.  Stop drinking the Kool-Aid that these guys spew.

And NO, Nixon did NOT complain loudly.  He thought there might have been some fraud and there very well might have been, but for the betterment of the country and to save it from scandal and a long drawn out battle, Nixon, like a man and patriotic citizen conceded the election to Kennedy.  Not something you can ever expect from someone like Trump who just has to stir up $hit no matter what.  He could lose by 20 million freaking votes and you'd still hear the same $hit from him.



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